Death Tarot Card
Death Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Rider on the White Horse

The central figure of the Death card is a skeletal rider on a white horse, representing the inevitability of death. The rider is not a symbol of an ending but rather a force of transformation and change. The white horse is symbolic of purity, suggesting that this transformation is both necessary and purifying.

The Black Standard with the Mystic Rose

The flag carried by the skeletal rider features a white, five-petal rose on a black background. The rose, in its whiteness, signifies life, purification, and immortality. The juxtaposition with the black background represents the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

The Sun on the Horizon

At the bottom of the card, between two pillars, the sun appears to be setting or rising. This speaks to the cyclical nature of life and death. Just as the sun sets, it also rises again, symbolizing hope, rebirth, and the continuity of life.

The Fallen Figures

Below the rider, various figures are shown in the path of the advancing horse. These figures represent all walks of life, reminding us that death and transformation come for all, regardless of status or position. Their presence emphasizes the universality of the transformation process.

The River

A flowing river can be seen in the background, symbolizing the River of Life. Rivers often denote passage and the fluidity of time, signifying life’s constant movement towards the inevitable, but also the continuity of life and the cyclical nature of existence.

The Tower

In the distant background, a boat is seen floating towards a tower. The tower is an emblem of the material and temporal structures we construct in life, and the boat’s journey towards it suggests the idea of transitioning to another state or plane of existence.

Correspondences & Associations


The Death card is one of the most historically and culturally pervasive symbols in tarot. Death, as a concept, is universally recognized and has been personified in countless myths, legends, and religious texts. From the Grim Reaper in European folklore to Thanatos in Greek mythology, death is often personified as a figure or entity that brings the end of physical life but also heralds transformation and renewal.


Death is commonly associated with the element of Water. In tarot, Water is symbolic of emotions, intuition, and the deeper currents of the subconscious. Water’s fluidity speaks to the inevitable flow of life, the cyclical nature of existence, and the transformative process that death represents.


Death is associated with the astrological sign of Scorpio. Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, is a sign of transformation, rebirth, and the mysteries of the unseen. Just as Scorpios are known for their depth and intense transformative nature, the Death card brings about profound change and transformation.


The Death card is numbered XIII in the Major Arcana, representing the number 13. Traditionally seen as an unlucky number in various cultures, in numerology, 13 breaks down to 4 (1 + 3 = 4). Four is a number of foundation, stability, and order, but in the context of the Death card, it signifies the restructuring or reordering of one’s life or circumstances.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the Death card corresponds to the path that connects Netzach (the sephira of natural emotions and desires) and Tiphereth (the sephira of conscious harmony and beauty). This path represents the transformation and purification of raw desires into conscious, harmonized intentions.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, the Death card aligns with the archetype of The Transformer. This archetype embodies the forces of change and transformation. It speaks to the individual’s ability to undergo significant shifts in perspective, experience profound growth, and transcend previous limitations. In the context of a person’s psychological journey, encountering The Transformer means confronting the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another.

Says Death

Death to the past, birth to the future
Interpreting Death Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Transformation, Endings, New Beginnings, Transition, Rebirth

General Overview

The Death card, with its ominous appearance, is often misunderstood. It rarely, if ever, signifies a physical death. Instead, it is a powerful symbol of transformation, marking the end of one phase and the dawn of another. The skeletal figure represents the inevitable and natural cycle of life, where endings give rise to new beginnings. As the sun sets in the background, it promises that it will rise again, illuminating the cyclical nature of existence.

This card indicates significant changes and transitions, suggesting that there’s a need to let go of old habits, beliefs, or situations to make way for something new and more aligned with one’s higher self. Resisting this change can lead to unnecessary pain and stagnation, but embracing it will pave the way for personal growth and evolution.

The white rose held by the Death figure symbolizes purity, suggesting that this transformative process has a higher purpose and will eventually lead to a state of clarity and enlightenment. The sun rising between the two towers in the distance is a reminder that every ending has a new beginning.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, the Death card might signify the end of a particular phase or the entire relationship itself. It calls attention to the impermanent nature of human connections and the ever-evolving state of love. It’s an invitation to reflect upon what’s no longer serving the relationship and to make the necessary changes.

For those in a partnership, this card could mean evolving to the next stage, perhaps deepening the commitment or altering the dynamics of interaction. For some, it might mean letting go of old wounds, past conflicts, or outdated patterns of behavior to usher in a more fulfilling phase of the relationship.

For singles, the Death card suggests a transformative period where old wounds are healing, making way for new love opportunities. It’s a reminder to release past heartaches and remain open to the potential of future connections.

Career & Finances

In a career context, the Death card often indicates a significant change on the horizon. This might be in the form of a job change, a shift in one’s career path, or the conclusion of a major project. While the change might seem daunting, it often brings about new opportunities and avenues that were previously unconsidered or unavailable.

Financially, the card suggests a transition. Old debts might be paid off, or there might be a need to reassess financial habits and make some significant changes. This period might require some sacrifices, but they will likely lead to a more stable and secure financial future.


When related to health, the Death card suggests a period of recovery and healing. It might indicate the end of a particular ailment or the need to let go of unhealthy habits that have been compromising one’s well-being. The transformative energy of the card offers a chance to rejuvenate and renew one’s health.

It also serves as a reminder of the impermanent nature of physical health and the importance of regular check-ups, self-care, and listening to one’s body. Old health routines might no longer serve, making way for new, more effective practices.

Emotionally, this card might signal the release of pent-up feelings, traumas, or anxieties, allowing for a period of healing and mental well-being.

Spiritual Interpretation

The Death card, at its core, is deeply spiritual. It speaks to the soul’s journey through various phases of existence, learning, growth, and eventual rebirth. It’s a reminder that life, with all its challenges and joys, is a continuous cycle of transformation and evolution.

In one’s spiritual journey, this card might signify a profound inner transformation, perhaps shedding old beliefs and embracing a new spiritual path or understanding. It’s an invitation to dive deep into the mysteries of existence, confront one’s fears, and emerge with a renewed sense of purpose and connection to the Divine.

Reversed Meaning


Resistance to Change, Stagnation, Delayed Transformation, Fear of Endings

General Overview

When the Death card appears reversed, it signifies a resistance to inevitable change or a delay in the transformative processes that life requires. One might be clinging to old habits, situations, or beliefs out of fear, thereby preventing the natural cycle of endings and new beginnings. This resistance might lead to stagnation and a feeling of being stuck in certain areas of one’s life.

It can also suggest a reluctance to face certain truths or realities, opting instead to remain in a state of denial. While the upright position encourages acceptance of change and the cyclical nature of life, the reversed position warns against getting too comfortable in the status quo, as it might be holding one back from growth and progress.

The card further hints at the possibility of experiencing a profound transformation, but only once one lets go of the fear and apprehension. It’s a call to confront the very things that are causing resistance, understanding that change, while sometimes painful, often leads to renewal and regeneration.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, a reversed Death card can imply a refusal to accept the reality of a situation. This might mean denying the problems within a relationship or holding onto a partnership that has naturally reached its conclusion. One might be clinging to memories of how things used to be, instead of facing the current circumstances.

For singles, it might indicate an inability to move past an old flame or an outdated ideal of love. This clinging to the past can prevent new and potentially fulfilling relationships from blossoming. It’s a nudge to heal old wounds, release past disappointments, and remain open to new possibilities.

Whether single or coupled, this card reversed suggests that true growth in love requires the courage to face and embrace change, even when it means stepping out of one’s comfort zone or facing uncomfortable truths.

Career & Finances

In matters of career, the reversed Death card points to stagnation or a fear of embracing new professional opportunities. One might be hesitant to leave a comfortable yet unfulfilling job or might be avoiding taking the necessary steps towards career advancement. Such reluctance can lead to missed opportunities and a sense of professional discontent.

Financially, this card reversed suggests a hesitancy to change one’s financial habits, even if they are proving detrimental. It’s a caution against being too set in one’s ways and highlights the importance of flexibility and adaptability in monetary matters.


Concerning health, the reversed Death card may indicate a reluctance to accept a health diagnosis or to make necessary lifestyle changes for better well-being. It could suggest procrastination in addressing health issues or avoiding medical advice.

Emotionally and mentally, this card can point to an unwillingness to let go of past traumas, thereby hindering the healing process. It emphasizes the importance of confronting and addressing emotional pains and stresses for a healthier mindset.

It serves as a reminder that, in health, sometimes accepting and facing the truth, no matter how uncomfortable, is the first step toward healing and rejuvenation.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the reversed Death card highlights a potential resistance to spiritual growth or transformation. One might be clinging to outdated beliefs or may be fearful of exploring deeper spiritual truths. This resistance can stifle one’s spiritual journey and lead to a sense of disconnection or spiritual stagnation.

It might also suggest a period where one is questioning their spiritual beliefs or undergoing a crisis of faith. Such periods, while challenging, often lead to profound spiritual awakenings and a deeper understanding of one’s spiritual path.

Death and Manifesting


The Death tarot card, often misunderstood due to its foreboding name, represents transformation, endings, and new beginnings. When using it for manifestation, it can be a powerful tool to help release old patterns, beliefs, or situations to make space for the new. Here’s how you can harness the energy of the Death card for manifestation:

Release and Let Go: Begin by meditating with the Death card, visualizing the things in your life that no longer serve your highest good. This could be old habits, relationships, beliefs, or any situation that’s hindering your growth. Imagine these elements withering away, creating space for new opportunities and experiences.

Embrace Transition: Manifestation often requires change. Use the Death card as a reminder that transformations are natural and necessary. As you seek to manifest a new reality, understand that it might require you to leave certain things behind.

Affirm Your Evolution: Pair the Death card with positive affirmations that align with transformation and rebirth. For example, “As one door closes, another one opens,” or “I release the old to welcome the new blessings in my life.”

Visualize the New Beginning: As you meditate with the Death card, after releasing the old, shift your focus to the new. Visualize the reality you want to manifest in vivid detail. Imagine the feelings, experiences, and situations you desire, trusting that as you let go of the old, you’re making room for these new manifestations.

Ritualize the Transformation: Create a simple ritual to symbolize the transformative energy of the Death card. This could involve writing down the things you want to release on a piece of paper and safely burning it. As the paper turns to ash, visualize your old limitations and fears disintegrating, making way for your new intentions to take root.

Trust in the Cycle: Understand that life is made up of cycles. Just as the Death card signifies endings, it also heralds new beginnings. By integrating the card into your manifestation practices, you’re acknowledging and honoring this cycle, using it to propel your intentions forward.

Remember, the Death card is not about physical death but about the natural progression of life, the inevitable changes, and transformations that lead to growth. Using its energy can help you transition from one phase of your life to the next, making it a powerful ally in manifestation practices.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I release the old to make space for new blessings.”
  2. “Every ending is a new beginning in disguise.”
  3. “I trust the natural cycles of life and embrace transformation.”
  4. “I am open to change, knowing it leads to my highest good.”
  5. “With each day, I shed what no longer serves me and evolve.”

The Death card in the tarot signifies transformation, endings, and new beginnings. When using these affirmations, take a moment to connect deeply with the energy of the card. Visualize a situation or belief in your life that needs to end or transform, and pair that visualization with the affirmations. This will help amplify the transformative power of the Death card. Reciting these affirmations daily, especially during meditative sessions with the card, can assist in letting go of old patterns and embracing the new. Allow the energy of transformation and rebirth to permeate your being, and trust in the natural cycles of life.