Judgement Tarot Card
Judgement Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Angel

The angel depicted in the Judgement card is the archangel Gabriel, known as the messenger of God. Gabriel’s trumpet symbolizes the call to resurrection, awakening, and new beginnings. The flag adorning the trumpet bears the cross, linking the imagery to divine intervention and spiritual rebirth.

Rising Figures

The people rising from the graves represent humanity, and their ascending stance signifies awakening, rebirth, and renewal. These souls are answering the divine call, signifying a moment of self-realization, personal growth, and transformation.


The distant mountains, often a symbol in the Tarot, represent challenges, obstacles, and milestones in our journey. In the Judgement card, they emphasize the long journey of the soul and the ascent towards spiritual enlightenment after overcoming trials.

Open Coffins

The coffins from which the people arise symbolize the end of something and the beginning of a new phase. It’s a reminder that we must let go of the past to embrace new opportunities and growth. These coffins signify release, renewal, and the cycle of death and rebirth.

The Ocean

The expansive body of water below suggests the collective unconscious, the deep reservoir of our experiences, memories, and inner wisdom. The water’s presence indicates the emotional depth and intuition required during times of significant transformation and introspection.

Correspondences & Associations


The Judgement card draws heavily from Christian imagery, particularly the concept of the Last Judgement. This eschatological event describes the resurrection and judgement of the dead, where souls are either granted entrance to Heaven or damned to Hell. The archangel Gabriel, prominently featured in the card, is the divine messenger, heralding significant events in biblical narratives.


The card is associated with the element of Fire, representing transformation, purification, and rebirth. Fire has the capacity both to create and destroy, akin to the themes of ending and new beginnings present in the Judgement card. This element emphasizes passion, change, and the spark of the divine.


Judgement is linked to the planet Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio. Pluto represents deep transformation, rebirth, and the cycle of death and renewal. It delves into the underworld and the deepest parts of the psyche, mirroring the card’s themes of introspection and awakening.


The card is numbered XX, or 20, in the Major Arcana. In numerology, the number 20 is broken down to 2 + 0 = 2. The number 2 signifies duality, balance, partnerships, and decisions. It also denotes a phase of waiting and preparation for a new cycle, fitting for the rebirth theme of the Judgement card.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, Judgement corresponds to the path between Malkuth (the material world) and Hod (the sphere of intellect and learning). This path represents the initial awakening of the spiritual self, a realization that there’s more to existence than the material realm.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, the Judgement card embodies the archetype of the Resurrection or Rebirth. This archetype deals with profound transformation, realization, and awakening to a new state of being. It taps into the deep human desire for second chances, purification, and ascension to a higher state of consciousness.

Says Judgement

Rebirth and redemption await those who answer the call
Interpreting Judgement Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Rebirth, Evaluation, Awakening, Redemption, Ascension

General Overview

The Judgement card depicts a transformative moment of clarity, a call to rise and embrace a higher purpose or a new phase in life. With the trumpet’s sound from the archangel Gabriel, the dead are summoned to rise from their coffins, symbolizing an awakening or a rebirth. This is not a card of final judgement but rather one of self-judgement, introspection, and understanding past actions and their consequences.

This card urges the querent to confront their past, to evaluate deeds and decisions, and to accept the consequences. It signifies a period of reflection before a new chapter. Through this introspection, one can find closure, healing, and the opportunity for a fresh start.

Furthermore, The Judgement card signals a moment of profound inner calling. It’s an invitation to embrace a higher level of consciousness, to rise above past mistakes, and to step into a new, more evolved version of oneself.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, The Judgement card suggests a re-evaluation of one’s romantic life. This might involve revisiting past relationships, understanding patterns of behavior, or reconciling with someone from the past. It speaks to a potential for healing old wounds and beginning anew.

If in a relationship, it may indicate a turning point where both partners evaluate the strength and depth of their connection. Are both individuals growing together, or have they grown apart? It might also indicate a relationship moving to the next level after a period of evaluation.

For singles, it suggests a phase where one’s past relationship decisions are under scrutiny, perhaps understanding past mistakes to avoid them in future relationships. It’s a time of learning and growth in the romantic realm.

Career & Finances

Professionally, The Judgement card can indicate a significant turning point in one’s career. This could be in the form of a realization about one’s true calling or vocation. It’s a moment to pause, reflect, and determine if one’s career aligns with their higher purpose.

It might also suggest the end of one job or career path and the beginning of another. After careful evaluation, one might decide to change direction entirely. This change, though potentially daunting, offers a path more in tune with one’s inner calling.

Financially, this card advises a re-evaluation of one’s financial decisions and habits. It’s a time to settle debts, both monetary and karmic, and to establish a more responsible and enlightened approach to finances.


The Judgement card, when related to health, signals a time of healing and rejuvenation. It may indicate recovering from an illness or finding a treatment that brings significant relief. The card encourages listening to one’s body, understanding past health decisions, and making positive changes for the future.

It’s also a reminder of the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Past traumas or unresolved issues might manifest as physical ailments, and healing may require attention to emotional or spiritual wounds as well.

For those feeling in good health, this card suggests maintaining a balanced lifestyle and regularly evaluating one’s well-being to ensure continued vitality.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, The Judgement card speaks to an awakening. The soul hears its divine calling and is urged to align more closely with its higher purpose. This is a time of ascension, of moving closer to the divine, and of understanding one’s place in the grand scheme of existence.

This card represents a resurrection of the spirit, where one sheds the burdens and regrets of the past and is reborn into a new state of consciousness. It’s a journey of redemption, where past mistakes are forgiven, and the soul is purified.

The spiritual message of The Judgement card is clear: Answer the call. Embrace your higher purpose. Rise, purified and reborn, into the light of a new day and a higher state of being.

Reversed Meaning


Delay, Avoidance, Self-doubt, Ignored calling, Indecision

General Overview

In its reversed position, The Judgement card indicates a resistance to or avoidance of the transformative call to awakening. There might be a reluctance to confront the past, leading to unresolved issues or patterns that continue to influence the present. This hesitation can stem from fear, denial, or a reluctance to take responsibility for one’s actions and their consequences.

This card inverted suggests that one might be turning a deaf ear to their inner calling or higher purpose. There’s a hesitation to rise to the occasion, to embrace change, or to seek redemption. This resistance can delay progress, prolong healing, or keep one stuck in stagnant situations.

It is also indicative of self-doubt, which prevents embracing new opportunities or paths. The querent might be plagued by indecision, constantly second-guessing themselves, and missing out on transformative experiences as a result.

Love & Relationships

Within the realm of love and relationships, a reversed Judgement card may signal unresolved issues or baggage from past relationships that hinder one’s current romantic life. It may indicate a refusal to confront past mistakes, leading to repeated patterns in relationships.

For those in a relationship, there may be a hesitancy to address pressing issues, leading to stagnation or increasing tension. Avoidance or denial might prevent true reconciliation or understanding between partners. It’s a call to face any issues head-on, rather than allowing them to fester.

For singles, this card reversed suggests that past traumas or regrets may be preventing them from embracing new romantic opportunities. It can be a sign of not yet having healed from past wounds, making it challenging to move forward into new, healthier relationships.

Career & Finances

In the context of career, The Judgement reversed can indicate a reluctance to embrace one’s true calling or a failure to acknowledge dissatisfaction in the current job. There might be missed opportunities due to fear of change or an unwillingness to take risks.

Financially, this card reversed can hint at avoiding financial responsibilities or failing to assess and rectify bad financial habits. There might be a tendency to ignore mounting debts or to avoid making necessary financial decisions. It’s a nudge to face financial challenges head-on and seek resolutions.

Moreover, it might suggest a delay in receiving financial rewards or recognitions. Efforts might not seem to bear fruit immediately, causing frustration and doubt. Persistence and patience are advised during such times.


Concerning health, the reversed Judgement card suggests a delay in healing or recovery. It might also indicate ignoring signs or symptoms, leading to complications. It’s a prompt to pay attention to one’s body and seek medical advice if something feels amiss.

Emotionally, there might be unresolved traumas or issues that manifest as physical ailments. Avoidance or denial can exacerbate the situation. Seeking emotional healing, perhaps through therapy or counseling, can be beneficial.

Generally, this card in reverse speaks to the importance of proactive health management. Rather than neglecting or delaying health decisions, one is encouraged to take charge of their well-being.

Spiritual Interpretation

The reversed Judgement card speaks to a disconnect from one’s higher self or purpose. There might be an ignored spiritual calling or a reluctance to explore deeper spiritual truths.

This card indicates potential spiritual stagnation, where one’s growth is hampered by doubts, fears, or external distractions. There might be a struggle with embracing one’s spiritual path or acknowledging spiritual experiences.

Even in its reversed position, the card carries a message of hope. It’s a reminder that it’s never too late to tune into one’s spiritual calling, to seek redemption, and to re-align with one’s higher purpose. All it requires is the willingness to listen and the courage to act.

Judgement and Manifesting


The Judgement card in the Tarot is deeply symbolic of rebirth, realization, and answering a higher calling. When channeled for manifestation, it can serve as a powerful tool to align with your highest self and bring about transformative change. Here’s how you can use the Judgement card for manifestation:

Clarity and Realization: Begin by meditating on the Judgement card. Focus on its symbolism of awakening and rebirth. This will help in gaining clarity about what you truly desire and realizing any patterns or behaviors that have been holding you back.

Release and Let Go: The Judgement card emphasizes the idea of resurrection and renewal. Use this energy to release old grudges, forgive past mistakes (both yours and those of others), and let go of any baggage that might be preventing you from manifesting your desires.

Answer the Call: Think of something you’ve felt called to do but have been putting off or ignoring. The Judgement card encourages you to answer this call. By aligning your actions with your soul’s purpose, you’ll be in a better position to manifest your true desires.

Affirmation and Visualization: Create an affirmation that resonates with the energy of Judgement, such as “I am ready to embrace my higher calling and manifest my true purpose.” Visualize the outcome you desire as if it’s already happening, trusting that the universe is aligning to bring about your rebirth and transformation.

Take Inspired Action: After meditating and aligning with the energy of the Judgement card, listen to any intuitive nudges or signs that guide you towards action. Remember, manifestation isn’t just about thought – it requires action. Trust that the steps you take are divinely guided.

Embrace Transformation: Understand that to manifest something new, you often have to let go of the old. This might mean going through changes or shifts in your current situation. Embrace this transformation, trusting that it’s leading you closer to your desires.

Regular Check-ins: Periodically, revisit the Judgement card to ensure you’re staying aligned with its energy and to check in on your manifestation journey. Celebrate your progress and make any adjustments as needed.

Using the Judgement card in this way for manifestation can help harness its transformative energy, guiding you to align with your higher self, realize your true purpose, and bring about the change you desire.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am open to the transformative power of rebirth and renewal.”
  2. “I release the past and embrace my highest calling.”
  3. “I trust the universe to guide me towards my true purpose.”
  4. “Every decision I make aligns me closer with my soul’s journey.”
  5. “I am worthy of new beginnings and the opportunities they bring.”

Using these affirmations can help you harness the potent energy of The Judgement card. To effectively align with its energy, begin by finding a quiet space to sit and meditate. Visualize the card, focusing on its symbols of awakening and transformation. As you breathe deeply, repeat each affirmation aloud or in your mind, truly feeling the weight of each word. Visualize yourself embodying the spirit of each affirmation, releasing past limitations and rising anew. By doing this regularly, you anchor the transformative essence of The Judgement card into your consciousness, making it easier to embrace change, seek higher truths, and evolve on your personal and spiritual journey.