Three of Cups Tarot Card
Three of Cups Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

Three Maidens Dancing

Representing celebration, unity, and a shared joy, the three maidens signify the communal spirit and happiness of human connections. Their dance is symbolic of the rhythm of life and the joyous moments that should be cherished and shared with others.

The Cups Raised

The cups raised in a toast signify celebration, gratitude, and the act of honoring special moments in life. This symbol suggests a successful culmination of a phase or the realization of hopes and dreams that are now being celebrated in unity.

Harvest and Fruit

The bountiful harvest at their feet indicates abundance, the fruition of one’s labor, and the rewards of perseverance. The fruit specifically can also hint at cycles, as the culmination of one season leads to the beginning of another.

The Flowing Garments

The flowing robes of the maidens, much like water, symbolize fluidity, emotions, and the free flow of feelings. It’s an indication that, in this moment, there’s an openness to express joy without reservation.

Golden Goblets

Gold in the Tarot often symbolizes spiritual wealth and divine energy. The golden goblets in the maidens’ hands not only represent the physical act of celebration but also the spiritual blessings and shared emotional connections they enjoy.

Circular Dance Formation

The circular formation in which the maidens dance signifies cycles, unity, and wholeness. This circle, free of a starting or ending point, encapsulates the concept of eternal joy and the interconnectedness of human experiences.

Correspondences & Associations


The Three of Cups’ imagery, depicting three maidens celebrating, is reminiscent of various ancient pagan harvest celebrations, where joy, dancing, and merriment were integral. Mythologically, it can also be related to the Greek Graces or Charites – three sister deities who were patrons of charm, beauty, nature, human creativity, and fertility, often seen dancing in a circle.


The card is associated with the element of water. In Tarot, water symbolizes emotions, intuition, and the unconscious mind. It represents fluidity, healing, and the ebb and flow of feelings. The Three of Cups, being of this element, embodies the height of emotional joy and mutual understanding.


The Three of Cups is linked to Mercury in Cancer. Mercury, the planet of communication, combined with Cancer, a water sign known for its emotional depth and familial connections, aligns with the card’s themes of harmonious emotional exchanges, joyful gatherings, and heartfelt communications.


The number three in numerology signifies growth, expansion, and communication. It’s the number of creation, as in the Christian Holy Trinity. In the context of the Three of Cups, this number embodies the expansion of joy, shared experiences, and communal celebration.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the Three of Cups corresponds to the sephira Binah, which represents understanding and is the third sphere. Binah is the receptive aspect that takes the raw energy of Chokhmah (wisdom) and shapes it. This card, in the context of Binah, emphasizes emotional understanding and the depth of shared experiences.

Jungian Archetypes

Jung might associate this card with the archetype of The Celebrant or The Companion, given its emphasis on shared joy, mutual understanding, and community. It taps into the universal human desire for connection and shared happiness. In a psychological context, this card may signify moments where individuals find unity in shared emotional experiences, creating bonds that foster mutual growth.

The Three of Cups' Vibe

Joy flourishes when hearts come together in celebration
Interpreting the Three of Cups Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Celebration, Friendship, Community, Joy, Togetherness

General Overview

The Three of Cups is a card that radiates joy, celebration, and communal spirit. When it graces your reading, it is a sign that there are reasons to celebrate, be it small joys or grand occasions. This card reflects the happiness that arises from social gatherings, reunions, or simple moments shared between friends or family.

It’s also a card of emotional growth and mutual support. The joy it heralds is not solitary but shared, indicating that communal bonds and shared experiences are in focus. Often, it’s a reminder to appreciate the present moments, to revel in the joys of life, and to recognize and celebrate personal milestones.

Additionally, the Three of Cups can indicate a period of harmony and mutual understanding, where conflicts are resolved, and individuals come together in the spirit of unity and joy. It encourages one to reach out, connect, and share life’s blessings with others.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, the Three of Cups is a promising card. It suggests a time of deepening bonds, mutual understanding, and shared joy. For those in a relationship, it could mean a period of harmony and happiness, perhaps marking an engagement, wedding, or another significant joint milestone.

For the singles, the card can indicate the potential of meeting someone through social gatherings or mutual friends. It’s a reminder of the joys of friendship as well and the potential for friendships to evolve into deeper emotional bonds. Emotions are to be celebrated, not suppressed.

Overall, it urges one to nurture relationships, be it romantic, platonic, or familial, and to cherish the moments of connection and unity. It’s a time to celebrate love in all its forms.

Career & Finances

When the Three of Cups appears in a career context, it signals a time of achievement and celebration. Perhaps a project has come to successful completion, or there’s a reason for communal celebration at the workplace. It promotes teamwork, urging the querent to acknowledge the contributions of all involved.

In financial matters, this card indicates a positive flow of abundance, possibly from unexpected sources. It can also suggest that joining forces with others, perhaps in a business partnership or investment, can lead to fruitful outcomes. However, while the card is positive, it also serves as a reminder to celebrate responsibly and not to overindulge.

Overall, the Three of Cups in a career or financial context is about reaping the rewards of hard work, sharing successes, and enjoying the fruit of one’s labor in the company of others.


In terms of health, the Three of Cups brings a message of healing and rejuvenation. It can indicate a period of recovery, where health issues are resolved, and one finds reasons to celebrate. The card can also be a reminder of the therapeutic benefits of social connections and the healing power of joy.

For those who have been feeling isolated or down, it suggests that reaching out and connecting with loved ones can be a balm for the soul. Surrounding oneself with positive, supportive individuals can greatly impact one’s overall well-being.

It’s also a nudge to engage in activities that bring joy and to celebrate the body and mind’s capabilities. Dancing, for instance, is not just a physical activity but a celebration of life and health.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the Three of Cups speaks of spiritual growth attained through communal bonds and shared experiences. It reflects the idea that spiritual journeys, while personal, can be enriched by the experiences and insights of others. Unity, in this context, isn’t just physical or emotional, but also spiritual.

This card reminds us of the universal interconnectedness and the collective consciousness. Just as the three maidens are linked in joyous celebration, every soul is linked in the grand tapestry of existence. The joys and sorrows of one ripple out to affect the whole.

Lastly, the Three of Cups is an invitation to celebrate the spiritual milestones, to honor the divine in every joyous moment, and to recognize the sacredness of shared experiences. It’s about finding the divine in every connection and understanding that every celebration is, in essence, a celebration of the spirit.

Reversed Meaning


Overindulgence, Gossip, Isolation, Broken Friendships, Excess

General Overview

When the Three of Cups appears reversed, it suggests a distortion or imbalance of the card’s upright qualities. Instead of joyous celebration, one might be facing the consequences of overindulgence or revelry taken to an extreme. What was once a time of unity and shared happiness can turn into gossip, misunderstandings, or conflicts within a group.

This position of the card may hint at temporary breakdowns in relationships or alliances, often as a result of miscommunication or not respecting boundaries. It can also signify feeling left out or isolated from a community or group, emphasizing a sense of loneliness or longing for connection.

Additionally, the reversed Three of Cups warns against the dangers of excess, whether it’s in terms of partying, drinking, or any form of indulgence. It serves as a reminder to find balance, moderation, and to be wary of the negative consequences of hedonism.

Love & Relationships

In matters of the heart, the reversed Three of Cups can point to complexities. It may indicate a love triangle or complications arising from external influences in a relationship. There’s also the possibility of feeling isolated or disconnected from a partner, even if you’re in a committed relationship.

For some, this card might warn against mistaking a short-lived fling or infatuation for genuine love. It suggests the importance of discernment in matters of the heart and avoiding getting caught up in the intoxicating rush of a new romance without considering the long-term implications.

Furthermore, it advises one to be cautious of gossip or meddling from outside parties that might cause disruptions in a relationship. Open communication with your partner and setting clear boundaries with others can mitigate potential issues.

Career & Finances

In the realm of career and finances, the reversed Three of Cups may signify disputes or disagreements in a team or work environment. Instead of collaborative effort, there might be competitive energy, making it challenging to achieve collective goals.

Financially, it warns against extravagance and urges caution in financial dealings, especially when influenced by peer pressure. It might be easy to get swept up in the moment and make impulsive decisions, but this card advises restraint and thoughtful consideration.

It’s also crucial to be wary of office gossip or politics that might adversely affect one’s professional standing. Keeping a low profile and focusing on one’s responsibilities would be beneficial during such times.


Regarding health, the reversed Three of Cups can serve as a caution against overindulgence, which might lead to health issues. It’s a reminder to prioritize moderation, especially when it comes to eating, drinking, or any form of recreation.

This card might also hint at feeling emotionally drained or isolated, emphasizing the need for mental and emotional self-care. Surrounding oneself with positive influences and seeking support when needed can aid in overcoming such feelings.

Lastly, for those seeking to improve their physical health, this card underscores the importance of avoiding temptations that could derail one’s progress and maintaining a balanced approach to wellness.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual plane, the reversed Three of Cups might indicate feeling disconnected from one’s spiritual community or practices. It can reflect a period of spiritual drought, where one feels distant from the divine or the practices that once brought joy and fulfillment.

However, such periods can also be transformative. They invite introspection, urging one to delve deeper and re-evaluate one’s spiritual beliefs and practices. It might be a call to seek new spiritual avenues or communities that resonate better with one’s current path.

In essence, while this card reversed might signify a temporary spiritual disconnect, it also presents an opportunity for profound spiritual growth and evolution. It’s a reminder that even in moments of spiritual isolation, the divine is always accessible, awaiting reconnection.

Three of Cups and Manifesting


The Three of Cups is a card of celebration, joy, community, and shared happiness. When used for manifestation, it can help channel the energy of abundance, emotional fulfillment, and connection. Here’s how one can utilize the Three of Cups for manifestation purposes:

Visualization: Begin by visualizing the image on the Three of Cups card. See yourself as one of the figures, dancing and celebrating with others. Imagine the feeling of joy and gratitude, and let this energy infuse your entire being. By immersing yourself in this vision, you’re aligning with the card’s energy, which can help draw those feelings and experiences into your life.

Community Rituals: The Three of Cups is all about collective energy. Performing group rituals or manifestations with trusted friends or loved ones can amplify your intentions. The combined energies of the group, when focused on a shared goal, can be incredibly potent.

Affirmations: Use affirmations that resonate with the essence of the Three of Cups, such as “I am surrounded by love and support,” or “I celebrate life’s blessings with those I cherish.” Repeating these affirmations daily can help solidify your intentions and draw these experiences to you.

Gratitude Practice: The Three of Cups emphasizes appreciation and celebration. By keeping a daily gratitude journal and listing things you’re thankful for, you align with the card’s energy, thus attracting more reasons to celebrate and be grateful.

Connecting with Others: Engage in activities that foster connection and celebration, whether it’s attending gatherings, hosting small parties, or simply spending quality time with loved ones. By doing so, you’re physically manifesting the energy of the card and drawing more such moments into your life.

By actively working with the Three of Cups in these ways, you’re harnessing its joyful and communal energy, allowing you to manifest deeper connections, celebrations, and moments of shared happiness in your life.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am surrounded by love, joy, and supportive community.”
  2. “Every day, I find reasons to celebrate and express gratitude.”
  3. “I attract harmonious and joyous connections into my life.”
  4. “Together with my loved ones, we manifest abundance and happiness.”
  5. “I am open to the flow of joy, celebration, and mutual support in all my relationships.”

The Three of Cups is a card of community, celebration, and collective joy. When using these affirmations, it’s essential to immerse oneself in the feelings they evoke, visualizing scenes of jubilant gatherings, shared laughter, and mutual support. Begin each day by stating these affirmations out loud, preferably in front of a mirror, to reinforce their power. Throughout the day, take a moment to repeat them silently, especially in social settings or when seeking emotional harmony. Over time, the continuous repetition will serve as a magnet, drawing in experiences that align with the celebratory and communal energy of the Three of Cups, enhancing one’s connection with others and the collective joy of life’s blessings.