Six of Pentacles Tarot Card
Six of Pentacles Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism


The scales in the Six of Pentacles symbolize balance, fairness, and justice. They serve as a reminder that what is given will eventually be received, and what is taken must eventually be repaid. It represents the universal law of cause and effect.


The coins depict material wealth, resources, or opportunities that are either being given or received. In the Six of Pentacles, the act of sharing wealth is evident, emphasizing the role of generosity and charity.

Rich Man

The figure of the rich man stands as a symbol of power, capability, and abundance. He is the giver in this scenario, and his actions represent the will to distribute resources wisely and fairly.


The beggars who receive the alms signify those in a state of need, lack, or inequality. They are dependent on the generosity of the rich man, and their presence in the card points to social imbalances that require rectification.

Robes and Attire

The attire of the rich man and beggars holds symbolism. The rich man’s richly adorned robe suggests his authority and status. The beggars’ tattered clothing signifies their vulnerability and need. These contrasting garments highlight the disparities present in the material world.


The act of giving and receiving alms is central to the Six of Pentacles. It represents the concept of charity, compassion, and assistance. The rich man’s act of giving can be seen as an embodiment of benevolence and an understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings.

Correspondences & Associations


The Six of Pentacles, like other cards in the Pentacles suit, draws from the everyday life and experiences of the medieval European society. It reflects the practice of almsgiving, charity, and the interactions between the rich and the poor in that era. This card symbolizes themes of generosity, reciprocity, and social balance.


The Six of Pentacles is associated with the Earth element. Earth represents the practical, material, and tangible aspects of life. In this card, the Earth element manifests through the exchange of material resources, such as money or goods, as well as the physical needs and comforts of both the giver and the recipients.


Astrologically, the Six of Pentacles is linked to the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is associated with abundance, growth, and expansion. The card resonates with the zodiac signs of Taurus and Virgo. Taurus reflects material security and practicality, while Virgo embodies service and attention to detail. The houses relevant to this card are the second house, which relates to resources and possessions, and the sixth house, which pertains to work, service, and health.


The Six of Pentacles is connected to the number 6 in numerology. The number 6 represents harmony, balance, and nurturing. It signifies a sense of responsibility and the willingness to give and receive in equal measure. In the context of this card, the number 6 underscores the themes of generosity, fairness, and the need for equilibrium in material matters.


In Kabbalah, the Six of Pentacles corresponds to the sephira of Tiferet on the Tree of Life. Tiferet represents beauty, harmony, and balance. This sephira serves as a bridge between the spiritual and material realms, aligning with the card’s focus on the harmonious exchange of material resources for the greater good.

Jungian Archetypes

The Jungian archetype associated with the Six of Pentacles is that of the Caregiver or Provider. This archetype embodies the spirit of giving, nurturing, and supporting others. In the context of this card, it signifies the act of giving back to the community, maintaining a sense of responsibility, and finding fulfillment in being of service to others.

The Six of Pentacles' Vibe

Balance in giving and receiving creates abundance
Interpreting the Six of Pentacles Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Charity, Generosity, Sharing, Prosperity, Balance, Fairness

General Overview

The Six of Pentacles, often depicted by a well-dressed man distributing coins to beggars, conveys the act of giving and receiving. This card represents the flow of material resources, be it wealth, time, or energy. It emphasizes the balance between having and lacking, between giving and receiving.

The card suggests a phase of life where you might be the benefactor or the recipient. Importantly, it is a reminder of the cycle of give and take, signaling that your generosity or your acceptance of aid is a part of the natural flow of resources.

It is a card that beckons you to recognize the value of balanced relationships in life, urging you to be generous when you have abundance and gracious when you receive aid.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, this card signifies a balanced emotional exchange between partners. Whether you are in a relationship or single, the Six of Pentacles encourages generosity and understanding in emotional matters.

For those in a partnership, the card could indicate the importance of give-and-take, where both parties feel emotionally satisfied. If one has been giving more than receiving, or vice versa, the card suggests a reevaluation of emotional investments.

For singles, the card suggests that the generosity you show toward others will be returned to you, albeit not always from the expected sources. Being emotionally available and open can lead to fulfilling experiences.

Career & Finances

The Six of Pentacles in a career reading often symbolizes a fair work environment where your efforts are recognized and rewarded. It may suggest an upcoming bonus, promotion, or some form of acknowledgment of your hard work.

It can also signify that if you’ve been struggling financially, help may be on the way in the form of a loan, gift, or advice. Conversely, if you are in a position to help others, doing so can bring about good karma.

Either way, the card is about achieving a state of financial equilibrium where what comes in and what goes out are in balance, making for a stable environment.


In terms of health, the Six of Pentacles could indicate a period of recovery or stability. If you’ve been unwell, help or support will come your way, aiding in your healing process.

This card also emphasizes the idea of preventative measures, encouraging sharing of good health practices and taking advice from healthcare providers seriously.

If you are already in good health, the card suggests that maintaining a balanced lifestyle is crucial. Sharing your own health insights and wisdom could be beneficial for others.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the Six of Pentacles urges you to consider the balance of spiritual giving and receiving. It could signify a mentor-student relationship where wisdom is shared, or suggest that you seek spiritual counsel.

The card reminds you that spiritual growth is not a solitary journey; it often requires guidance from someone more experienced and, in turn, aiding others in their spiritual quests.

As a card aligned with the principle of ‘as above, so below,’ it symbolizes the material manifestation of spiritual abundance. Therefore, in spiritual matters, like in material ones, a balanced give-and-take is necessary for growth and harmony.

Reversed Meaning


Imbalance, Exploitation, Stinginess, Debt, Unfairness

General Overview

When the Six of Pentacles appears in its reversed position, the card speaks of an imbalance in the distribution of resources, time, or energy. This could mean that you are either giving too much without receiving anything in return or taking without offering anything back. It warns against exploitation, whether you are the exploiter or the exploited.

The card suggests a period where fairness and equity are lacking. In some cases, it can also imply a skewed perspective on generosity, where one may be giving with strings attached, or perhaps not giving where it is genuinely needed.

It is a wake-up call to reassess how you are managing your resources and relationships. It advises a reconsideration of your actions to restore balance in your life, to avoid accumulating debt, be it material or emotional.

Love & Relationships

In love and relationships, the reversed Six of Pentacles often signifies imbalance and unfairness. One partner may be giving a lot emotionally or materially, without getting much in return. This can lead to feelings of being taken advantage of or exploited.

If you find yourself in such an unbalanced relationship, this card serves as a caution to address the issue before it escalates. The imbalance can take various forms, including emotional neglect, financial exploitation, or a lack of mutual respect.

For singles, this card reversed might indicate that you are putting too much effort into relationships that do not serve you, or perhaps you are not putting enough effort into relationships that could be meaningful. It calls for a reassessment of your emotional investments.

Career & Finances

In matters of work and finances, this card reversed warns against exploitation and unfairness. You may find that your efforts are not being fairly rewarded or recognized. Alternatively, you might be the one taking advantage of someone else’s work.

It could also signify financial imbalance, where you may be overspending or not managing your resources wisely, possibly accumulating debt. If you are in a position of authority, it warns against stinginess or unfair treatment of subordinates.

Either way, the card urges you to take steps to rectify these imbalances and work towards a fair and equitable distribution of resources, whether it’s wages, opportunities, or recognition.


In health readings, the reversed Six of Pentacles warns of neglecting your well-being, possibly ignoring symptoms or medical advice, thereby aggravating an existing condition.

It could also signify an imbalance in lifestyle choices, like overindulgence in some areas while neglecting others. For example, you might be exercising but not eating well, or vice versa.

The card advises taking a holistic approach to health and seeking professional advice where needed. Ignoring the need for balance now could lead to more serious problems later.

Spiritual Interpretation

On the spiritual front, the reversed Six of Pentacles warns against a one-sided spiritual journey. You might be consuming spiritual wisdom without applying it, or perhaps you are withholding wisdom that could benefit others.

This card asks you to assess your spiritual path critically. Are you taking more than you give? Are you sharing your spiritual abundance with others? Remember, spiritual growth also involves the act of giving, not just receiving.

It calls for a balanced approach to spiritual development, one that involves both learning and teaching, receiving and giving, for true spiritual wealth is shared wealth.

Six of Pentacles and Manifesting


The Six of Pentacles, representing balance, generosity, and reciprocity, can serve as a meaningful tool for manifestation. Here’s how:

Balanced Exchange: The essence of the Six of Pentacles lies in the give-and-take nature of life. When manifesting, consider how you can create a balanced flow of energy in what you give and what you receive. Be conscious of not only asking from the universe but also offering something in return, whether it’s gratitude, charitable acts, or kindness. This balance aids in attracting more of what you seek.

Visualizing Abundance: Use the Six of Pentacles as an anchor for your visualization exercises. Imagine the scales in the card balancing perfectly, signifying a balanced life for yourself. Visualize receiving the gifts you wish to manifest, but also consider how you can distribute blessings to others. This two-way street of visualization can strengthen your manifestation intent.

Fair Reciprocity: This card emphasizes the principle of ‘what goes around comes around.’ While manifesting, remind yourself to be fair and generous in your interactions with others. By doing so, you align your energy with the natural law of reciprocity, making it more likely that you will receive what you’re asking for.

Tuning into Worthiness: The Six of Pentacles can also help you realize your own worthiness to receive. If you have issues around deserving what you’re trying to manifest, meditate with this card to internalize the message that it’s okay to accept blessings and opportunities from others and the universe.

Affirming Generosity: Use this card to create affirmations that not only specify what you want but also incorporate the concept of giving. Instead of saying, “I want financial security,” your affirmation could be, “I am financially secure and freely share my abundance with others.”

Acts of Kindness: Engage in acts of kindness or charity to align yourself with the card’s energy of giving and receiving. By physically embodying one of the core messages of the Six of Pentacles, you send a strong signal to the universe that you’re ready to participate in the cycle of give-and-take.

In essence, the Six of Pentacles teaches us the importance of balanced relationships with others and the universe. It instructs us to be as open to giving as we are to receiving, underlining that our actions and intentions must be balanced for successful manifestation.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am a magnet for abundance and prosperity, and I freely share with others.”
  2. “As I give, I receive. The circle of generosity is complete.”
  3. “My heart is open to both giving and receiving in perfect balance.”
  4. “I am worthy of financial security and offer the same to those in need.”
  5. “The Universe provides for me, so I may provide for others.”

To align with the energy of the Six of Pentacles, use these affirmations consciously and consistently. The Six of Pentacles is a card of generosity, balance, and fair exchange. By embodying these principles, you invite similar energies into your life. Say these affirmations daily, feeling each word resonate within you. As you do, visualize a balanced scale, symbolizing the give-and-take of life. When you give to others, visualize the scale tipping in your favor, signifying that the Universe will reciprocate your kindness. Likewise, be open to receiving help and abundance, understanding that this too is a part of the natural balance of life.