Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card
Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Wheel

The central symbol of the card, the wheel, represents the cyclical nature of life, destiny, and changes of fortune. It signifies the inevitable turning of tides, where sometimes we’re on top, enjoying good fortune, and at other times we find ourselves facing challenges. The wheel’s rotation reminds us that everything is transient and that situations will change, just as seasons do.

The Sphinx

Sitting atop the wheel is the Sphinx, a symbol of wisdom, mystery, and endurance. Its presence suggests that there’s a higher understanding or knowledge that oversees the turning of the wheel. The riddle of the Sphinx implies that life’s movements often come with their own sets of questions, and the answers are within reach if we seek wisdom.

The Four Creatures

In each corner of the card, there are four creatures: a man (or angel), eagle, bull, and lion. These represent the four fixed signs of the Zodiac – Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, and Leo respectively. They symbolize the stability amidst change, each holding a book to represent wisdom and the lessons learned throughout life’s cycles.


The Hebrew letter ‘Yod’ (often repeated) or the Tetragrammaton is sometimes seen floating around the wheel, symbolizing the divine name of God. This reminds us of the divine intervention and the greater cosmic force that oversees the turning of the wheel of life.

Anubis and Set

Rising and falling on the sides of the wheel are the Egyptian figures of Anubis and Set. Anubis, the god of the afterlife and mummification, represents our journey through life and the transformation of our souls. Set, a god of chaos, reminds us of the unpredictability of life and the challenges we might face.

Correspondences & Associations


The Wheel of Fortune has been a symbol throughout history, representing the cyclical nature of life, fate, and karma. The concept of a life wheel is seen in multiple cultures, from the ancient Indian idea of karma to the classical Greco-Roman understanding of the inescapable fates. The symbols on the card like the Sphinx, Anubis, and Set have their roots in ancient Egyptian mythology, and the four creatures are connected to the biblical vision of Ezekiel, each also linked to a fixed sign of the Zodiac.


This card is often associated with the element of Fire. Fire is about transformation, change, and evolution, much like the spinning wheel that brings different phases of life. The fiery essence of this card denotes the energy and force driving the wheel’s movement, ushering in new cycles and experiences.


The Wheel of Fortune is linked to the expansive and optimistic planet Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of growth, luck, and opportunity. When Jupiter’s energy is present, it often brings with it good fortune, expansion, and beneficial outcomes, resonating with the wheel’s upward momentum. However, as the wheel turns, it’s also a reminder that this planet’s expansive qualities can lead to excess if not balanced.


The Wheel of Fortune is the tenth card of the Major Arcana, associated with the number 10. In numerology, the number 10 is a powerful digit that denotes new beginnings, the start of a new cycle, and the culmination of the previous cycle. It represents both endings and beginnings, much like the cyclical turn of the wheel.


In the Tree of Life from the Kabbalistic tradition, The Wheel of Fortune corresponds to the path that connects the sephira of Chesed (Mercy) to Netzach (Eternity). This path highlights the balance between the enduring nature of existence and the ever-present mercy of the divine, again resonating with the card’s themes of cycles and divine intervention.

Jungian Archetypes

The Wheel of Fortune can be associated with the archetype of “The Gambler” in Jungian psychology. This archetype deals with fate, destiny, and the highs and lows of life. Just as a gambler takes risks, knowing the outcomes can be either rewarding or challenging, this card embodies the inherent uncertainties of life and our relationship with destiny. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing external forces while also understanding our role and response to them.

Says Wheel of Fortune

Embrace life's cycles, for they bring both lessons and blessings
Interpreting Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Destiny, Cycles, Luck, Karma, Change, Fate

General Overview

The Wheel of Fortune card is a symbol of life’s cyclical nature, capturing the essence of destiny, luck, and the ever-changing tides of time. Like the wheel that constantly turns, life too has its ups and downs, and this card serves as a reminder of this inescapable truth. The appearance of this card in a reading suggests a major turning point, where destiny and free will intersect, bringing forth significant change.

Being the tenth card in the Major Arcana, The Wheel of Fortune indicates the completion of one cycle and the beginning of another. Its rotation symbolizes the perpetual motion of life, suggesting that change is not only inevitable but also necessary for growth. While the wheel’s upward movement hints at fortune and favorable outcomes, it’s important to remember that what goes up must come down, and vice versa.

Surrounded by symbols from various traditions and mythologies, the card invites the seeker to view the unfolding events from a higher perspective. The Wheel of Fortune is not just about fate; it also speaks of personal responsibility in shaping one’s destiny. The cyclical pattern teaches that every end is a new beginning and that through understanding and acceptance, one can navigate life’s wheel with grace and wisdom.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, the Wheel of Fortune signifies a pivotal moment or shift. For those seeking love, it may point towards a destined encounter or a significant turning point in one’s love life. For those in a relationship, the card suggests the natural ebb and flow of connection, where challenges and joys are part of the journey.

It’s essential to remember that relationships, like life, are not static. There will be periods of harmony and discord, and the Wheel of Fortune calls for understanding and navigating these changes with maturity. Perhaps it’s time to address longstanding issues, or maybe a relationship is evolving, leading to deeper commitment or new experiences together.

The card also hints at the karmic nature of relationships. Some connections are meant to teach, heal, or fulfill certain soul contracts. Embracing the cyclical nature of relationships and understanding the lessons each phase brings can lead to deeper intimacy and understanding.

Career & Finances

In matters of career and finances, The Wheel of Fortune often indicates a change in circumstances. This could be a promotion, a sudden windfall, or an unexpected shift in one’s professional trajectory. Just as the wheel turns, opportunities arise, but they can be fleeting, so it’s essential to seize them when they appear.

The card also serves as a reminder of the cyclical nature of financial situations. There may be prosperous times followed by leaner periods, and vice versa. Such is the nature of life and the economy. In navigating these cycles, one is advised to plan wisely during times of abundance and have faith during challenging times, knowing the wheel will turn again in their favor.

Lastly, in the professional realm, this card suggests that fate is at play. While hard work and dedication are crucial, sometimes external factors and timing play a significant role in one’s career path. Trusting the process and being adaptable can lead to fortuitous outcomes.


The Wheel of Fortune’s appearance in a health-related query suggests fluctuations in well-being. There may be improvements for those who’ve been facing health challenges or, conversely, a need to be cautious if one has been enjoying good health. It underscores the importance of regular check-ups and not taking wellness for granted.

Its cyclical symbolism also touches upon the natural rhythms of the body and the importance of balance. Paying attention to the body’s signals, understanding its cycles, and making necessary adjustments can aid in overall well-being. It’s a call to embrace holistic health, recognizing the connection between mind, body, and spirit.

On a broader level, this card might also indicate the karmic or ancestral nature of certain health issues. Delving deeper into one’s lineage or past life patterns could provide insights into current health challenges and potential healing paths.

Spiritual Interpretation

The Wheel of Fortune, on a spiritual level, is a profound reminder of the universe’s cyclical nature and the interplay of fate and free will. It speaks of the soul’s journey through various incarnations, experiencing the highs and lows, gathering wisdom along the way. This card nudges one to see the bigger picture, understanding that every experience, be it joyous or challenging, is part of the soul’s evolution.

It also touches upon the concept of karma, suggesting that actions have consequences and that life is a series of lessons meant for spiritual growth. Encountering the Wheel of Fortune is an invitation to align with the universe’s flow

Reversed Meaning


Resistance to change, Bad luck, Interruptions, Unforeseen delays, Cycles disrupted

General Overview

When the Wheel of Fortune is drawn in its reversed position, it often signifies a resistance to the natural cycles of life and the changes that accompany them. While the upright Wheel speaks to the inevitability of change and the cyclical nature of existence, in reversal, it points to interruptions in these cycles, unexpected setbacks, or perhaps a period where it feels as though luck is not on one’s side.

This card, when reversed, may also suggest that one is not learning from the past or not recognizing the patterns that keep repeating in life. It can be a wake-up call to understand and break negative cycles, taking responsibility for one’s actions and recognizing that while fate plays a role, so does personal choice. The Wheel reversed advises introspection, suggesting that one may need to pause and reassess before moving forward.

It’s crucial to understand that even when the Wheel turns unfavorably, it is temporary. Life’s rhythm is always in motion, and just as good times pass, so do the challenging ones. Embracing adaptability and resilience during these times can lead to profound personal growth.

Love & Relationships

In matters of the heart, a reversed Wheel of Fortune may indicate a period of stagnation or recurring issues that haven’t been addressed. Old patterns might resurface, leading to misunderstandings or repetitive arguments. This reversal could also hint at external factors interrupting the natural flow of a relationship.

For those seeking love, this card may suggest unexpected delays or the feeling of going in circles without making genuine connections. It’s a call to reflect on personal patterns in relationships and to consider if past behaviors or choices are influencing current circumstances. Healing and introspection may be necessary before the wheel turns in a more favorable direction.

However, it’s essential to remember that relationships, much like life, have their ebb and flow. Challenges are an opportunity for growth and deepening understanding. Embracing patience and open communication can help navigate this period.

Career & Finances

Regarding one’s professional life or financial situation, the reversed Wheel of Fortune might indicate unforeseen setbacks, delays, or disruptions. Projects might not move forward as planned, or there could be unexpected financial challenges. This card in reversal may also suggest a repetitive cycle of financial mismanagement or career choices that don’t align with one’s higher purpose.

It’s a period to exercise caution, especially with investments or new ventures. Due diligence, seeking advice, and being wary of shortcuts or too-good-to-be-true opportunities will be wise. Recognizing and learning from past mistakes can lead to better choices in the future.

Remember, setbacks are temporary. By navigating challenges with wisdom, persistence, and adaptability, one can steer the wheel back in a favorable direction and ensure longer-term stability and success.


In terms of health, the reversed Wheel of Fortune suggests a need for vigilance. Past health issues might resurface, or there may be unexpected disruptions in one’s well-being. This card underscores the importance of regular health check-ups, and not ignoring symptoms or dismissing the body’s signals.

It could also point towards patterns or habits that negatively impact health. Be it repetitive cycles of neglect, overindulgence, or avoiding necessary treatments, the reversed Wheel prompts one to break these patterns for the sake of long-term well-being.

Embracing a holistic approach, addressing both physical and emotional health, and seeking balance can help in realigning with the body’s natural rhythm and ensuring better health outcomes.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual plane, the reversed Wheel of Fortune calls for introspection regarding one’s life path and spiritual journey. It might indicate feeling out of sync with the universe or a sense of spiritual stagnation. Past karma, unresolved spiritual lessons, or resistance to one’s true path might be causing disruptions.

This card encourages delving deep into the soul’s journey, understanding past patterns, and seeking lessons in challenges. It’s a period for inner reflection, meditation, and seeking spiritual guidance to realign with one’s higher self and purpose.

Ultimately, the reversed Wheel of Fortune serves as a reminder that even in periods of spiritual uncertainty or disconnection, the wheel will turn again. Embracing patience, faith, and the understanding that every experience is a stepping stone on the spiritual path will lead to growth and enlightenment.

Wheel of Fortune and Manifesting


The Wheel of Fortune tarot card, representing cycles, fate, and divine intervention, is a potent tool for manifestation when used with intention. Here’s how it can be employed to harness its energy for manifesting desires:

Visualization: Begin by meditating with the Wheel of Fortune card. Visualize the wheel turning in your favor, aligning the universe’s forces to manifest your desires. As the wheel spins, see it gathering momentum and attracting all the elements necessary for your goals.

Affirmations: Use affirmations that align with the energy of the Wheel of Fortune. Phrases like “I am in sync with the universe’s rhythms,” or “Fortune favors me, and my desires manifest effortlessly” can help channel the card’s energy.

Embrace Change: The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that change is inevitable. For manifestation, this means being open to opportunities that may come in unexpected forms. It’s essential to stay adaptable and recognize that sometimes the universe’s path to fulfilling our desires might differ from our planned route.

Acknowledge Cycles: Everything has its own time. Recognize the cycles in your life and work with them, not against them. If you’re in a phase of planting seeds, focus on preparation and intention setting. If you’re in a harvest phase, focus on gratitude and reaping the rewards.

Trust in Divine Timing: The Wheel of Fortune teaches us about divine intervention and the serendipity of timing. Understand that the universe has its own timeline, which may not always align with our impatience. Trust that what you’re manifesting will come to you when the time is right.

Release Control: One of the lessons of the Wheel of Fortune is the interplay of fate and free will. While we have the power to make choices and set intentions, there are greater forces at play. Surrender to the universe, release the need to control every outcome, and trust that the wheel will turn in your favor.

Gratitude Journaling: As the wheel turns, it brings both highs and lows. By maintaining a gratitude journal, you anchor yourself in a positive mindset, recognizing and appreciating the blessings that come your way. This act intensifies the positive energy you’re sending out, making it more potent for manifestation.

Remember, manifestation is as much about the journey as the destination. The Wheel of Fortune reminds us to stay centered, trust in the universe, and believe that everything is turning in our favor, even if it’s not immediately apparent.

Affirmations to use

Here are five affirmations to help channel the energy of The Wheel of Fortune:

  1. “I trust the divine timing of the universe and know that everything is aligning for my highest good.”
  2. “I embrace the cycles of life, understanding that each phase brings its own blessings.”
  3. “Fortune favors me, and I am in sync with the universe’s rhythms.”
  4. “I release the need for control and surrender to the greater forces guiding me.”
  5. “Change is a natural part of life, and I adapt with grace, knowing that each turn of the wheel brings new opportunities.”

To use these affirmations effectively and align with the energy of the Wheel of Fortune, it’s essential to internalize their meanings and truly believe in the messages they convey. Start by choosing a quiet place where you can sit comfortably. Hold the Wheel of Fortune card in your hands or place it in front of you. Close your eyes and take deep breaths to center yourself. As you inhale and exhale, recite each affirmation aloud or silently. Feel the vibrations of each word and trust in the energy they bring. Visualize the wheel turning, bringing with it positive changes and aligning with your intentions. By repeating these affirmations daily, you’re not only channeling the card’s energy but also attuning your mind to a frequency of trust, acceptance, and positive anticipation.