Justice Tarot Card
Justice Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Scales

The scales, held in Justice’s left hand, symbolize balance and the weighing of actions and their consequences. They signify the delicate equilibrium of truth, highlighting the universal quest for fairness and the necessity of making impartial judgments.

The Double-Edged Sword

Held upright in her right hand, the double-edged sword conveys the idea that decisions and actions have both positive and negative consequences. It also alludes to clarity, truth, and the cutting through of illusions. The upright position of the sword suggests an alignment with divine justice and the readiness to act upon it.

The Crown

Atop Justice’s head sits a crown, a symbol of divine authority. This emphasizes that true justice is a divine principle and that decisions made with integrity align with the higher truths of the universe.

The Pillars

Behind Justice, the two pillars frame her, representing the duality of situations – right and wrong, good and evil. This further accentuates the card’s theme of balance and the essential role of discernment in achieving justice.

The Robe

The robe worn by Justice, typically depicted as red, signifies the power of wisdom and the importance of making choices rooted in understanding and compassion. It’s a reminder that true justice combines both intellect and heart.

Veil Behind Justice

The veil that often hangs behind the Justice figure represents the veils of illusion, ignorance, and misinformation that must be penetrated in order to reach the truth. The presence of the veil, positioned behind the figure, suggests that true Justice sees beyond superficialities and is not swayed by external influences or biases.

Correspondences & Associations


The figure of Justice, as depicted in the Tarot, has deep roots in mythology and history. She can be linked to the ancient Egyptian goddess Ma’at, who represented truth, balance, and order. The ancient Greeks revered the goddess Themis, who personified divine order, law, and custom, and her daughter Dike, who was a symbol of moral justice. The blindfold, often seen in various depictions, signifies impartiality, emphasizing that justice is blind to external influences.


Justice is associated with the element of Air. Air represents the realm of thought, intellect, and communication. Like the clear, unbiased nature of the air, the Justice card indicates clarity in judgment, intellectual balance, and fairness. It’s about analyzing situations with a clear mind and making decisions based on reason and understanding.


Justice is correlated with the zodiac sign Libra. Libra, ruled by Venus, seeks balance, harmony, and fairness in all matters. This sign is renowned for its diplomatic nature, its ability to weigh both sides of an argument, and its inherent sense of justice and equity.


The Justice card is associated with the number 11 (in some decks it’s 8, with Strength being 11). As a master number, 11 is often seen as the “Intuitive Illuminator”, representing intuition, spiritual insight, and enlightenment. It embodies the need for balance, both internally and externally.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, Justice is linked to the 22nd path, connecting Tiphareth (Beauty) and Geburah (Severity). This path represents the balancing act of maintaining harmony and beauty by using judgment and severity when necessary.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, the Justice card can be related to the archetype of the Judge or the Arbitrator. This archetype embodies the principle of fairness, balance, and the analytical mind. It stands for the conscious choices we make, the moral codes we live by, and our ability to differentiate right from wrong.

Says Justice

With every action, there is an equal and just reaction
Interpreting Justice Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Balance, Fairness, Truth, Law, Clarity, Impartiality

General Overview

The Justice card stands tall as an embodiment of fairness, balance, and, most importantly, truth. When it appears in a spread, it beckons the querent to take a hard look at their actions and decisions, ensuring that they are standing in alignment with their inner truth and the truth of the universe. It can indicate legal matters or court cases, but more broadly, it speaks of the universal law of cause and effect, reminding us that our actions, whether good or ill, will come back to us.

This card also stresses the importance of balance in our lives. Just as the scales must be balanced to serve justice, so must we balance our desires, actions, and emotions to walk the path of righteousness. Justice is impartial and unbiased, asking us to act with integrity and fairness, irrespective of personal feelings or biases.

In its essence, the Justice card is a moral compass, pointing the way to truth and balance. It encourages clear thought, decisive action, and above all, responsibility for one’s choices. It is a reminder that every action has a consequence, and we must be prepared to face the results of our decisions, whether they bring joy or challenge.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love, the Justice card might signify a relationship that is well-balanced, where both partners treat each other with fairness and respect. It’s an indication of a partnership built on mutual understanding and clear communication, where both individuals are committed to maintaining equilibrium.

If there have been issues or disputes, Justice suggests taking a step back and evaluating the relationship objectively. It calls for open dialogue and a willingness to see the situation from the other person’s viewpoint. In some cases, it may indicate a need for mediation or counseling to resolve disputes.

For singles, this card may advise that now is a time for introspection, evaluating what you truly seek in a relationship. By understanding and balancing your own needs and desires, you can better align with a partner who complements your life and values.

Career & Finances

Within the professional sphere, Justice may indicate that your work environment is one of fairness and balance. If you’ve been putting in hard work and dedication, expect to see rightful rewards. On the flip side, if there have been discrepancies or unethical behaviors, Justice warns that these may soon come to light and be addressed.

If you’re contemplating a change in your career or a significant business decision, this card advises thorough consideration. Ensure that your actions align with your moral and ethical standards. Avoid shortcuts, and remember that integrity will serve you best in the long run.

Financially, Justice might indicate a settlement, inheritance, or financial judgment coming your way. It’s also a reminder to be fair and just in all financial dealings, understanding that dishonesty or manipulation in monetary matters can have significant repercussions.


The Justice card, when related to health, signals a time of balance. It suggests that you might be finding equilibrium in your health regimen or, conversely, need to seek it. If you’ve been neglecting certain aspects of your health, now is the time to address them.

If you’ve been experiencing health issues, Justice can imply that a correct diagnosis or effective treatment is on the horizon. It’s a nudge to seek second opinions if something feels off and to trust in the process of finding the right healthcare solution.

It’s a call to treat your body with respect and fairness. Just as we must be just in our dealings with others, we must also be just with ourselves, giving our bodies the care, rest, and nourishment they deserve.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, Justice embodies the karmic laws of the universe. It’s a reminder that every action, thought, and intention has a ripple effect, influencing our spiritual journey. As we seek growth and enlightenment, it’s crucial to act with integrity, understanding that our choices directly impact our spiritual path.

It asks us to evaluate our actions and intentions, ensuring that they align with our higher self and the greater good of all. By acting in harmony with the universe and its moral code, we not only progress on our own spiritual journey but also contribute to the collective consciousness positively.

Justice serves as a spiritual compass, guiding us toward alignment with universal truths and principles. It’s a beacon, reminding us that by acting with fairness, clarity, and truth, we not only serve ourselves but the greater cosmic order.

Reversed Meaning


Unfairness, Injustice, Lack of Accountability, Dishonesty, Bias

General Overview

When Justice is inverted, the scales of balance are disrupted, and the sword of truth is misaligned. This reversal speaks of a situation where fairness is lacking and where the moral compass may have gone awry. It might point to a time when personal biases are clouding judgment, leading to decisions that are not founded on truth or equity. In some cases, it could signal a miscarriage of justice or a situation where one is avoiding taking responsibility for one’s actions.

The reversed Justice card can indicate legal complications or unfavorable outcomes in court cases. It serves as a reminder that truth and integrity are paramount and warns against trying to manipulate situations or deceive others. It’s a call to face the consequences of one’s actions and decisions, even if they are not favorable.

This card’s appearance in this position urges introspection. It beckons one to evaluate if their actions, thoughts, and intentions align with truth and justice. It’s an invitation to realign with one’s inner moral code and seek balance in all dealings.

Love & Relationships

In matters of the heart, the reversed Justice card can signify an imbalance in the relationship. There may be issues of unfairness, lack of reciprocity, or even dishonesty between partners. It’s an indication that one party might feel wronged or that there’s a lack of transparency in the relationship.

This card’s appearance can also point to unresolved disputes or lingering resentments. It suggests a need for open communication to address any underlying issues and find a way to restore balance. If there have been past mistakes, it’s a call for accountability and making amends.

For singles, the reversed Justice card might advise caution. It suggests that one might be viewing potential partners through a biased lens, which could lead to skewed judgments or decisions. It’s essential to approach new relationships with clarity and honesty, ensuring that one’s intentions and actions are aligned with truth.

Career & Finances

In the realm of career and finances, the inverted Justice card might point to unethical behaviors or dealings. It could indicate issues like workplace discrimination, bias, or even outright deceit. If one has been involved in dubious activities, this card warns of potential repercussions and the need for rectification.

Financially, this card warns against making decisions based on skewed information or letting personal biases cloud one’s judgment. It suggests being extra cautious with contracts or agreements, ensuring that everything is transparent and above board.

For those in legal professions or roles that require making judgments, this card urges a reevaluation of one’s decision-making process. It’s a call to ensure fairness and impartiality in all professional dealings, keeping personal biases at bay.


Regarding health, the reversed Justice card may point to misdiagnoses or treatments that aren’t effective. It suggests taking a second look at one’s health issues and perhaps seeking a second opinion if something doesn’t feel right.

This card can also indicate neglecting certain aspects of one’s health or not taking responsibility for one’s well-being. It’s a call to be honest about health habits and take proactive steps towards achieving balance and vitality.

Moreover, it might point to mental and emotional imbalances, where one’s sense of fairness and justice is being tested. It’s essential to address any feelings of resentment or injustice to maintain overall well-being.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual plane, the reversed Justice card might indicate a period where one feels out of alignment with universal truths and principles. It could suggest that personal biases or unresolved emotions are clouding one’s spiritual path.

This card calls for a deep introspection and purification. It’s a reminder that every action and intention carries karmic weight and that it’s crucial to act in harmony with universal laws. By realigning with truth and fairness, one can find clarity and direction on their spiritual journey.

In essence, while this reversal might signal challenges or feelings of imbalance, it’s also an opportunity. It offers a chance to recalibrate one’s moral compass, ensuring that every step taken is in alignment with higher truths and spiritual principles.

Justice and Manifesting


The Justice tarot card embodies the principles of fairness, balance, truth, and cause and effect. Using the energy of the Justice card can greatly support manifestation practices, especially when seeking harmony, integrity, and karmic balance in one’s endeavors. Here’s how one can employ the Justice card for manifestation:

Clearing Karmic Debt: Before starting any new manifestation, it’s essential to clear old energies and past debts. Meditating with the Justice card can help you connect with past actions and intentions, allowing you to send healing and forgiveness to situations where you might have acted out of alignment with your higher self.

Setting Intentions with Integrity: When setting intentions for manifestation, use the Justice card as a guide to ensure that your desires come from a place of honesty and integrity. Ask yourself if your wishes harm none and benefit all. Remember, the universe responds to authenticity.

Balancing Give and Take: The Justice card reminds us of the balance of giving and receiving. To manifest successfully, it’s essential to ensure that you’re not just taking from the universe but also giving back. This could be in the form of gratitude, service, or any other way you feel called.

Affirmations: Use affirmations that resonate with the energy of justice. For instance, “I act with integrity and truth in all my endeavors,” or “The universe supports my quest for fairness and balance.”

Visualizing Balance: Spend time visualizing your life as balanced and harmonious. Imagine the scales of justice evenly poised, reflecting the equilibrium you desire in your personal and professional life.

Acting with Fairness: Remember that manifestation is not just about thoughts and intentions; it’s also about action. Make sure that your actions align with the principles of fairness and integrity. If you’re trying to manifest a specific outcome, ask if your actions towards that goal are just and righteous.

Releasing and Trusting the Process: The Justice card teaches us that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Once you’ve set your intentions and acted in alignment with them, trust that the universe will respond in kind. It might not always be in the way you expect, but it will always be fair.

Incorporating the energy of the Justice card into your manifestation rituals can bring a deeper sense of purpose and alignment to your endeavors, ensuring that what you attract resonates with truth, balance, and cosmic fairness.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I act with integrity and truth in all my endeavors.”
  2. “The universe supports my quest for fairness and balance.”
  3. “Every decision I make aligns with my highest truth and the greater good.”
  4. “I trust in the cosmic law of cause and effect, knowing that balance will always prevail.”
  5. “I am guided by justice and fairness in every step I take.”

To align with the energy of the Justice card, these affirmations should be used with a clear and open heart. Begin by grounding yourself, either through meditation or by simply taking a few deep breaths. As you recite each affirmation, visualize the scales of justice balancing perfectly, symbolizing equilibrium in your life. Feel the energy of righteousness and truth enveloping you. Say these affirmations daily, preferably in the morning to set the tone for your day or at night to reflect on your actions. By consistently channeling the energy of Justice, you reaffirm your commitment to live with integrity, ensuring that your actions and decisions are aligned with your highest good and the well-being of others.