Eight of Swords Tarot Card
Eight of Swords Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

Blindfolded Woman

The woman in the Eight of Swords is blindfolded, symbolizing ignorance or a lack of clarity. This represents the querent’s feelings of powerlessness and limitation. It’s an internal prison more than an external one.

Encircling Swords

The eight swords surrounding the woman denote obstacles or problems that seem almost insurmountable. These swords, however, are planted in the ground and not touching her, indicating that these limitations are more mental or self-imposed than real.

Bounded Hands

The woman’s hands are bound, reinforcing the concept of restriction but also showing that she has some ability to free herself. The limitation is not total; it is rather a state of mind or a set of circumstances that can be changed with effort.

Pooling Water and Rocky Terrain

The water and the rocky terrain behind the woman symbolize emotional turmoil and unstable ground, respectively. They point to the challenges faced but also to the potential for change; water is always in motion and rocks can be climbed or traversed.

Castle in the Background

A castle is faintly visible in the distance, suggesting that there is a way out of her present situation; liberation and a more prosperous circumstance are within reach, but likely require some strategic maneuvering.

Correspondences & Associations


The Eight of Swords is closely associated with themes found in mythological tales of imprisonment, like those of Andromeda or Prometheus. In such stories, the main characters find themselves in dire situations but are often freed through cleverness, strength, or outside help.


This card is associated with the element of Air, which represents thoughts, intellect, and communication. In this case, the Air element embodies the mental traps and self-imposed limitations that one may face.


The card is associated with the planet Jupiter in the sign of Gemini. Jupiter’s expansive nature may seem at odds with the restrictive scenario, but it hints at the larger life lessons that can be learned through the challenges presented. Gemini adds a dual nature, suggesting both the problem and the solution lie in the realm of thought and communication.


The number eight is traditionally associated with power, regeneration, and cycles. However, in the context of this card, it often signifies a cycle of restriction or self-imposed limitations that one has the power to break.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, this card corresponds to the path between Hod and Gevurah, representing the tension between splendor and severity. It embodies the harsh lessons that often lead to wisdom and growth.

Jungian Archetypes

The Jungian archetype most closely related to this card is that of The Prisoner or The Victim. This archetype brings attention to the internal psychological states that contribute to one feeling trapped or victimized, emphasizing the potential for self-liberation through awareness and change.

The Eight of Swords' Vibe

The only chains holding you are in your mind
Interpreting the Eight of Swords Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Restriction, Imprisonment, Mental Blocks, Self-Imposed Limitation

General Overview

The Eight of Swords represents a condition of constriction, primarily of the mental kind. It symbolizes the self-imposed limitations and barriers that one places upon oneself, often out of fear or insecurity. The card suggests that the true obstacle to progress is not external circumstances but one’s own mindset.

Though the depicted figure is bound and blindfolded, surrounded by swords, the predicament is less dire than it appears. The water at her feet represents the untapped emotional and intuitive resources that can aid her. The castle in the background indicates that help or a better situation is not far off, if only one would change their perspective.

When this card appears, it often serves as a caution against inaction or pessimism. One must use introspection and perhaps seek wise counsel to remove the blindfolds of doubt and the bindings of self-defeating thoughts.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love or interpersonal relationships, the Eight of Swords can denote a feeling of being stuck or limited. Perhaps the fear of rejection or past heartbreaks is preventing you from fully engaging in a relationship. Or, maybe you feel trapped in an unfulfilling relationship but can’t see a way out.

It is essential to remember that most barriers in love are mental rather than factual. Communication can free you from your self-imposed restrictions. Whether you’re in a relationship or seeking one, it’s crucial to realize that you have more options than you might think.

The card also encourages you to look at your own contributions to any difficulties in relationships. Are your own fears and insecurities limiting your happiness? You may find that when you confront your own restrictions, the external issues become easier to handle.

Career & Finances

In a career context, this card could indicate that you feel stuck in your current job or have hit a creative or professional plateau. It is easy to blame external circumstances, but the card suggests the first step to breaking free is a change in mindset.

Similarly, financial limitations often start with your own attitudes and beliefs about money. If you’re facing financial hardships, consider whether your own choices and fears are contributing to the situation. Reevaluate your financial strategies and seek expert advice if needed.

Though the card seems to present a gloomy picture, it often heralds the necessary ‘dark before dawn’—a period of realization that precedes significant change and improvement.


Regarding health, the Eight of Swords advises a fresh perspective. If you’re facing health issues, it’s crucial not to let fear and anxiety cloud your judgment. These negative emotions can be obstacles to recovery or understanding your condition better.

The card may also indicate that you are feeling trapped by a diagnosis or the limitations of a condition. While it’s important to seek and follow medical advice, remember that mindset plays a crucial role in well-being.

Alternative treatments and lifestyle changes might offer paths to wellness that you haven’t considered. Open your mind to different approaches and consult various experts to get a comprehensive view.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the Eight of Swords speaks to the restrictions we place on our spiritual growth. Fear of the unknown, or attachment to dogmatic beliefs, can hinder our spiritual journey. One needs to free oneself from these self-imposed limitations to truly grow.

This card urges you to question the beliefs and thought patterns that form your spiritual ‘prison.’ Inner freedom starts with awareness, and awareness begins with questioning.

The swords that encircle you also represent mental constructs that can be weapons of self-destruction or tools for liberation. The choice is yours. Spiritual growth often begins with a struggle but ends in newfound freedom.

Reversed Meaning


Release, New Perspective, Overcoming Restrictions, Mental Freedom

General Overview

In its reversed position, the Eight of Swords suggests a time of emerging clarity and the breaking of old patterns. The mental fog lifts, and the restrictions that once seemed overwhelming are either diminishing or becoming easier to overcome. One starts to see possibilities where before there were only obstacles.

The card indicates that the mental or emotional blindfolds have been removed, either through personal introspection or external events. There’s a sense of newfound freedom and liberation. However, it is important to be conscious of this change and act on it, lest old habits resurface.

Despite the positive undertone of release, the reversed Eight of Swords also serves as a reminder to be cautious. While it’s natural to feel relieved and optimistic, it’s equally important to address the root causes that led to your previous state of confinement.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, the reversed Eight of Swords can indicate the breaking down of barriers that have previously caused issues. Whether these are internal fears or external circumstances, the card suggests that now is a good time to revisit or reevaluate relationships.

If you’ve been feeling trapped in a relationship, the reverse of this card often signifies a newfound ability to communicate your concerns and desires, effectively unbinding yourself from self-imposed restrictions or unhealthy patterns.

For those looking for love, the card may signify that you’re finally letting go of past hurts or self-limiting beliefs about what you deserve. This new mental freedom can greatly improve your chances of finding a fulfilling relationship.

Career & Finances

The reversed Eight of Swords in the context of career indicates that you’re breaking free from previous limitations. Maybe you’ve overcome a challenge at work or perhaps your mindset has shifted, allowing you to seize opportunities you once thought were out of reach.

Financially, the card could signify a lifting of burdens. Debts may be clearing, or you may find a new way to approach financial planning that frees you from previous worries.

However, the caution remains: while your current path may be freer, remember the lessons learned from past restrictions to ensure that you don’t fall back into old traps.


When reversed, this card often indicates a positive turn in health matters. This could manifest as a correct diagnosis, a successful treatment, or a newfound mental strength that helps in dealing with a condition. It can also signify the overcoming of unhealthy habits or phobias.

The card advises that, along with your physical health, you should also continue to foster your mental well-being. Negative thought patterns not only contribute to physical ailments but can also be ailments in themselves.

Importantly, while the card suggests improvements, it also emphasizes that maintaining good health requires sustained effort and a balanced mind.

Spiritual Interpretation

In a spiritual context, the reversed Eight of Swords can indicate a period of accelerated spiritual growth or awakening. You may be able to see through the illusions that once held you back and enter a new phase of personal and spiritual development.

The card urges you to actively engage with this new spiritual freedom. Whether through study, meditation, or active practice, there are many paths to spiritual fulfillment, and now you are freer to explore them.

The reversal of this card can also signify the shedding of old beliefs or spiritual systems that no longer serve you. While this process can be liberating, it’s also important to approach new beliefs with discernment.

Eight of Swords and Manifesting


The Eight of Swords card often deals with limitations, whether they’re self-imposed or external. While it may not seem like the most positive card for manifestation, its energy can be harnessed to address and overcome limitations in your life, thereby making room for what you desire to manifest. Here’s how you can use the Eight of Swords for manifestation:

Identify Limiting Beliefs: First, sit quietly and meditate with the Eight of Swords card. Ask yourself what limiting beliefs or situations are holding you back from achieving your goals.

Affirm Your Freedom: Create affirmations that counteract these limitations. For example, if you feel stuck in your career, your affirmation could be, “I am capable and deserving of a fulfilling career.”

Visualize the Unbinding: The Eight of Swords often features a woman bound and blindfolded. Imagine yourself in her place, then visualize the ropes loosening and falling away, the blindfold being removed, revealing a clear, limitless sky. Feel the freedom and relief wash over you.

Plan and Act: Now that you’ve identified the limitations and visualized them being removed, what actions will you take to make this a reality? Manifestation involves not just wishful thinking but actionable steps.

Regular Reinforcement: Keep the card in a place where you will see it regularly as a reminder of your commitment to break free from your limitations. This will keep the energy of the card and your affirmations active.

The Eight of Swords can serve as a potent reminder that the only limitations that exist are the ones you impose on yourself or allow to be imposed upon you. Use this card to break free and manifest the life you desire.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am releasing self-imposed limitations and embracing freedom.”
  2. “I have the power to break free from mental constraints.”
  3. “I am gaining clarity and vision to see the path ahead.”
  4. “My challenges are opportunities for growth and transformation.”
  5. “I trust myself to find the way out of any situation.”

To align with the energy of the Eight of Swords, it’s essential to practice these affirmations regularly, ideally while meditating on the card’s imagery. The Eight of Swords often speaks to mental and emotional entrapment, a feeling of being stuck or restricted. As you recite these affirmations, visualize the bindings and blindfolds in the card’s imagery loosening and eventually falling away, leaving you free and empowered. The repeated verbalization combined with the powerful visual symbolism will help you internalize the card’s deeper message, encouraging you to break free from limitations and mental constraints.