The Chariot Tarot Card
The Chariot Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Charioteer

The central figure of the Charioteer represents willpower, control, and victory. He stands tall in his chariot, holding the reins of two sphinxes, indicating his mastery over duality and his ability to harness opposing forces to move in a desired direction.


The black and white sphinxes symbolize duality – positive and negative, yin and yang, conscious and subconscious. Their stationary position implies that the Charioteer is in control, but it is a delicate balance of power and restraint.

Armor and Starry Canopy

The Charioteer wears armor, denoting protection, readiness for battle, and strength. The starry canopy overhead suggests divine protection and the influence of cosmic forces, hinting at the idea that his victory is supported by the universe.

The City Walls

Behind him are the walls of a city, symbolizing the confines of the physical world. His journey on the chariot signifies moving beyond these limitations, driven by ambition, focus, and determination.

The Winged Emblem

The shield or emblem on the chariot, adorned with wings and a disc, is a representation of spiritual enlightenment and the transformative power of the spirit. The wings symbolize aspiration, while the disc signifies the divine world.

The Lingam and Yoni

The rod or scepter in the Charioteer’s hand is a reference to the lingam from Hindu tradition, while the square on his chest relates to the yoni. Together, they represent the union of opposite forces and the creative power of the universe.

The Chariot’s Wheels

The wheels of the chariot symbolize motion, progress, and the cyclical nature of life’s journey. They remind us that while we can steer our direction and make choices, there are always external forces and life’s inherent motion that we must navigate and work with.

Correspondences & Associations


The Chariot card draws inspiration from ancient charioteers, notably figures like Pharaohs and ancient warriors who rode chariots into battle. In mythology, chariots are often linked to solar deities, representing the journey of the sun across the sky, embodying victory, control, and discipline.


The element associated with The Chariot is water. Despite the active nature of a chariot, water is a nod to the underlying emotional forces that drive action. Just as water can be powerful and forceful, so too can our inner motivations push us forward, especially when we harness them effectively.


The astrological sign associated with The Chariot is Cancer. Cancer, a water sign, is driven by emotion, intuition, and a protective nature. The Chariot’s association with Cancer ties into the card’s themes of emotional determination, defense of one’s realm, and the nurturing drive to succeed or protect loved ones.


The number associated with The Chariot is 7. In numerology, the number 7 is spiritual, analytical, and introspective. It seeks truth and understanding in everything, representing the quest for knowledge and the deep desire to uncover life’s mysteries.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, The Chariot is associated with the path that connects Binah (Understanding) to Geburah (Severity or Strength). This path represents the journey of the soul and the challenges it faces, emphasizing discipline, control, and the harmonization of opposing forces.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, The Chariot can be linked to the archetype of the Hero. The Hero embarks on a journey, faces challenges, and emerges victorious. This card embodies the drive, determination, and courage needed to conquer obstacles, mirroring the Hero’s journey of facing the external world’s challenges and the internal challenges of the self.

Says The Chariot

Harness your will, and you'll overcome any challenge
Interpreting The Chariot Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Victory, Control, Determination, Willpower, Drive, Discipline, Triumph over obstacles

General Overview

The Chariot stands as a beacon of willpower, determination, and triumph over adversity. When this card appears, it signifies a time when one’s strength of character and resolve are tested, urging the querent to harness their inner resources to overcome challenges. The Chariot is not a static symbol; it suggests movement and progression. Driven by a clear goal and a sense of purpose, it encourages pushing forward, even when the road ahead is fraught with obstacles.

The two sphinxes in the imagery, one black and one white, represent duality and the opposing forces in one’s life. However, they are stationary, showing that the charioteer has mastery over these forces. The presence of a city in the background speaks of a journey or quest, indicating that the achievements are the result of a prolonged effort and not just a fleeting moment of glory.

Ultimately, The Chariot is a card of victory through discipline and control. It tells the tale of someone who is not deterred by challenges but instead views them as milestones on the path to success.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, The Chariot suggests a journey taken together, with both partners working in tandem to overcome challenges. This might be a period where the relationship faces tests, but with combined efforts and mutual understanding, triumph is achievable. The card can also indicate a need to take control of one’s emotions, ensuring they don’t lead one astray or cause conflicts within the relationship.

For singles, The Chariot might mean that they are in control of their romantic destiny. Pursuing someone with determination or making clear decisions about what they seek in a partner can lead to successful outcomes. It encourages taking the reins of one’s love life, driving forward with intentionality and purpose.

At times, this card can also imply a need for balance. As in the imagery of the two sphinxes, relationships require harmonizing differences and working through contrasting viewpoints to move forward successfully.

Career & Finances

The appearance of The Chariot in a career reading signifies a time of forward momentum and progress. You’re on the path to achieving your career goals, and with determination and discipline, success is within reach. Challenges might arise, but much like the charioteer, you have the tools and resolve to navigate through them.

Financially, The Chariot can imply taking control of one’s finances, ensuring that expenses and income are well-balanced. It might be a period where you’re driven to achieve financial milestones or are making significant financial decisions that require discipline and foresight. The journey to financial stability or wealth is not without its obstacles, but the card assures that with control and determination, the end goal can be achieved.

For those seeking jobs or promotions, The Chariot is a favorable omen. It encourages one to take the initiative, be proactive, and drive towards career objectives with confidence.


When it comes to health, The Chariot is a card of vitality and strength. It suggests that one has the willpower and determination to overcome health challenges or to maintain good health. This could be through discipline in exercise, diet, or adhering to treatments.

For those recovering from illness or injury, this card is a positive sign of regaining strength and moving towards complete recovery. It encourages patients to be proactive in their healing process, taking charge of their health, and making choices that promote well-being.

The Chariot also serves as a reminder that our physical and mental well-being are intertwined. Mental determination can significantly impact physical health, and vice versa. Harnessing the mind’s power can be a crucial element in maintaining or regaining health.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, The Chariot speaks of the soul’s journey towards enlightenment. It’s about harnessing the dualities of our nature – the light and the dark, the conscious and the subconscious – and steering them towards a higher purpose. The journey isn’t without its trials, but the card suggests that with determination and a strong spiritual will, one can navigate through them.

This card also alludes to the concept of free will in our spiritual pursuits. While the universe may present us with challenges, we have the charioteer’s control and determination, steering our spiritual path and choosing our reactions to the obstacles we face.

In essence, The Chariot serves as a powerful reminder that our spiritual journey is one of purpose and intent. It encourages us to take charge, be disciplined in our spiritual practices, and drive forward with clarity and purpose, ensuring that our soul finds its rightful path.

Reversed Meaning


Lack of direction, Aggression, Obstacles, Loss of control, Ego-driven decisions

General Overview

When The Chariot is drawn in its reversed position, it alludes to the challenges that arise from lack of control and direction. Unlike the upright position which signals triumph over obstacles, the reversed Chariot suggests that one may feel as if they’re losing the reins, allowing external forces or internal conflicts to divert them from their path. It’s a reminder of the potential consequences of letting one’s ego drive decisions rather than a balanced and thoughtful approach.

This card can also signify a feeling of stagnation or being stuck in a rut, with obstacles seeming insurmountable. It’s a call to re-evaluate one’s approach, reconsider the direction they’re headed in, and perhaps recalibrate their strategy to regain control. Over-aggression or being overly forceful without a clear strategy might also be highlighted, suggesting the need for a more measured approach.

The reversed Chariot urges introspection and self-awareness. It’s essential to acknowledge areas where one might be ceding control or where aggression might be hindering progress. By recognizing these, one can start to steer their life’s chariot with more clarity and purpose once again.

Love & Relationships

In matters of the heart, the reversed Chariot might suggest conflicts and struggles in a relationship, possibly arising from a lack of direction or from one partner trying to dominate the other. Instead of the partnership working in tandem, as two horses pulling a chariot, there might be opposing forces causing stagnation or even regression in the relationship.

For singles, this card reversed might indicate a period of confusion regarding romantic interests or a tendency to pursue relationships without clarity or genuine intent. It could also hint at past relationships or unresolved feelings that are holding one back from moving forward.

The essence of the reversed Chariot in love and relationships is to reassess and regain balance. Whether it’s through open communication, seeking counsel, or introspection, addressing the root of conflicts and imbalances can pave the way for a smoother romantic journey.

Career & Finances

Regarding one’s professional life, the reversed Chariot might signify a lack of progress or direction in one’s career. Ambitions and goals may seem out of reach, or one might feel they’re being pulled in different directions without a clear path forward. It’s a call to re-evaluate career aspirations and strategies, ensuring they align with one’s true desires and capabilities.

Financially, this card warns against impulsive decisions or letting external pressures dictate one’s financial choices. There might be a feeling of being out of control with finances or facing obstacles that hinder financial stability. It’s essential to take a step back, reassess financial goals, and approach them with a clear and well-considered plan.

The reversed Chariot in career and finances emphasizes the importance of regaining control, setting clear objectives, and methodically working towards them, rather than being swayed by external forces or fleeting desires.


On the health front, the reversed Chariot might point to challenges arising from a lack of discipline or control, be it in one’s diet, exercise regimen, or adherence to medical advice. It suggests that, without taking charge, one might be steering towards potential health issues.

This card can also signal mental or emotional challenges, where one feels their emotions or mental state are spiraling out of control. It’s a reminder of the importance of seeking help or finding coping mechanisms to regain balance and well-being.

The reversed Chariot’s message in health is clear: take the reins of your well-being into your own hands. Whether it’s seeking professional help, adhering to a health regimen, or addressing mental and emotional challenges, proactive measures are key to navigating the path to health.

Spiritual Interpretation

From a spiritual perspective, the reversed Chariot suggests a potential disconnection from one’s spiritual path. One might be facing inner conflicts, doubts, or external distractions that divert them from their spiritual journey. The card calls for introspection and a reconnection with one’s inner guidance and intuition.

It might also suggest challenges in balancing the material and spiritual aspects of life. In the hustle and bustle of the material world, it’s easy to lose sight of the spiritual journey. The reversed Chariot serves as a reminder of the importance of aligning one’s external actions with their internal spiritual values and goals.

Ultimately, this card reversed encourages a recalibration of one’s spiritual compass. By realigning with one’s spiritual goals and seeking inner balance, one can navigate the spiritual path with clarity and purpose.

The Chariot and Manifesting


The Chariot tarot card, with its powerful imagery of conquest and forward movement, symbolizes control, determination, and victory through focused intent and will. Thus, it can be a potent tool in manifestation practices. Here’s how one might use The Chariot for manifestation:

Focused Intent: Begin by clarifying what you wish to manifest. The Chariot emphasizes the power of singular focus. Make your intention as specific as possible. For example, instead of saying, “I want a new job,” you might say, “I want a job in graphic design at a creative agency that respects my ideas and offers a good work-life balance.”

Visualization: Picture yourself in the driver’s seat of a chariot, holding the reins of two powerful sphinxes or horses, representing opposing forces or challenges. As you visualize, feel the power and control you have over these forces. See yourself driving the chariot forward, overcoming any obstacles in your path, and heading directly toward your desired manifestation.

Affirmation with The Chariot: Use affirmations that align with The Chariot’s energy. For instance, “I am in control of my destiny,” or “With focus and determination, I move towards my goals.”

Action Aligned with Intent: The Chariot’s energy is dynamic, suggesting that while visualization and intent are crucial, taking action is equally important. Make a list of steps or actions you can take that align with your manifestation goal. Then, begin taking those steps, keeping the energy and determination of The Chariot in mind.

Regular Tarot Check-ins: As you work towards your manifestation, regularly draw a card to check in on your progress or to seek guidance. This can help you stay aligned with your goal and make necessary adjustments in your approach.

Altar or Sacred Space: Create a small altar or sacred space dedicated to your manifestation goal. Place The Chariot card in a prominent position, surrounded by other symbols or items that resonate with your goal. Spend a few minutes daily at this altar, reaffirming your intent and visualizing your desired outcome.

Stay Balanced: The Chariot is all about balance – managing opposing forces to move forward. As you work towards your manifestation, ensure you’re balancing all aspects of your life, whether it’s work and leisure, or intuition and logic. This balance will help maintain the momentum and keep you from being derailed.

Remember, manifestation with The Chariot is not just about passive wishing; it’s about harnessing your inner power, maintaining focus, and taking purposeful actions towards your goal. With determination and a clear vision, The Chariot’s energy can guide you towards making your desires a reality

Affirmations to use

“I steer the course of my destiny with clarity and purpose.”
“Every challenge I face only strengthens my resolve and direction.”
“I am in control of my actions, emotions, and outcomes.”
“With balanced focus, I overcome obstacles and move forward.”
“The power to achieve my goals lies within me, and I harness it fully.”

To align with the energy of The Chariot, one should recite these affirmations with confidence and intent, ideally during moments of quiet reflection or meditation. As The Chariot embodies determination, control, and forward momentum, visualizing oneself driving a chariot and navigating through life’s challenges while stating these affirmations can enhance their potency. By regularly affirming these statements, one can reinforce a mindset of control and purpose, ensuring that actions are taken with intention and direction. It’s beneficial to speak these affirmations aloud, allowing the vibrational energy of the words to resonate through one’s being, fortifying the commitment to the path set before them.