The Sun Tarot Card
The Sun Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Sun

The most obvious symbol on the card, the Sun represents illumination, clarity, warmth, vitality, and the divine source of life itself. It signifies a time of enlightenment and understanding, where things are seen without shadows and with full brightness.

Radiant Rays

The alternating straight and wavy rays emanating from the Sun symbolize the harmonious balance between intellect and intuition. The Sun’s rays touch everything, representing universal understanding and enlightenment.


The tall, sturdy stone wall protects the garden of sunflowers, symbolizing the boundaries that make a safe environment in which one can grow and thrive. It can also represent the filters with which we perceive our own personal realities, protected from outside influences.


These large, vibrant flowers always turn their faces to the sun, representing the human desire to seek light and truth. They symbolize life, fertility, and joy. Their bright yellow color echoes the hue of the Sun itself, suggesting clarity and happiness.

Naked Child

Mounted on a white horse, the child represents purity, innocence, and the divine truth that resides in all of us. His nakedness is a sign of transparency, honesty, and a soul that’s unburdened by worldly concerns.

White Horse

This horse, full of grace and strength, signifies purity and the driving force of spirit. Riding without a saddle and bridle, the horse is in harmony with the child, representing unbridled and pure emotion that is in line with one’s spiritual mission.

Red Flag

The child holds a bright red flag, symbolizing action, vitality, and a declaration of one’s own truths. It’s an emblem of the desire to spread joy and light to those around.

Correspondences & Associations


Historically, the Sun has been a symbol of life and energy in numerous cultures. Its radiance and warmth bring life to Earth, echoing the life-giving attributes of gods like Ra in Egyptian mythology and Helios in Greek tales. These deities would ride across the sky, ensuring the cycle of day and night, life and rest. The Sun card captures this ancient reverence for the celestial body, honoring its role in the cycles of life and growth.


The Sun is associated with the element of Fire. Fire signifies passion, energy, transformation, and willpower. Just as the Sun provides warmth and light, facilitating growth and vitality, the Fire element embodies dynamism, inspiration, and the spark of life.


Astrologically, the Sun card is linked to the Sun itself. The Sun represents one’s core self, ego, vitality, and the conscious mind. It is the source of one’s individuality and personal identity. In astrology, where the Sun is placed in one’s birth chart indicates the essence of one’s character and life force.


The Sun is numbered 19 in the Major Arcana. The number 1 signifies beginnings, leadership, and assertiveness, while 9 represents completion and enlightenment. When reduced (1+9), it becomes 10, which further reduces to 1, bringing us back to beginnings, suggesting the cyclic nature of life and the new starts that come after endings.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, The Sun is associated with the path that connects Hod (Glory) and Yesod (Foundation). This path represents the conscious illumination of the foundation or basis of our being, indicating the clarity and understanding that comes from aligning our minds with the rhythms and cycles of life.

Jungian Archetypes

The Sun card embodies the Jungian archetype of the Self. It signifies the unified consciousness and unconscious of an individual—the realization of one’s potential and wholeness. This archetype represents the totality of the psyche, where there is clarity, direction, and understanding. The Sun’s radiant energy illuminates the path to individuation and personal realization.

Says The Sun

Your path is illuminated with abundant energy
Interpreting The Sun Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Joy, Success, Celebration, Positivity, Vitality

General Overview

The Sun card embodies the joy and energy that comes from realizing one’s true nature. It radiates positivity, happiness, and warmth, indicating a period where everything seems to fall into place. This card speaks of success, not from external factors but from an inner alignment and understanding of one’s true self. The challenges faced in the past have led to this moment of clarity, making it a time for celebration and enjoyment.

When this card emerges, it suggests that the querent is in a phase of personal empowerment and realization. The light of the Sun illuminates any lingering shadows, offering clarity and resolution to previously unresolved issues. The brightness of this card indicates the culmination of efforts and signifies a period of unabashed joy and success.

The Sun signifies a return to innocence, suggesting that while wisdom is attained from experiences, there’s a pure, childlike joy in seeing the world with fresh eyes and a heart full of hope. It’s a reminder to embrace the simple pleasures of life and bask in the warmth of the world around us.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, The Sun is a harbinger of joy and happiness. It signifies a time of harmonious relationships, where mutual understanding and respect reign supreme. If single, this card might indicate a period where one finds joy in their own company or is about to enter a relationship that brings immense happiness.

For couples, the Sun card brings good tidings. It indicates a time of rekindled passion, understanding, and growth in the relationship. Challenges that might have previously existed seem to fade away, replaced by the warmth of genuine love and affection. It’s a time to celebrate the bond and perhaps take the relationship to the next stage.

Furthermore, this card encourages open communication and honesty. With its light, it guides couples to see each other in a new, brighter light, fostering understanding and deepening the bond they share.

Career & Finances

When it comes to career and finances, The Sun shines brightly, indicating success and achievements. It suggests that one’s efforts are being recognized, and there might be accolades or promotions on the horizon. The positivity radiated by this card ensures that any project undertaken at this time will see success and appreciation.

Financially, the Sun card heralds a period of stability and abundance. Investments made are likely to yield positive results, and there’s a sense of financial security. It’s an opportune time to plan for the future, perhaps considering investments or saving for bigger goals.

The card also encourages creativity and innovation in the professional sphere. With its radiant energy, it’s a reminder that one’s true power lies in authenticity and originality. Approach tasks with a fresh perspective, and success is almost guaranteed.


The Sun, with its life-giving energy, is a positive sign in matters of health. It suggests vitality, good health, and a period of recovery if one has been unwell. The energy of this card promotes healing, both physical and mental, ushering in a period of rejuvenation.

If one has been facing health challenges, the Sun card brings hope and positivity. It’s a reminder that the human spirit is resilient, and with the right care and attitude, recovery is on the horizon. It encourages a holistic approach to health, emphasizing the importance of mental well-being alongside physical.

Moreover, this card suggests that it’s a good time to start new health routines or regimes. The energy of the Sun will aid in discipline and consistency, ensuring that the efforts put into maintaining one’s health yield positive results.

Spiritual Interpretation

The Sun card represents enlightenment and spiritual understanding. It signifies a moment of realization where the individual soul aligns with the universal consciousness. The clarity provided by this card illuminates the spiritual path, helping one understand their purpose and role in the grand scheme of things.

It encourages the seeker to embrace their inner light and radiate it outward. Just as the Sun nurtures and provides life, an enlightened soul can uplift and bring joy to others. It’s a reminder that true spiritual growth is not just an inward journey but also about how one affects the world around them.

Reversed Meaning


Temporary depression, Lack of clarity, Overconfidence, Missed opportunities

General Overview

In its reversed position, The Sun suggests that its usual positivity and clarity are obscured or diminished. This could indicate a period of temporary depression, confusion, or perhaps a lack of optimism. The radiant energy of the upright Sun card is clouded over, hinting at potential delays or disappointments. It’s essential, however, to remember that the Sun’s warmth is still there; it’s merely hidden momentarily and will shine again with time.

The Sun reversed may also point towards an inflated ego or overconfidence. In one’s desire to shine, there may have been steps overlooked or an underestimation of challenges. This card, in its reversed state, reminds us to stay grounded and not to lose touch with reality, even when pursuing our passions and goals.

It suggests missed opportunities. There may have been a chance to bask in the sunlight, but due to distractions or hesitations, that moment was missed. However, this card also serves as a reminder that the Sun will rise again, and there will be other opportunities to seize the moment.

Love & Relationships

In matters of the heart, a reversed Sun may indicate a temporary cloud overshadowing a relationship. This might manifest as minor disagreements, misunderstandings, or a phase where the relationship feels stagnant. It’s essential to communicate openly with one’s partner during this time to dispel any darkness and bring back the light.

For singles, this card in its inverted position might indicate a lack of confidence in the realm of love. There may be hesitations in approaching potential partners or a feeling of not being “enough”. Remember that everyone has their moment under the sun, and this period of self-doubt will pass.

Lastly, The Sun reversed in the context of relationships might signify an imbalance – where one person is overshadowing the other. It’s a nudge to ensure that both partners get their time in the sun, with mutual respect and understanding.

Career & Finances

In professional and financial matters, The Sun reversed suggests potential setbacks or delays. Projects or endeavors that seemed promising might face unforeseen challenges. However, it’s essential to persevere and remain confident, for this is just a temporary phase and the path will clear eventually.

Financially, there might be minor setbacks or unexpected expenses. It’s advisable to be cautious with investments and not to be overly optimistic without thorough research. Consider this period as a learning phase and prepare for brighter days ahead.

Overconfidence at work might lead to mistakes or missed opportunities. Ensure to double-check work, stay grounded, and collaborate with team members to overcome challenges. Remember, after the darkest night, the sun shines the brightest.


Concerning health, The Sun reversed might point towards a temporary dip in energy levels or minor health concerns. It’s crucial to pay attention to one’s well-being during this phase, taking necessary precautions and not overlooking any symptoms.

This card in its inverted state might also suggest mental health challenges, such as temporary bouts of depression or anxiety. Seeking support, whether through loved ones or professionals, can help navigate through this phase.

It serves as a reminder that the body and mind are interconnected. Ensuring mental well-being can positively impact physical health. Focus on holistic well-being, incorporating relaxation techniques and self-care routines to bring back the balance.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, The Sun reversed suggests a momentary lapse in faith or a period of introspection where one grapples with existential questions. It’s a phase where one might feel disconnected from the divine or universal energy. However, such periods of darkness are often followed by profound spiritual revelations.

This card, in its inverted state, encourages inner reflection. It’s an opportunity to confront one’s shadows, understanding them, and integrating them to achieve a higher level of spiritual understanding.

The Sun and Manifesting


The Sun tarot card is a powerful symbol of success, vitality, abundance, and positivity. When it comes to manifestation, The Sun can be an instrumental tool to amplify your intentions and bring them to fruition. Here’s how you can use The Sun card for manifestation:

Clarity of Intention: Before you start, have a clear idea of what you want to manifest. The Sun represents clarity and illumination, so use its energy to clearly visualize your desires.

Meditation with The Sun Card: Begin by finding a quiet space. Hold The Sun card in your hands or place it in front of you. As you meditate, imagine the radiant energy of the sun permeating every cell of your body. Feel its warmth, positivity, and powerful energy.

Affirmations: Using affirmations that resonate with The Sun’s energy can be very beneficial. For example, you might say, “I am bathed in the abundant energy of the universe, and all my desires come to me effortlessly.”

Visualize with Emotion: As you meditate with the card, visualize your desires as if they have already come to pass. The key is to feel the emotions associated with that success, whether it’s joy, gratitude, or excitement.

Journaling: Write down your intentions and how you’ll feel once they’ve manifested. Describe in detail, using present tense, as if it’s happening now. The act of writing solidifies your intentions and taps into The Sun’s energy of manifestation.

Daily Reminder: Keep The Sun card in a place where you can see it daily. This could be on your altar, your workspace, or even as a wallpaper on your phone. Every time you see it, it will act as a reminder of your intentions and the radiant energy assisting you in your manifestation journey.

Gratitude: As you go about your manifestation practices, always maintain a sense of gratitude. Thankful energy aligns perfectly with the abundance and positivity of The Sun.

Remember, manifestation isn’t just about wishing for something to happen. It’s about aligning your energy, emotions, and actions with your desired outcome. The Sun tarot card can be a potent tool in this process, illuminating the path and infusing your journey with its radiant energy.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am radiant, full of vitality, and my inner light shines brightly.”
  2. “Abundance and joy flow effortlessly into my life.”
  3. “Every day, in every way, I am growing stronger and more positive.”
  4. “The universe supports my desires, lighting up my path to success.”
  5. “I am bathed in the golden energy of the Sun, and everything I touch thrives.”

To align with the energy of The Sun card using these affirmations, begin by finding a quiet space where you can be undisturbed. Hold or gaze upon The Sun tarot card, absorbing its imagery and energy. As you breathe deeply, repeat each affirmation aloud or in your mind, allowing its essence to resonate within you. Visualize yourself bathed in the radiant light of the Sun, feeling its warmth, positivity, and abundance. With every repetition, let the energy of the affirmation permeate your being, reinforcing your connection to the card’s optimistic and powerful vibrations. Practice this regularly, especially during the morning hours when the sun’s energy is most potent, to infuse your day with the brilliance and abundance of The Sun.