Four of Wands Tarot Card
Four of Wands Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

Wands and Garland

The four wands adorned with garlands represent a stable foundation and a celebratory atmosphere. The garlands, often made of flowers or fruit, symbolize abundance, joy, and the fruition of one’s labors.

Castle in the Background

The castle depicted at the distance symbolizes long-term security, prosperity, and a sense of belonging. This structure serves as a reminder that the happiness experienced in the moment has deep roots and is part of a larger, stable environment.

Two Figures

The two figures in the foreground, often dressed in celebratory attire, symbolize partnership and shared happiness. Whether they are dancing, celebrating, or merely standing, their presence underscores the theme of community and the joy of collective achievement.

Other Figures in the Background

The additional figures seen in the background, often portrayed as a gathering or crowd, amplify the sense of community and shared joy. They may be seen as family members, friends, or fellow community members celebrating alongside you, further emphasizing the card’s theme of collective happiness and societal harmony.

Clear Sky

The clear sky overhead signifies clarity, freedom, and endless possibilities. It acts as an ethereal backdrop that encourages openness to new experiences and a sense of limitlessness.

Correspondences & Associations


The Four of Wands draws upon imagery reminiscent of various cultural and mythological celebrations, harvest festivals, and ceremonies. The wands themselves are often likened to Roman fasces, ancient symbols of authority and power. The card encapsulates the universal human experience of coming together to celebrate a significant life event.


The card is associated with the element of Fire, signifying passion, inspiration, and will. The Four of Wands, being a card of celebration and community, shows the constructive aspect of fire as it brings people together in warmth and light.


Venus in Aries is the specific astrological correspondence for the Four of Wands. Venus represents love and beauty, while Aries is a sign of new beginnings and leadership. Together, they suggest a harmonious balance in relationships and initiatives.


The number four is generally linked to stability, structure, and a strong foundation, which is fitting for a card that often appears during times of celebration and homecoming. In numerology, the number 4 signifies dependability and responsibility, echoing the card’s theme of communal harmony.


In the Tree of Life, the Four of Wands would be associated with Chesed in Atziluth. Chesed is the sphere of Mercy and the expression of love in the Divine countenance, while Atziluth is the World of Emanation or pure Divinity. The card captures the essence of divine love manifesting in the world.

Jungian Archetypes

The Jungian archetype most closely aligned with the Four of Wands would be The Mother, symbolizing nurture, protection, and community. Like the maternal figure, this card provides a sense of safety, belonging, and celebration, representing the psychological need for communal rites and jubilations.

The Four of Wands' Vibe

Every achievement deserves its celebration
Interpreting the Four of Wands Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Celebration, Harmony, Community, Homecoming, Achievement

General Overview

The Four of Wands, in its upright position, bespeaks a moment of celebration, a pause for acknowledgment following the successful completion of a particular phase or project. It is the joyous climax of any endeavour, an indication that a period of peace and happiness is at hand. This card often appears when you have accomplished a significant personal or communal goal and it is time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

As much as this card celebrates individual accomplishments, it puts an equal emphasis on community and shared joy. It is not merely the homecoming of one but the union of many, captured by the dancing figures and the stable, interlocking wands that form a haven.

The card can also signify upcoming events that bring families and friends together, such as weddings, anniversaries, and other celebrations. It is the essence of a warm welcome, offering a respite from the trials that preceded it.

Love & Relationships

In matters of love, the Four of Wands suggests a harmonious relationship, possibly moving on to a more committed phase such as engagement or marriage. It can indicate the joyous union of two souls in a partnership that is mutually fulfilling.

For those seeking love, the card might be a sign that a meaningful relationship is on the horizon. It often shows up when one is ready to lay down the foundation for a relationship built on mutual respect and joy.

If you are already in a relationship, the card suggests that you may be entering a period of peace and stability, where both partners understand and support each other in perfect symmetry. It is a time for celebrating love, perhaps marking an anniversary or renewing vows.

Career & Finances

In the realm of career and finances, the Four of Wands denotes a successful conclusion of a business venture or project. It indicates that your hard work has paid off and it’s time for recognition, be it a promotion, bonus, or simply commendation.

The card is a favorable omen for teamwork and collaboration, encouraging one to relish victories with one’s colleagues. After all, a celebration is all the more joyous when shared.

Financially, the card often represents stability and a solid foundation, possibly hinting at investments that will serve as long-term security or a favorable real estate transaction.


When this card appears in a health reading, it generally denotes a period of healing and wellbeing. If you have been under the weather, this card indicates a quick recovery and a return to good health.

It can also signify a time of emotional and mental well-being, where stress and anxiety take a backseat, allowing you to enjoy a period of peace and relaxation.

The card may also indicate successful treatment or surgery, and in some instances, could hint at a positive phase in reproductive health.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the Four of Wands signifies a harmonious balance of the elements and the forces around you. It is the divine grace descending upon your endeavors, a cosmic ‘Well Done’ for your spiritual journey.

It may signify the achievement of spiritual wisdom or the completion of a phase in your spiritual quest. Your soul has found a momentary home in the labyrinth of spiritual complexities.

This card often serves as a reminder to honor the divine forces that have helped you along the way, advocating for moments of gratitude and offerings. It asks you to recognize the spiritual community around you, as achievements are rarely made in isolation.

Reversed Meaning


Lack of Harmony, Delayed Celebrations, Broken Communication, Instability

General Overview

In its reversed state, the Four of Wands implies a dissonance where there should have been harmony. The joy and communal spirit that usually accompanies this card in its upright position appears to be delayed or disrupted. Such events as gatherings or celebrations might be postponed, or they may not bring the anticipated joy.

This card often comes up when there is a sense of discontent in a community or a family. Its appearance may signify misunderstandings, conflict, or a lack of unity among people who should naturally be supportive of each other.

Furthermore, the reversed Four of Wands might indicate that the querent has failed to build a necessary foundation for future success and happiness. It suggests a need for going back to the drawing board and correcting mistakes before proceeding.

Love & Relationships

In the arena of love and relationships, this card reversed can denote a period of conflict or instability. Engagements or weddings might be postponed, or a relationship might be going through a rocky phase with misunderstandings and lack of communication.

If you’re seeking a relationship, the card might indicate a series of short-lived and unsatisfactory encounters. It suggests a need to reevaluate what you are looking for in a partner and whether you are ready for a serious commitment.

For those already in a relationship, the reversed Four of Wands could signify the emergence of disagreements or petty squabbles that disturb the peace. It urges both parties to work on their communication and mutual understanding to restore harmony.

Career & Finances

In matters concerning career and finances, the reversed card suggests delays and setbacks. Projects you expected to be successful could face unexpected complications. This is not a good time for risky financial ventures or for changing jobs.

A sense of dissatisfaction might pervade the workplace. Teamwork may be lacking, or you might feel underappreciated by your colleagues and superiors.

Financially, this reversed card could indicate instability and the need to be extra cautious with expenditures and investments. It suggests that you should focus on building a solid foundation before taking any financial risks.


The reversed Four of Wands in a health reading might indicate delays or complications. If you’ve been awaiting the results of medical tests or treatments, be prepared for hold-ups or possibly unsatisfactory outcomes.

Emotionally, this card suggests a period of stress and anxiety. It implies that a lack of peace and relaxation could be affecting your health adversely. Self-care and stress management techniques may be needed.

Though the card implies difficulties, it also suggests the impermanence of these issues. They are obstacles, yet not insurmountable. Your focus should be on restoring balance and harmony for your well-being.

Spiritual Interpretation

Spiritually, the reversed Four of Wands may indicate a sense of spiritual disconnection or a feeling that you are not in harmony with the Universe. Perhaps you’ve strayed from your spiritual path and are experiencing the consequences of this misalignment.

It could also signify a time where your spiritual or religious community doesn’t offer the support and enrichment that it should. There may be conflicts or a sense of spiritual emptiness that needs addressing.

This card reversed calls you to introspect and possibly seek solitude to reconnect with your inner self and spiritual guides. It advises a return to basics in your spiritual practice to rediscover your path and proceed with a renewed sense of purpose.

Four of Wands and Manifesting


The Four of Wands tarot card symbolizes celebrations, harmony, and a sense of community. It signifies the joy and satisfaction that comes after achieving a particular goal. Using this card’s energy can be highly effective in manifestation practices, as it embodies the emotions of already having achieved what you are aiming for.

To use the Four of Wands for manifestation, you can try the following steps:

Visualization: Sit quietly and visualize the scene depicted in the Four of Wands. Imagine your goals have already been achieved, and you are in the midst of a joyful celebration.

Emotional Alignment: Allow yourself to feel the happiness, relief, and joy that come with achieving your goal. This emotional resonance is a powerful manifestation tool.

Affirmations: Use affirmations that align with the Four of Wands’ energy, such as “I celebrate my successes openly and joyfully,” or “I am harmoniously aligned with the universe and receive its blessings readily.”

Community Support: Remember that the Four of Wands also signifies community and collective happiness. Share your goals with trusted friends or family and engage them in your manifestation process.

Gratitude Practice: Engage in gratitude practices to align with this card’s joyful energy. Being thankful for what you have already achieved can send a powerful message to the Universe, making it more likely that your future manifestations will occur.

By incorporating these steps into your manifestation practices, you can harness the celebratory and harmonious energy of the Four of Wands to attract what you desire.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am worthy of love, happiness, and celebration.”
  2. “I effortlessly attract joy and harmony into my life.”
  3. “Success and achievement come naturally to me.”
  4. “I am part of a loving and supportive community.”
  5. “I celebrate every victory, big and small, with gratitude.”

To use these affirmations effectively, find a quiet space where you can focus on your intentions without being disturbed. Hold the Four of Wands card or visualize it clearly in your mind, then recite the affirmations aloud or internally. Feel the words resonating with your being, filling you with the card’s energy of joy, community, and celebration. It’s also beneficial to incorporate these affirmations into your daily routine—perhaps upon waking, before a significant task, or before retiring for the night. Consistent repetition combined with genuine emotional engagement will help align your personal energy with the harmonious and celebratory vibration of the Four of Wands, aiding your manifestation efforts.