Six of Wands Tarot Card
Six of Wands Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

Raised Wand

The wand raised high by the central figure represents power and authority, indicating that the person has gained a position of leadership or dominance. The wand, like a standard in battle, marks a cause for celebration and the culmination of efforts.

Wreath of Laurels

The wreath of laurels symbolizes victory and accomplishment, echoing the sentiment of triumphant return after a battle well-fought. It also signifies the achievement of one’s aims or the realization of one’s ambitions.

Riding Horse

The figure on the card rides a horse, a powerful symbol of strength and speed, elements that have contributed to the victory. The horse symbolizes the vehicle of willpower and determination that has carried the figure to this point of achievement.

White Horse

The color of the horse being white is symbolic of purity and nobility. It signifies that the victory was achieved through honorable means, maintaining integrity throughout the process.

Horse’s Decorative Harness

The harness and regalia worn by the horse are not merely ornamental but signify the nobility and honor associated with the quest or struggle that led to this point of victory. These decorations further emphasize the dignified and honorable nature of the triumph, suggesting that it was not just a win, but a win worthy of celebration and respect.

Supporting Crowd

The crowd of people with wands in the background symbolizes community support, social approval, and also perhaps the competition that has been surpassed. Their presence amplifies the theme of triumph and validation from society.

Correspondences & Associations


The Six of Wands resonates with the concept of a triumphant return, akin to that of a conquering hero. One might associate it with the victorious returns of legendary figures like Odysseus or Julius Caesar, who were welcomed with exuberant celebrations. The card also echoes mythological themes of overcoming adversity and receiving just reward.


This card is associated with the element of Fire, signifying enthusiasm, willpower, and transformation. The qualities of Fire are here harnessed towards a triumphant purpose, a completion that is marked by public acknowledgement.


The card can be associated with the planet Jupiter, representing expansion and blessings, and the zodiac sign of Leo, which governs self-expression, creativity, and leadership. It can also be linked to the astrological 10th House, which is about public life and career achievements.


The number 6 is significant in numerology for its associations with balance, harmony, and problem-solving. It implies that a period of struggle or uncertainty has led to a phase of resolution and peace.


In Kabbalistic terms, this card could be associated with the sephira of Tiphareth, which embodies beauty, harmony, and integrative balance. It is a point of union among various forces, mirroring the union of struggle and triumph represented by the card.

Jungian Archetypes

The Jungian archetype most closely resembling the Six of Wands would be the Hero. This archetype embodies our collective desire for self-transformation, and the psychological significance here lies in the overcoming of obstacles to gain a victory that is acknowledged by the community or the self.

The Six of Wands' Vibe

From battle to victory, a triumph well-deserved
Interpreting the Six of Wands Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Victory, Recognition, Leadership, Accomplishment, Triumph

General Overview

The Six of Wands embodies the principle of recognized success and the glory that comes with it. Here, one has overcome challenges and obstacles, emerging as the victor. This card signifies not just the personal joy of success, but the recognition of one’s achievements by others, often manifesting as public praise or acclaim.

As you find yourself astride the horse of victory, remember that this moment is both an end and a beginning. Every conquest provides the foundation for the next challenge, the next transformation. While you are justified in celebrating your accomplishments, the wise use of this time would be to reflect on your journey and prepare for future endeavors.

This card often appears during times when you have surmounted significant challenges or are about to enter a period of ease and recognition after struggle. It provides the reassurance that your efforts have not been in vain and that you will be or are now being recognized for them.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, the Six of Wands heralds a time of happiness and mutual acknowledgment. If you are in a relationship, it indicates a phase where both partners recognize and appreciate each other’s efforts and contributions.

If you are single and seeking love, this card suggests that you may soon enjoy the sort of attention and admiration that you’ve been hoping for. It’s a sign that you have succeeded in the quest for self-love and are now ready to receive external love in turn.

Be it familial, platonic, or romantic, the relationships in your life are sources of joy and strength at this time. Trust in the goodness that you have cultivated within and around you.

Career & Finances

In matters of work and career, the Six of Wands indicates a period of accomplishment and recognition. You may be in line for a promotion, an award, or some form of public recognition for your professional abilities.

Your financial situation is likely to benefit from this increased visibility. Your efforts have brought you into a favorable light, which often carries financial benefits, either through a salary raise or increased business opportunities.

Though the card indicates a favorable situation, let this not make you complacent. Your next challenge, your next growth opportunity is just beyond the horizon. Your current success can act as a stepping stone towards even greater achievements.


In the realm of health, the Six of Wands often indicates recovery or the favorable resolution of a health issue. Your efforts towards a healthier lifestyle or overcoming a specific medical challenge are likely to be successful.

Whether you have been battling illness or merely striving for improved well-being, this card suggests you’re on the path to success. It is a positive omen for both physical and mental health, indicating strength, vitality, and emotional balance.

However, this card also implies the importance of not resting on one’s laurels. Continue with the positive habits that have led you to this point of well-being. Maintain a balanced lifestyle to ensure your continued health.

Spiritual Interpretation

In spiritual terms, the Six of Wands indicates a period of inner harmony and outward recognition of your spiritual achievements. You may have reached a significant milestone in your spiritual journey, and others are likely to look to you for guidance and inspiration.

The card is a sign that your inner work has created a resonance that not only nourishes you but also has a positive impact on those around you. Your spiritual light shines bright, illuminating the way for others and bringing you closer to your higher self.

It is essential to remember that spiritual growth is a continuous journey. The wisdom you’ve gained should be used to further your understanding and deepen your connection to the spiritual realms. Use this time of achievement as a platform for even greater explorations into the mystical aspects of existence.

Reversed Meaning


Delayed Recognition, Arrogance, Setback, False Victory, Humility Required

General Overview

In its reversed position, the Six of Wands serves as a cautionary tale against the pitfalls of arrogance and the ephemeral nature of success. Here, the laurels of victory may turn out to be illusory, or the recognition you seek might be delayed or denied. This card, when upside-down, can signify a loss of reputation or a moment where your accomplishments are being overlooked or even disparaged.

The card reminds you to evaluate your actions and intentions critically. Are you pursuing goals for the sake of true achievement, or merely for external validation? It may also be an indication that your ego has gotten the better of you, cautioning you to humble yourself before the pendulum of fortune swings back into a less favorable position.

Despite its warning, this card does not necessarily portend failure but rather serves as a reminder to align your actions with your true intentions and values. Your course of action might need adjustment, but the ultimate goal is still within reach.

Love & Relationships

When it comes to love and relationships, a reversed Six of Wands warns of misunderstandings or misplaced priorities. There may be a lack of acknowledgment or appreciation from your partner, leading to emotional discord. It could also suggest that one person is hogging the limelight, forgetting the partnership’s collaborative nature.

If you’re single, this card might indicate that your search for love has led you to pursue superficial attributes rather than genuine connection. It’s a call to reflect on what you truly value in a relationship.

In either case, the card emphasizes the need for humility and mutual recognition. If misunderstandings have occurred, now is the time for open communication and a reset, giving both parties the opportunity to air grievances and readjust expectations.

Career & Finances

In matters of career and finances, the reversed Six of Wands suggests setbacks, delays, or underappreciation. The promotion you’ve been hoping for may be postponed, or a project you’ve invested in might not yield the expected returns immediately.

This position does not denote ultimate failure but rather a need for reassessment. Perhaps the strategies employed thus far require reevaluation, or it may be wise to consider a change in direction.

Financially, this card advises against resting on past successes and encourages prudent management of resources. An overconfident investment or reckless spending could lead to disappointment.


In terms of health, a reversed Six of Wands could imply delays in recovery or setbacks in a health regimen. It may indicate that you’re not achieving your health goals as quickly as you’d like.

This card calls for a reassessment of your health strategies. Are your actions aligned with your goals? If not, it may be time to consult professionals or seek additional support.

While this position may signify challenges, it should not be interpreted as a long-term negative outcome. Rather, it serves as a reminder to realign your habits and choices with your overall well-being goals.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the reversed Six of Wands could suggest that you’re facing obstacles in your spiritual journey or not receiving the recognition you believe you deserve for your spiritual efforts. This could manifest as feeling disconnected or less enlightened than you think you ought to be.

However, remember that true spiritual growth often comes through challenges and humbling experiences. A setback can serve as a powerful lesson, pushing you to go deeper into your spiritual practices and values.

It’s a call to examine your spiritual path critically. Are you walking this path for the inner peace and understanding it brings, or for some form of external validation or recognition? Use this time to refocus and realign your spiritual aspirations.

Six of Wands and Manifesting


Here’s how you can use the Six of Wands tarot card for manifestation:

Celebrating Achievements: The Six of Wands is a card of victory and public recognition. When you’re looking to manifest your goals, place this card on your altar or vision board as a reminder that your efforts will be acknowledged and rewarded. Meditating on this card can help amplify the feeling of success, pulling that energy into your present and future endeavors.

Boosting Self-Confidence: This card’s energy can be channeled to elevate your self-esteem and confidence levels, crucial aspects for manifestation. Use this card as a tool to overcome fears or self-doubt that may be hindering your progress toward your goals.

Inspiring Leadership: The Six of Wands also signifies leadership and inspiration. If your goals require you to take on a leadership role or inspire others, this card can help you embody these qualities. Focus on the card while contemplating the responsibilities and rewards of leadership, and ask for the courage to lead effectively.

Embracing Public Recognition: Often, we shy away from the limelight even if we desire success. If your manifestation goals include public recognition, career advancement, or social acclaim, the Six of Wands encourages you to embrace public acknowledgment as a form of energetic exchange, thereby bringing you closer to your goals.

Energizing Your Support Network: The crowd in the background of the Six of Wands represents your support network. When working on manifestation, it can be beneficial to have the support of others. Visualize drawing energy from your community or network to bolster your efforts and bring your vision into reality.

By channeling the Six of Wands’ energy of victory, confidence, and public recognition, you are aligning yourself with success, thereby attracting experiences and opportunities that resonate with your goals.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I celebrate my achievements and embrace my journey towards success.”
  2. “I am confident in my abilities and know that I am deserving of recognition.”
  3. “I lead with courage, inspiring others as I move forward.”
  4. “I graciously accept the support and admiration of others as I fulfill my goals.”
  5. “Every victory, big or small, brings me closer to my highest self.”

To align with the energy of the Six of Wands, you may recite these affirmations daily or as often as you feel necessary. Consider holding the Six of Wands card or visualizing its imagery as you speak these affirmations aloud. Focus on the feelings of victory, self-confidence, and leadership that the card embodies. You may also write these affirmations down and place them on your altar, vision board, or any space that serves as a spiritual focal point for you. By doing this, you are channeling the card’s positive energies to reinforce your own path to success and personal development.