Temperance Tarot Card
Temperance Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Angel

The central figure of the Temperance card is an androgynous angel, representing a higher spiritual force that brings about healing and harmony. This angel is often associated with Archangel Michael or the “Guardian of Fire”. The angel’s presence is a symbol of divine intervention and spiritual guidance.

The Two Cups

The angel is shown pouring water between two cups, symbolizing the transmutation of energies and the alchemical process of turning the base into the sublime. This act is one of balance and moderation, merging opposites into a unified, harmonious whole.

The Iridescent Triangle on the Angel’s Robe

This triangle, placed upon the chest of the angel, is an emblem of fire and points upwards, symbolizing spirit. When combined with the square (which represents earth and matter) beneath it, it forms a symbol of the integration of spirit and matter, the merging of above and below.

One Foot on Land, One in Water

The angel stands with one foot on the earth and one in a pool of water, indicating a balance between intuition and reality, emotion and practicality. This suggests the blending of the conscious and unconscious, and the importance of integrating both aspects of oneself for true inner harmony.

The Path and the Crown

Behind the angel is a luminous, narrow pathway that leads to a distant mountain crowned by the golden light. This path signifies the middle way, the path of moderation and balance that leads to enlightenment.

The Sun

The rising sun in the background symbolizes hope, clarity, and the dawn of a new day. As with many cards in the tarot, the presence of the sun suggests illumination, clarity, and divine energy.

Correspondences & Associations


The Temperance card is rooted in ancient alchemical symbolism. The mixing of water and wine was a common practice in older times to achieve the right potency and flavor. Mythologically, the angel can be associated with the Greek goddess Iris, who was a messenger of the gods and a link between heaven and earth. The act of tempering also alludes to alchemical processes where different substances are combined to create a new, unified substance.


The Temperance card is associated with the element of Fire. Fire in the Tarot symbolizes transformation, passion, and energy. In the case of Temperance, this fiery energy is not about destruction but about refining and purifying, harnessing this energy in a controlled and balanced manner.


The card of Temperance is linked to the astrological sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is known for its philosophical nature, the quest for higher knowledge, and the blending of ideas. It’s a sign that seeks harmony, balance, and a higher understanding of the world.


Temperance is card number 14 in the Tarot deck. The number 1 signifies new beginnings and leadership, while the number 4 represents foundation and stability. When combined, the number 14 speaks to creating a stable foundation through new ways of thinking and harmonizing opposites.


In the Tree of Life from the Kabbalistic tradition, Temperance corresponds to the path that connects Tiphareth (Beauty) to Yesod (Foundation). This path signifies the purification process and the harmonization of energies leading to a realization of one’s true nature and divine beauty.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, Temperance aligns with the Alchemist archetype. The Alchemist is one who transforms or combines opposites into a harmonious whole, turning the mundane into the precious. Psychologically, this signifies the process of individuation, where one reconciles opposites within oneself to achieve wholeness and self-realization.

Says Temperance

In balance, you find true strength
Interpreting Temperance Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Balance, Harmony, Moderation, Alchemy, Patience

General Overview

The Temperance card is a beacon of peace, harmony, and equilibrium. It stands as a reminder of the importance of finding balance in all aspects of our life, urging us to merge opposing forces and find a middle ground. The angel depicted is a mediator, mixing different elements to find the perfect blend, which symbolizes our need to integrate diverse aspects of ourselves or our circumstances.

In life, extremes can often lead to chaos or stagnation. Temperance’s message is about blending these extremes to find the optimal path forward, a fusion of the best qualities. It’s about tempering emotions with logic, passion with patience, and urgency with consideration.

More than mere balance, Temperance speaks to the alchemical process of transformation. By harmonizing opposing forces, one can create something new and more potent, a refined essence distilled from the combination of disparate elements.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, Temperance is a sign of harmony and mutual understanding. It suggests that both parties are learning to balance their individual needs with the needs of the relationship, leading to a deeper, more fulfilling connection.

If there have been conflicts or misunderstandings, the card signals a period of reconciliation and healing. The waters of communication flow smoothly, and there’s a sense of give and take. Both partners are urged to practice patience and seek compromise, leading to stronger bonds and mutual growth.

For those seeking love, Temperance advises patience and letting things unfold naturally. It’s about recognizing the right moment to act and ensuring that one’s own inner balance is achieved before embarking on a new relationship.

Career & Finances

In matters of career, Temperance heralds a period of stability and balance. It suggests that you’re in a phase where you’re blending your skills and passions effectively, leading to both personal satisfaction and professional success. Patience, persistence, and a steady approach will yield the best results.

If there have been tensions at the workplace, now may be a time of reconciliation and finding middle ground. Collaborations will be particularly fruitful as different individuals bring their unique skills to the table, creating something greater than the sum of its parts.

Financially, Temperance advises moderation. It’s a time to be neither too conservative nor too extravagant. Balance your spending with saving, ensuring that you’re prepared for future uncertainties while also allowing yourself the occasional treat.


When it comes to health, Temperance emphasizes the importance of balance for well-being. This could mean finding the right mix between rest and activity, or balancing your diet to ensure you’re getting all the necessary nutrients without overindulgence.

The card also suggests a period of healing and recovery. If you’ve been facing health issues, a balanced approach to treatment and a harmonious mindset can lead to improvement. It’s a reminder to listen to your body and give it what it needs, whether that’s rest, nutrition, or emotional healing.

Mental and emotional balance are equally important. The Temperance card advises seeking practices or therapies that bring inner peace and equilibrium, be it through meditation, counseling, or other forms of introspection.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, Temperance speaks to the soul’s journey towards enlightenment and wholeness. It’s about the alchemical process of blending the physical with the spiritual, the mundane with the divine. As we journey through life, we are constantly tasked with integrating these opposing forces to elevate our spirit.

Temperance urges us to find harmony within, reconciling our earthly desires with our spiritual needs. It’s a call to delve deeper into the self, understanding and balancing our dual natures to achieve a state of inner peace and higher consciousness.

This card serves as a reminder that our spiritual journey is a process, not a destination. By continually seeking balance and harmony in all aspects of our being, we come closer to understanding the divine nature of existence and our place within it.

Reversed Meaning


Imbalance, Excess, Disagreement, Impatience, Misalignment

General Overview

In its reversed position, the Temperance card warns of a lack of balance and harmony in one’s life. It suggests that the careful blending of elements, which once brought equilibrium, has been disturbed. Where there was once peace and moderation, there may now be excess, impatience, or a lack of foresight.

This reversed position can point to inner conflicts, struggles, and tensions that prevent smooth progress. It’s a caution against hasty actions, rash decisions, and the dangers of extremes. Just as the upright Temperance speaks to alchemical fusion, its reversal can denote separation or division – elements that should be united are being kept apart, or those that should be apart are forced together inappropriately.

The challenge presented by the reversed Temperance card is to identify the sources of disharmony and take conscious steps to restore balance. This might require introspection, patience, and the willingness to compromise or change course.

Love & Relationships

When relating to love and relationships, the reversed Temperance card may suggest disharmony or a lack of mutual understanding. There could be disagreements, conflicts, or an overall sense of being out of sync with one’s partner. This misalignment could stem from a lack of compromise or the presence of unresolved issues that have been ignored.

For those who are single, this card in its inverse might hint at trying too hard to force a connection or rushing into relationships without due consideration. It serves as a reminder to be patient and not to compromise essential aspects of oneself in a bid to find companionship.

Restoring balance in relationships will necessitate open communication, understanding, and patience. Both parties need to recognize the disparities and actively work towards bridging the gaps, seeking mutual ground and harmony once more.

Career & Finances

Professionally, the reversed Temperance suggests disruptions or imbalances in the work environment. There may be team conflicts, mismatched collaborations, or projects that seem misaligned with one’s skills or passions. It’s a sign to reassess and realign oneself with one’s career goals and aspirations.

Financially, the card warns against excesses. Overindulgence, poor financial planning, or impulsive spending might lead to complications. It’s a call to reevaluate one’s financial strategies and priorities, ensuring that there’s a balance between income and expenditure, savings, and investments.

To address these challenges, one may need to adopt a more patient and strategic approach, avoiding hasty decisions, and seeking expert advice if necessary.


Concerning health, the reversed Temperance may point towards an imbalance in one’s well-being. This could relate to neglecting certain aspects of health or overindulging in others. For instance, excessive exercise without adequate rest or an imbalanced diet could lead to health complications.

It might also indicate mental or emotional imbalances, potentially stemming from stress, anxiety, or unresolved inner conflicts. The body and mind are intricately connected, and an imbalance in one can often affect the other.

The remedy lies in identifying these imbalances and taking proactive steps to address them. This might mean seeking medical advice, adopting healthier habits, or finding therapeutic ways to manage emotional and mental strains.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual plane, the reversed Temperance card indicates a potential disconnect from one’s spiritual path or higher self. The equilibrium between the physical realm and the spiritual might be disrupted, leading to feelings of emptiness or spiritual stagnation.

This divergence could be due to distractions, earthly temptations, or a loss of faith. It serves as a reminder that true spiritual growth requires consistent effort, patience, and a balanced approach, integrating both earthly experiences and spiritual pursuits.

To realign oneself spiritually, one might need to seek guidance, delve into introspective practices, or reconnect with the foundational beliefs and values that guide one’s spiritual journey. It’s a call to find harmony between the material and the ethereal, grounding oneself while also reaching for the divine.

Temperance and Manifesting


The Temperance card in the Tarot speaks to balance, harmony, moderation, and the blending of opposites to create unity. When aiming to harness this card for manifestation purposes, it’s all about embracing these energies and aligning oneself with them. Here’s how The Temperance can be employed for manifestation:

Blending Intentions: Just as the angel on the Temperance card blends water between two cups, you can merge multiple intentions or desires to create a more unified and powerful goal. For example, if you desire both love and stability, envision a scenario that combines these elements, and focus your manifestation energy on that blended intention.

Maintaining Balance: Temperance reminds us that extreme behaviors or desires can lead to imbalance. When manifesting, ensure that what you’re asking for doesn’t skew your life out of balance in other areas. Aim for goals that bring harmony and equilibrium to various facets of your life.

Moderation: In manifestation, it’s tempting to ask for the grandest or most immediate results. However, the energy of Temperance advises moderation. Instead of seeking instant success, aim for steady progress. Trust in the universe’s timing, knowing that gradual achievements often last longer and are more fulfilling.

Embracing Alchemical Transformation: Temperance is often linked to alchemy, the ancient art of spiritual transformation. When manifesting, view your desires not just as external goals but as catalysts for inner transformation. Ask yourself: How will achieving this change me? What will I learn or become through this process?

Meditative Practices: Engage in meditative practices where you visualize the Temperance card, connecting with its serene and harmonious energy. Envision the water flowing between cups as your energies aligning with the universe, and the angel as your higher self guiding your path. This visualization will help anchor your manifestation desires with the balanced energy of the card.

In essence, using the Temperance card for manifestation revolves around seeking harmony and growth in a balanced manner, trusting in the divine timing of the universe, and understanding that the best results often come from a blending of energies and intentions.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I effortlessly blend my desires and realities, finding harmony in every moment.”
  2. “With every breath, I cultivate balance and serenity within myself.”
  3. “I trust the universe’s timing and embrace the journey of gradual transformation.”
  4. “I am the alchemist of my life, turning challenges into golden opportunities.”
  5. “In patience and moderation, I discover the deepest wellsprings of my power and potential.”

To align with the energy of the Temperance card using these affirmations, begin by finding a quiet space where you can focus without distractions. Visualize the Temperance card, paying attention to the imagery of the angel mixing waters, symbolizing balance and alchemy. As you breathe deeply, repeat each affirmation, feeling the words resonate within you. Imagine each affirmation aiding in the blending of your internal energies, harmonizing your desires with reality. Trust that as you regularly affirm these statements, you’re cultivating an inner balance and are guiding your life towards harmony, moderation, and purposeful transformation.