Three of Pentacles Tarot Card
Three of Pentacles Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Craftsman

The central figure represents skill, craftsmanship, and attention to detail. This symbolizes the mastery that comes from hard work and dedication, often implying that you are becoming a master in your chosen field.

The Benefactors or Assessors

The other two figures indicate cooperation, expertise, and feedback. They are essential for the craftsman to realize his vision, emphasizing the idea that great accomplishments are often the result of teamwork and outside guidance.

Pentacles on the Arch

The three pentacles are often shown integrated into the arch that is being built. This symbolizes the fruition of collective creativity, investment, and labor. The physical manifestation of their skill is literally ‘set in stone’, signifying permanence, stability, and a job well done.


The tools in the hands of the craftspeople or the tools laid out before them, often including compasses, chisels, or hammers, symbolize the specific skills each person brings to the table. These tools not only signify the need for specialized skills but also the application of such skills in a practical, earthy endeavor.

Architectural Plans or Blueprints

Often, one of the figures is holding architectural plans or blueprints. These represent the concept, the dream, or the vision that serves as the guide for the actual building process. It emphasizes the need for a solid plan and vision to guide skilled labor toward the completion of a significant goal.

The Cathedral

The cathedral in the backdrop signifies a grand vision or a long-term project. It also brings in a spiritual element, suggesting that the task at hand is part of a larger divine plan or has a higher purpose.

Correspondences & Associations

Historical and Mythological

The Three of Pentacles is often associated with the idea of craftsmanship, and its origins can be traced to the Medieval guilds, where mastery and teamwork were highly valued. The idea of three people coming together for a common purpose can also be found in various myths, particularly those that emphasize the creation or building of something significant.


The card is associated with the Earth element, which is tied to practical matters, such as work, material possessions, and the body. Earth is stable, grounded, and fertile, much like the attributes required to accomplish a long-term project as indicated by this card.


This card is commonly associated with the planet Mars in Capricorn. Mars provides the energy and drive to accomplish tasks, while Capricorn offers the discipline and practicality required to see a project to its completion.


The number three is significant in numerology for representing growth, creativity, and groups. In the context of the Three of Pentacles, it implies that the combination of diverse skills can produce something greater than the sum of its parts.


In the realm of Kabbalah, the Three of Pentacles corresponds to the Sefira of Binah, the sphere of understanding and form on the Tree of Life. It symbolizes the shaping and understanding of raw energies into something tangible and purposeful.

Jungian Archetypes

The Jungian archetype closely aligned with this card is the Craftsman or the Builder. Psychologically, it represents the deep human drive to create something of lasting value, as well as the need for cooperation and expertise in the pursuit of a meaningful objective.

The Three of Pentacles' Vibe

Together we build, united we thrive
Interpreting the Three of Pentacles Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Teamwork, Collaboration, Mastery, Skill, Accomplishment

General Overview

The Three of Pentacles upright represents mastery, skill, and collaboration. It depicts a craftsman engrossed in the detail of his work, complemented by the guidance and validation from others. This card indicates that you are either nearing the completion of a project or are deeply involved in one, and that this endeavor will bear fruit.

The card celebrates craftsmanship and the joy of quality work. It’s a call to pay attention to details, to elevate your skills, and to collaborate when necessary. The Three of Pentacles tells you that your efforts will not only be rewarding but also recognized and appreciated by those around you.

Moreover, the card can represent a successful blending of different skills, attitudes, and resources for a common goal. It embodies the truth that collective effort often results in extraordinary accomplishments.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, the Three of Pentacles encourages cooperative effort and teamwork. It suggests that building a strong, lasting relationship requires the skills and inputs of everyone involved. It highlights the importance of open communication and mutual respect.

This card could also indicate the next phase or level in a relationship. As in a work project, milestones should be celebrated and future plans should be mapped out to ensure the partnership’s continuing success.

For those looking for love, the card suggests that being open to advice or input from others could be valuable. Whether it’s tweaking your online dating profile or being open to set-ups from friends, teamwork can help you in your quest for a meaningful relationship.

Career & Finances

Financially, the Three of Pentacles is a positive sign indicating rewards for hard work. Whether through promotions, successful projects, or new job offers, your skills and dedication are likely to be acknowledged.

If you are in a profession that involves craftsmanship or technical skills, this card signifies mastery and the possibility of your work being showcased or rewarded. Alternatively, if you are considering further studies or skill development, now is a good time to invest in your future.

Teamwork and collaboration are key elements in this card’s symbolism. You are encouraged to consider partnerships, joint ventures, or collaborations to reach financial goals. A shared vision and collective effort often manifest as material success and stability.


When this card appears in a health context, it often suggests that teamwork between healthcare providers and the patient is crucial. Whether you are recovering from illness or trying to reach a physical goal, you would benefit from a tailored, well-considered plan.

This card could also indicate the need for a holistic approach to health. Just as a craftsman wouldn’t solely focus on one aspect of his craft, you should take a balanced approach to well-being, incorporating physical, emotional, and mental health.

Lastly, the Three of Pentacles in a health context might imply that a medical team or family support is essential for recovery or maintenance of good health. Don’t hesitate to seek second opinions or additional help if necessary.

Spiritual Interpretation

The spiritual significance of the Three of Pentacles lies in the communal aspect of spirituality. Shared spiritual experiences, whether within a formal religious setting or in more personal spiritual practices, are highlighted.

The card may also indicate the importance of applying the same dedication and mastery you would in your work to your spiritual life. The intricacies of spiritual practice often require the same level of skill and attention to detail that any craftsman would give to his trade.

Lastly, the card suggests that your spiritual journey is not a solitary one; it benefits from the wisdom and experiences of others. Whether it’s through a spiritual mentor, a likeminded community, or ancient teachings, there is much to gain from opening up to the collective wisdom of humanity’s spiritual heritage.

Reversed Meaning


Lack of Teamwork, Disorganization, Mediocrity, Missed Goals

General Overview

The Three of Pentacles reversed suggests a lack of teamwork, disorganization, or a shortfall in skill and effort. Unlike its upright counterpart which heralds collaboration and mastery, the reversed position indicates missed goals or unfulfilled potential. It may reflect a situation where people are not working well together, possibly due to ego clashes or poor communication.

This card can also suggest that you may be overlooking important details or failing to plan adequately, leading to mediocre results. While the upright Three of Pentacles encourages you to take pride in your work and to be recognized for it, its reversed form warns against cutting corners or settling for less than your best.

The card serves as a caution against isolation. Refusing to seek or accept help from others will likely lead to challenges and setbacks. It may also be a sign that a current project or endeavor is not going as planned and may need reevaluation or external input.

Love & Relationships

In a love and relationship context, the Three of Pentacles reversed can signify a lack of cohesion or unity between partners. It could be a sign that one or both parties are not putting in the effort required to make the relationship work. There may be a lack of meaningful communication or emotional connection.

For couples, this card can imply that individual agendas or plans are causing tension. It’s a reminder that a relationship requires ongoing work and mutual goals. If you find you and your partner are not aligned, it may be time for a serious talk.

For singles, the Three of Pentacles reversed can mean you are struggling with setting clear intentions or communicating your desires in a relationship. You may find it hard to make genuine connections because you or the people you are engaging with are not fully committed to the process.

Career & Finances

In the domain of work and career, this card reversed suggests that your work environment may be counterproductive or that a project is failing due to a lack of coordination and skill. It warns against the perils of poor planning, lackluster effort, or ineffective teamwork. It could also signify missed promotions or opportunities at work.

Financially, this card advises caution. Rushed or poorly planned financial moves could result in losses. If you’ve been overlooking important financial details, now is the time to refocus and perhaps seek expert advice.

Overall, the Three of Pentacles reversed in a career context often serves as a wakeup call. It challenges you to improve your game, enhance your skills, and to work better with others. Resolving these issues may require uncomfortable adjustments, but the long-term benefits will likely be worth it.


When it comes to health, the Three of Pentacles reversed advises not to overlook minor symptoms or to ignore medical advice. Just as in its upright position where the card advocates for teamwork, its reversed state suggests that ignoring expert opinion could be detrimental.

This card reversed may also be a sign that you are neglecting your well-being by not incorporating a balanced routine. Whether it’s exercise, diet, or mental health, lack of attention to any of these areas will disrupt your well-being.

It could also signify that you’re not using all the resources available to you for your health. This includes not just medical care, but also emotional and spiritual resources that could help enhance your well-being.

Spiritual Interpretation

The Three of Pentacles reversed can signify spiritual disconnection or a lack of community. Whereas its upright version encourages shared spiritual experiences and learning, the reversed card suggests you may be feeling isolated in your spiritual journey.

This card in its reversed state can also serve as a caution against spiritual ego or the belief that you have nothing more to learn. Such an attitude can stunt your spiritual growth and isolate you from valuable teachings and experiences.

Finally, it may indicate that you are currently facing a spiritual challenge or lesson that requires you to dig deeper. This is not a time for shortcuts or superficial answers. Real spiritual growth often comes from facing and overcoming challenges.

Three of Pentacles and Manifesting


The Three of Pentacles is a card often associated with mastery, teamwork, and skillful collaboration. This makes it a potent tool for manifesting goals that require expertise, discipline, and cooperative endeavors. To employ this card in your manifestation efforts, you may want to focus on a few key areas:

Skill Building: Meditate on the Three of Pentacles if you’re looking to gain mastery or specialized skills in a particular field. Visualize yourself as an expert in the area, honing your abilities and gaining recognition for your contributions.

Collaboration: If your goals involve working harmoniously with others, this card can serve as a powerful talisman. Use it to attract the right collaborators into your life or to improve existing professional or creative partnerships.

Project Completion: This card is an excellent choice if you’re focusing on bringing a project to fruition. Meditate on the image while envisioning your project coming together successfully, perhaps even beyond your initial expectations.

Rituals and Affirmations: Create a ritual where you lay out the Three of Pentacles and recite affirmations that align with its energy. This could be affirmations like, “I am skilled and competent,” “I attract supportive and resourceful people into my life,” or “My work is valued and rewarded.”

Community Support: As the card emphasizes teamwork, don’t underestimate the power of collective energy. Seek out communities or support networks that resonate with your vision. Their collective intention can give an extra boost to your manifestation process.

By incorporating these elements into your manifestation rituals, you align with the creative and collaborative energies of the Three of Pentacles, increasing the potential for your goals to materialize.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am a master of my craft, honing my skills each day.”
  2. “I attract collaborative and constructive relationships into my life.”
  3. “My work is meaningful and valued by those around me.”
  4. “I contribute my unique skills for the greater good of all involved.”
  5. “Every step I take is moving me closer to my goals and dreams.”

To align with the energy of the Three of Pentacles, recite these affirmations daily or as part of a more elaborate manifestation ritual. You may choose to hold the card or visualize its imagery as you say each affirmation aloud. Doing so can help you internalize the card’s themes of mastery, teamwork, and valued contributions. It is particularly effective to invoke these affirmations when embarking on collaborative projects, seeking community support, or wanting to manifest a vision that requires your specialized skills.