Queen of Cups Tarot Card
Queen of Cups Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism


The throne upon which the Queen sits is symbolic of her authority over the realm of emotions and feelings. It represents stability, suggesting that she understands her emotions well and is not easily swayed by temporary disturbances. Her dominion over the water around her signifies mastery and control over the depths of intuition and the unconscious.

Chalice or Cup

The cup she holds is ornate and closed, unlike the other cups in the suit. It symbolizes the unconscious mind, intuition, and the emotional realm. The closed nature of her cup indicates the depth of her thoughts and emotions – some things are not immediately visible on the surface. She has a deep understanding of feelings, both hers and those of others.

Water and Sea

Surrounding her throne is the vast sea, a symbol of the depths of emotion and the unconscious. The calm state of the water reflects her serene disposition and balanced emotional state. It signifies her deep emotional understanding, intuition, and psychic abilities. She navigates the emotional realms with grace and understanding.

Cherubs on the Throne

The cherubs depicted on the throne of the Queen of Cups symbolize innocence, pure-heartedness, and divine love. Their presence indicates that the Queen’s emotional wisdom and intuitive abilities are deeply connected to higher spiritual truths. Cherubs, as divine messengers, also underscore her role as a conduit between the conscious and unconscious realms, reflecting her ability to tap into the collective unconscious and divine love.

Correspondences & Associations


The Queen of Cups, as with many of the court cards, can be traced back to the early Tarot decks of the Middle Ages. Symbolically, she often draws parallels to mythological water goddesses and deities associated with emotional depth, intuition, and healing. Figures such as Aphrodite from Greek mythology and the Lady of the Lake from Arthurian legends embody attributes of this nurturing queen.


The element associated with the Queen of Cups is water. Water, in tarot, symbolizes emotions, intuition, and the subconscious mind. As the Queen of this element, she represents a mastery over these realms, offering compassion, emotional clarity, and deep intuitive insights. The fluidity of water also speaks to her adaptable and receptive nature.


The Queen of Cups is often associated with the watery zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. These signs are known for their emotional depth, sensitivity, and intuitive capabilities. Her ruling planet is the Moon, which governs emotions, moods, and maternal instincts.


Though the Queen of Cups doesn’t directly correlate with a single number in numerology, the court cards can be linked with the number 4, which represents stability, foundation, and structure. This number emphasizes her role as a steady emotional pillar and her ability to offer solid emotional advice.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the Queen cards reside in the Sephira of Binah, which is the realm of understanding. Binah is related to the archetypal feminine and the womb from which all things are born. This aligns with the Queen of Cups’ role as a nurturing, intuitive, and compassionate figure.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, the Queen of Cups could be seen as the “Anima” or the inner feminine side of a man’s personality. She represents the unconscious mind and the intuitive, feeling-oriented side of our psyche. Her presence suggests an embrace of one’s emotional depth and the ability to connect deeply with both the self and others.

The Queen of Cups' Vibe

Loving the world with a heart of compassion
Interpreting the Queen of Cups Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Intuition, Compassion, Emotional Stability, Empathy, Depth of Feeling

General Overview

The Queen of Cups embodies the epitome of emotional intelligence, intuitive insight, and compassionate understanding. In her upright position, she speaks to our ability to dive deep into the wellspring of our emotions, not to be lost within them, but to understand and channel them for greater good. Her presence in a reading often suggests the need to approach situations with empathy and understanding, to trust our inner feelings, and to recognize the emotional currents that might be influencing events.

With her serene demeanor, she gazes upon her chalice – a vessel of deep emotions and subconscious insights. This suggests a mastery over the depths of emotion, indicating that one does not have to be overwhelmed by feelings but can instead understand, respect, and navigate them.

Furthermore, the Queen of Cups, as a beacon of intuition, often brings messages from the subconscious mind to the forefront. Dreams, gut feelings, and emotional reactions should be taken into account when she graces your reading.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, the Queen of Cups indicates a phase of deep emotional connection and understanding. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, her presence suggests that now is a time to be open-hearted, receptive, and empathetic. For those in a relationship, this card often signals a period of harmony, where mutual understanding and emotional bonding take center stage.

For those seeking love, the Queen may herald the entrance of someone who possesses the nurturing and emotionally intuitive qualities she embodies. Alternatively, she might be guiding you to cultivate these qualities within yourself, as they will be crucial in forming a meaningful connection with a potential partner.

Lastly, the Queen of Cups reminds everyone, irrespective of relationship status, of the importance of self-love and self-care. Taking time to understand and nurture your emotional well-being is paramount.

Career & Finances

In the sphere of career and finances, the Queen of Cups could indicate a role or situation where emotional intelligence and intuition are key assets. You may find yourself in a position where you need to mediate, counsel, or guide others. Careers in caregiving, counseling, or any profession that requires deep understanding and empathy are highlighted by this card.

Financially, the Queen encourages a more intuitive approach to money matters. While it’s always wise to be rational, it’s equally important to trust your gut feelings about certain investments or expenditures. She also suggests generosity – be it in charity or in helping someone in need.

Moreover, this card might also hint at collaborations and partnerships that are based on mutual respect and emotional understanding, leading to successful and fulfilling ventures.


When the Queen of Cups appears in the context of health, she emphasizes the importance of emotional and mental well-being. Addressing emotional wounds, past traumas, or suppressed feelings is crucial for overall health. She might also suggest seeking therapies that focus on emotional healing, such as counseling or psychotherapy.

Additionally, the Queen highlights the link between our emotional state and physical health. Stress, anxiety, or emotional disturbances can manifest as physical ailments. It’s a reminder to seek balance and prioritize self-care.

Lastly, as a symbol of intuitive insight, she advises tuning into your body and listening to its signals. If something feels off, it probably is, and seeking medical advice might be beneficial.

Spiritual Interpretation

The Queen of Cups, on a spiritual level, beckons one to delve into the depths of their soul and connect with their higher self. Her intuitive and empathetic nature can be seen as a call to develop and strengthen one’s psychic abilities or to trust spiritual messages that might be coming through dreams or meditation.

She also embodies the concept of unconditional love – a divine, boundless love that is the essence of the universe. By aligning with this form of love, one can experience profound spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Furthermore, as a beacon of emotional depths, the Queen encourages exploring and understanding the shadow self. By confronting and integrating the hidden parts of our psyche, we can achieve greater spiritual wholeness and understanding.

Reversed Meaning


Emotional Imbalance, Dependency, Suppressed Feelings, Disconnection, Overwhelm

General Overview

In her reversed position, the Queen of Cups suggests an imbalance in emotional realms, leading to feelings of disconnection, confusion, or overwhelm. Instead of her usual mastery over the emotional sphere, she becomes overwhelmed by the currents of feeling, sometimes leading to emotional dependency or vulnerability. The intuitive insights she typically possesses might feel blocked, or the messages from the subconscious could become clouded and difficult to interpret.

This position of the Queen may also indicate a person who is suppressing their true feelings, avoiding confronting emotional issues, or someone who is too emotionally involved to see a situation clearly. There’s a caution against becoming too introspective to the point of losing touch with external realities.

Furthermore, the reversed Queen of Cups may serve as a warning against being overly trusting or failing to see the deeper emotional undercurrents in a situation. It’s a reminder to find balance and grounding in the face of emotional tumult.

Love & Relationships

Within the context of love and relationships, the reversed Queen of Cups can signify emotional instability or dependency. There might be a tendency to look for validation solely from one’s partner or to rely too heavily on them for emotional support. This position can also suggest suppressed feelings or unspoken resentments that could lead to a distance between partners.

For those seeking love, this card might indicate a period where one is feeling particularly vulnerable or insecure in matters of the heart. It serves as a caution against entering relationships without emotional clarity or getting involved with someone who might not have your best interests at heart.

Overall, the reversed Queen calls for open communication and self-awareness in relationships. It’s essential to recognize one’s own emotional needs and boundaries and to address any feelings of imbalance or insecurity.

Career & Finances

In career matters, the reversed Queen of Cups may hint at a work environment where emotions run high, leading to potential misunderstandings or conflicts. It could also indicate a situation where one’s emotional needs are not being met, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction or disconnection from one’s work.

Financially, this card warns against making decisions based purely on emotional impulses. It’s essential to balance intuitive insights with practical considerations, as there’s a risk of being too emotionally invested in financial matters and missing crucial details.

Moreover, the reversed Queen might point towards collaborations or partnerships that are emotionally draining or not based on mutual respect and understanding. It’s a call to re-evaluate such associations and ensure they align with one’s emotional well-being and professional goals.


The reversed Queen of Cups in a health context can signal a neglect of emotional and mental well-being, leading to physical manifestations of stress or anxiety. There’s a pressing need to address suppressed emotions or unresolved emotional issues that might be taking a toll on one’s health.

This card also warns against neglecting one’s intuition regarding health matters. If you feel something is amiss, it’s crucial to seek medical advice or take necessary precautions.

Furthermore, the reversed Queen emphasizes the interconnectedness of the mind and body. Emotional imbalances can directly influence physical health, so it’s vital to seek holistic healing and ensure emotional well-being alongside physical health.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual plane, the reversed Queen of Cups may suggest a temporary disconnect from one’s intuitive self or higher guidance. It could indicate a phase where spiritual insights feel blocked, or there’s a struggle to integrate spiritual lessons into daily life.

This card can also signify a period of inner turmoil or confronting one’s shadow self. While challenging, such phases are essential for deeper spiritual growth and self-awareness. It’s a call to delve deeper into one’s psyche, confront suppressed emotions, and find spiritual grounding amid the chaos.

Lastly, the reversed Queen serves as a reminder that spiritual growth often comes with its challenges. Embracing the emotional depths and seeking balance and clarity can lead to profound spiritual insights and a deeper connection to the universe’s emotional tapestry.

Queen of Cups and Manifesting


The Queen of Cups embodies deep emotional understanding, intuition, compassion, and the nurturing essence of water. When utilizing this card for manifestation, one can tap into these attributes to materialize heartfelt desires, cultivate intuitive insights, and foster emotional balance. Here’s how one might approach this:

Emotional Clarity: Before manifesting any desire, it’s essential to have emotional clarity. Using the Queen of Cups, focus on what you truly feel and desire deep within. Take time to meditate with the card, visualizing your emotions flowing freely, allowing any suppressed feelings to come to the surface. This process helps in crystallizing your true desires and aspirations.

Intuitive Insights: The Queen of Cups is renowned for her intuition. In the manifestation process, listen to your inner voice or gut feeling about the path forward. This might involve seeking signs, dreams, or simply paying attention to the subtle nudges from within. Your intuition is a powerful manifestation tool; it often provides guidance on what steps to take next or if course corrections are required.

Emotional Visualization: Visualization is a potent manifestation technique. Using the Queen of Cups energy, vividly imagine your desires coming to fruition, feeling every emotion associated with your realized goal. The stronger and clearer the emotional response, the more powerful the manifestation.

Heart-Centered Affirmations: Create affirmations that resonate deeply with your heart and emotional state. These aren’t just words; they’re feelings encapsulated in words. For instance, instead of just saying “I am wealthy,” feel the deep gratitude, security, and joy associated with that wealth. Recite these affirmations with the card in hand, letting its energy amplify your words.

Cultivating Compassion: Manifestation is not just about personal desires; it’s about creating a better world for everyone. Using the Queen of Cups, focus on manifesting desires that resonate with love, compassion, and understanding. This not only aligns your goals with the greater good but also amplifies their potency.

Remember, the Queen of Cups is all about emotional depth. Tapping into that depth and harnessing its power can make your manifestation process more heartfelt, genuine, and potent.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am deeply connected to my emotions and trust my intuitive insights.”
  2. “With compassion and understanding, I navigate all situations in my life.”
  3. “I am open to receiving and giving love in its purest form.”
  4. “My heart and intuition guide me towards my highest good.”
  5. “I embrace my emotional depth, allowing it to bring clarity and purpose to my journey.”

To align with the energy of the Queen of Cups card, it’s crucial to approach these affirmations with genuine emotional engagement. Begin by finding a quiet space and hold the Queen of Cups card in your hand or place it in front of you. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. As you recite each affirmation, visualize the nurturing, compassionate, and intuitive energy of the Queen flowing through you. Feel each word resonate deep within your heart, letting the emotions stir and rise. By consistently practicing these affirmations, you’ll find yourself more in tune with your emotions, more trusting of your intuition, and better equipped to handle life’s ebb and flow with grace and empathy.