The Empress Tarot Card

The Empress Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Crown of Twelve Stars

This crown upon her head, bedecked with twelve radiant stars, represents her dominion over the year — the twelve months or possibly the twelve zodiacal signs, emphasizing her connection with cycles and nature.

The Venus Symbol

This iconic symbol, representative of the planet Venus, can be found on her heart-shaped shield. It stands for love, beauty, desire, and all things feminine, connecting The Empress with the goddess of love.

Lush Forest and Waterfall

The verdant trees and the cascading waterfall behind her symbolize the fertile abundance of the earth. It speaks to The Empress’s connection with Mother Nature and her ability to nurture and create.

Golden Wheat

The fields of wheat in front of her represent fertility and the potential for growth. Just as crops need care to grow, The Empress suggests a time of nurturing or the possibility of conception, be it a child, idea, or project.

Her Throne

Amidst the nature, she sits on her elaborate throne, signifying her power and status. It’s a testament to her position as a ruler and the respect she commands.


The pattern of the pomegranates on her robe signifies fertility once again, but on a deeper level, it also relates to the myth of Persephone, making it a nod to cycles of death and rebirth.

The River

Flowing water, such as the river meandering through the background, stands for fluidity, intuition, and the subconscious. It underscores The Empress’s connection to deep intuition and the ebbs and flows of emotion.

Cushions and Robe

Her luxurious cushions and flowing robe represent comfort and beauty. They suggest a strong connection to the senses and indulgence, emphasizing pleasure and the richness of life.

Correspondences & Associations


The Empress, as she is portrayed, has had many incarnations throughout the annals of tarot. Historically, she was sometimes depicted as “The Popess” or the “Female Pope”. Mythologically, she embodies the essence of the Earth Mother or Mother Goddess figures prominent in many cultures. The pomegranates on her robe can be linked to the story of Persephone, the goddess of spring and fertility who was taken to the underworld, a tale of death and rebirth.


The Empress is associated with the element of Earth. Earth represents stability, fertility, and material abundance. Just as the earth nurtures seeds to life, The Empress signifies nurturing, abundance, and the comforts of the material realm. She embodies these attributes, manifesting them in the physical realm.


The Empress is traditionally associated with the planet Venus, the planet of love, harmony, pleasure, and beauty. Venus represents affection and comfort and, when combined with the Earth element of the Empress, underscores themes of nature, motherhood, and abundance.


The Empress is the third card in the Major Arcana, so she is associated with the number 3. In numerology, the number 3 often represents creativity, growth, and the principle of increase. It’s also associated with the triad, such as past-present-future and mind-body-spirit, emphasizing completeness and cycles.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, The Empress is associated with the path that connects Binah and Chokhmah, the spheres or Sephiroth representing Understanding and Wisdom, respectively. This path, upon which The Empress treads, is one of pure creation, a space where the potential becomes manifest.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, The Empress can be viewed as the Mother Archetype. She represents fertility, nurturing, and the providing force. Psychologically, she can signify our relationship with our own mother or maternal figures, or more broadly, how we nurture and care for others and ourselves. She encapsulates the idea of growth through love and connection.

Says The Empress

From a heart of love, life flows abundantly

Interpreting The Empress Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Fertility, Abundance, Nurturing, Nature, Motherhood

General Overview

The Empress is a card of nurturing, fertility, and abundance. She represents the ultimate mother figure, providing for and ensuring the growth of her subjects. With her connection to the natural world, she embodies both the beauty and the power of nature. A field of golden wheat at her feet signifies the result of her patient endeavors and the eventual realization of her creative potential. As a symbol of Venus, she is the feminine principle made manifest, full of love, sensuality, and aesthetic pleasure.

In her regal demeanor, The Empress holds a scepter, indicating her dominion over life, and her shield, adorned with the symbol of Venus, showcases the beauty and love she stands for. Her role isn’t merely passive; it is the active cultivation of life, beauty, and love. She invites you to connect with your senses and embrace the world around you.

Her throne amidst the heart of the forest underscores the message that while she can wield her power with grace, her true strength lies in her innate connection to everything alive. The Empress is about creation in all its forms, whether giving birth to children, ideas, or artistic expressions.

Love & Relationships

When The Empress appears in a reading about love or relationships, she often heralds a time of abundance in love and deep emotional connection. This card can signal a relationship that’s deeply nurturing, possibly leading to marriage or the birth of a child. It can also indicate a time where one feels at their most desirable and confident, attracting love and admiration from those around them.

For those already in a relationship, The Empress is a call to nurture and care for your partner. The relationship might be about to undergo a period of growth and deeper connection. It’s also a sign to cherish the love and beauty in everyday moments.

However, for those who are single, this card suggests a time of self-love and self-care. By cultivating love within, one becomes a magnet for attracting the right kind of romantic partnerships. It could also signify an upcoming relationship that will be deeply nurturing and fulfilling.

Career & Finances

In the realm of work and finances, The Empress is a favorable card. She suggests a period of financial growth and stability. This might be due to your nurturing nature and ability to cultivate relationships and projects to fruition. If you’ve been working on a project or idea, expect it to prosper and possibly provide financial rewards.

It’s also a time where creativity in the workplace is heightened. Whether you’re in a creative profession or not, approaching problems with a fresh, innovative mindset will yield positive results. This card can also indicate a female mentor or business partner who will play a crucial role in your career.

For finances, The Empress suggests a period of abundance. However, she also calls for the wise and nurturing handling of resources. It’s a time for growth but also for ensuring the well-being of your financial garden.


When referring to health, The Empress embodies wellbeing and the healing power of nature. It’s a reminder of the benefits of connecting with the natural world, whether it’s through walks in the forest, gardening, or even bringing a bit of green into your living space. Natural remedies might play a role in your health at this time.

She also signifies fertility, so if pregnancy is a question, The Empress is a positive sign. For those not looking in that direction, she suggests a fertile period for other endeavors, perhaps a time to birth a new health regime or lifestyle change.

Above all, she’s a call to nurture oneself. Listen to your body, feed it nourishing foods, and surround yourself with nurturing people and environments.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, The Empress calls you to embrace the divine feminine within, regardless of your gender. She speaks of understanding and embracing the cycles of life, recognizing the beauty in each phase. The Empress encourages you to find abundance in the spiritual realm, to nurture your soul, and to connect with the Earth.

She might be a call to explore Mother Goddess archetypes in various cultures and traditions, drawing strength and understanding from their tales. By recognizing the nurturing qualities within and honoring them, you connect deeper with the universal energies.

The Empress in spiritual readings is also a reminder that growth takes time. Just as crops don’t sprout overnight, spiritual enlightenment is a journey. Patience, nurturing, and a connection to the rhythms of the Earth can guide you on your path.

Reversed Meaning


Dependency, smothering, infertility, creative block, neglect, lack of growth.

General Overview

When The Empress is reversed, her abundant and nurturing energies become stifled or misdirected. Instead of an environment of growth and creativity, there may be stagnation, over-dependence, or even neglect. The lush environment she once presided over might now be barren or overlooked. This card reversed can suggest an imbalance in maternal energies, either being too smothering or not nurturing enough.

It may also indicate a lack of self-care or an overemphasis on material or outward appearances at the expense of internal wellbeing. Creative blocks can also be highlighted, signaling a period where ideas and expressions feel trapped or stifled. It’s essential to recognize this imbalance and take steps to restore the fertile, nurturing environment that The Empress upright signifies.

In some cases, the reversed Empress might be a sign of issues with abundance, perhaps spending too freely or not appreciating what one has. In the context of personal relationships or self-perception, it can indicate issues with self-worth or seeking validation externally rather than finding it within.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, a reversed Empress may point to an imbalance in the relationship dynamic. One partner may be too dependent, or there could be an overbearing, smothering energy. It can also point to issues of infertility or difficulties in conception, but it’s important to note that tarot is symbolic, and this interpretation won’t apply to everyone.

Relationships may feel stagnant, lacking growth or the nurturing touch they once had. Communication can be strained, with one or both parties feeling unappreciated or undervalued. For singles, this card may suggest a period of feeling unattractive or unworthy of love. It’s a call to nurture oneself and recognize one’s inherent value and beauty.

In certain readings, this card may also signal a need to cut ties with relationships that are draining or no longer serving one’s highest good. The reversed Empress is a reminder that sometimes, to truly care for oneself or another, tough decisions or boundaries are necessary.

Career & Finances

In matters of career and finance, The Empress reversed can indicate stagnation or a lack of growth in professional endeavors. Projects or ventures that once seemed promising might now face obstacles or delays. Creativity may feel stifled, and team dynamics might lack the nurturing or collaborative spirit necessary for success.

Financially, this card can suggest a period of tightness or even neglect of one’s financial health. There might be a tendency to overspend, or there could be a lack of appreciation for the resources available. It’s a prompt to reevaluate and nurture one’s financial landscape, ensuring that resources are used wisely and growth opportunities are not overlooked.

Moreover, in the workplace, it could point to issues with a maternal figure or female authority figure. There might be a feeling of being smothered or not being allowed the freedom to express and grow. Alternatively, one might be neglecting their duties or not providing the nurturing environment their role demands.


When addressing health, The Empress reversed might indicate neglect of one’s physical wellbeing, perhaps not nurturing the body with proper nutrition, exercise, or rest. Issues related to fertility or the reproductive system might also come into focus, but always remember to consult a healthcare professional for any medical concerns.

It’s a call to pay attention to the body, to nurture and care for it. Just as a garden needs attention, watering, and love, so does our physical form. Mental and emotional wellbeing might also be highlighted, with feelings of depression, stagnation, or a lack of self-worth coming to the forefront.

Reconnect with nature, as The Empress upright would suggest. Even in her reversed position, the solutions she offers often lie in the natural world, grounding oneself and taking the time to nurture body, mind, and spirit.

Spiritual Interpretation

Spiritually, The Empress reversed can suggest a disconnection from the Divine Feminine or the nurturing, receptive aspects of the self. You might be neglecting your intuitive side or not allowing yourself the space and time to grow spiritually.

There’s a call here to reconnect, to ground oneself, and to find the abundant, nurturing energy of The Empress within. It might be time to seek out spiritual traditions or practices that honor the Goddess or the feminine aspects of the Divine.

The Empress and Manifesting


The Empress tarot card embodies the principle of nurturing abundance and the power of creation. When using this card for manifestation, you are aligning with the energies of fertility, abundance, and growth. Here’s how you can harness The Empress for your manifestation practices:

Visualization: Begin by grounding yourself and then visualize the card in front of you. Picture every detail of The Empress, her serene expression, the lush environment around her, and the symbols of abundance. Now, envision the energy of the card flowing into you, filling you with its nurturing and creative power.

Create a Manifestation Altar: Designate a space in your home as your “Empress altar.” Decorate it with items that resonate with the card’s energy – this might include crystals like rose quartz or malachite, fresh flowers, seeds, or symbols of fertility and abundance. Place your desires or written intentions here, allowing the energy of The Empress to infuse and nurture them.

Mother Yourself: The Empress embodies the ultimate maternal energy. To align with her energy, practice self-care and mother yourself. This could be through nourishing meals, spa days, or simply resting when you need it. By caring for yourself, you create an environment conducive to manifestation.

Nature Connection: Spend time in nature. Whether it’s gardening, walking in the woods, or sitting by a body of water, connecting with the Earth aligns you with The Empress’s fertile and abundant energy, enhancing your manifestation abilities.

Journaling: Write about what you wish to manifest as if you are already living in that reality. Describe it in detail, focusing on how it feels, what it looks like, and how it has positively affected your life. The act of writing taps into The Empress’s creative energy, bringing your desires closer to reality.

Meditation: Meditate with The Empress card. Holding the card or placing it in front of you, close your eyes and breathe deeply, inviting the energies of abundance, creativity, and nurturing to flow into your being. Envision your desires blossoming and bearing fruit, just as a garden nurtured by The Empress would.

Remember, manifestation is a co-creative process with the universe. While The Empress can aid in nurturing and supporting your intentions, it’s essential to pair this energy with action steps that move you closer to your goals.

Affirmations to use

The power of affirmations lies in genuine belief and consistent practice. As you align with the nurturing and abundant energy of The Empress, these affirmations can help solidify your connection to her essence and guide your actions in the physical world.

  1. “I am abundant in love, creativity, and prosperity.”
  2. “I nurture my dreams and watch them grow and flourish.”
  3. “The universe provides for me generously and ceaselessly.”
  4. “I embrace the divine feminine within me, full of grace and power.”
  5. “With every breath, I draw in abundance and radiate nurturing energy.”

The Empress embodies fertility, nurturing, and the rich abundance of Mother Earth. To align with her powerful energy, create a serene environment, perhaps surrounded by plants, flowers, or symbols of femininity and fertility. Holding the Empress card or visualizing its lush imagery, imagine yourself enveloped by a warm, golden light, representing the nurturing energy of the card. As you recite each affirmation, feel this warmth nurture every part of your being, from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. Envision yourself seated on a luxurious throne, surrounded by the beauty and abundance of a verdant landscape. Let the feelings of love, care, and creativity flow through you, grounding you in the moment. With each repetition, deepen your connection to the energies of growth, creation, and nurturing that The Empress symbolizes, allowing them to become a part of your daily life and consciousness.