Eight of Wands Tarot Card
Eight of Wands Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

Eight Wands

The eight wands in the air symbolize swift movement, action, and rapidity. They suggest that matters are coming to a quick conclusion and things are set in motion. The straight direction of the wands points to a focused and unambiguous intention or goal.

Blue Sky

The unclouded, blue sky represents clarity and freedom. It suggests that there are no obstacles in the way of the wands, emphasizing the rapidity and ease with which plans can now be executed.

Verdant Landscape

The green, fertile ground below the wands symbolizes growth and potential. It suggests that the environment is ripe for the aims and intents symbolized by the wands to materialize into tangible success.

Streams and River

The water bodies below signify the flow of emotion and intuition, indicating that these aspects are in harmony with the rapid developments occurring. The water can also represent a free-flowing channel of communication or ideas.

House on the Hill

The house on the elevated ground symbolizes a goal or destination that is within sight but requires effort and focus to reach. It serves as a reminder that, although matters are proceeding rapidly, there is still a final point of achievement or realization that must be kept in mind.

Correspondences & Associations


The Eight of Wands can be traced back to older tarot decks where its symbolism was similarly focused on swift action and change. While there isn’t a specific mythological tale associated with this card, its essence can be likened to the arrows of Hermes or Mercury, the messenger gods, who symbolize rapid communication and transition.


This card is associated with the Fire element, which represents action, motivation, and transformation. The Fire element here emphasizes the card’s theme of rapid change, energized motion, and the drive to reach one’s goals swiftly.


The Eight of Wands is often associated with the planet Mercury, the planet of communication, as well as with the fiery sign of Sagittarius, which is known for its forward motion and adventurous spirit.


The number 8 traditionally signifies abundance, power, and the ability to manifest one’s desires. In the case of the Eight of Wands, this pertains to manifesting through action and fast-paced change.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the Eight of Wands is associated with the sephira of Hod, which is the sphere of communication and logic, aligned well with the swiftness and communication aspects of this card.

Jungian Archetypes

The Jungian archetype most closely associated with the Eight of Wands would be The Messenger or The Herald. These archetypes signify the bringing of information or change, often rapidly, and act as catalysts for action or transformation.

The Eight of Wands' Vibe

The universe conspires in the speed of now
Interpreting the Eight of Wands Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Speed, Movement, Action, Rapid Change, Swift Communication

General Overview

The Eight of Wands symbolizes rapid movement, action, and change. When this card appears in a reading, it signifies that events are in motion and change is coming swiftly. It is a harbinger of quick decisions, travel, and even rapid conclusions to existing matters.

This card is often seen as one of the more positive in the tarot deck. Its swift energy can bring a refreshing change and the resolution of stagnant situations. Be prepared to act quickly and decisively, for the energies set forth by this card won’t wait for indecision.

As an indicator of communication, the Eight of Wands also can signify receiving important news or messages in a rapid manner. In many ways, it acts as a catalyst, urging you to spring into action.

Love & Relationships

In matters of love and relationships, the Eight of Wands suggests that things will soon be moving swiftly. This could mean the blossoming of a new relationship or the deepening of an existing one. Things are moving towards a resolution or a new level of understanding.

This card can also indicate a whirlwind romance or a relationship that quickly grows in intensity. If you have been waiting for a message or gesture from a loved one, it’s likely to come sooner rather than later.

However, it also serves as a caution to not act recklessly. While the energy of this card encourages fast action, make sure that the pace suits both parties involved to prevent misunderstandings or hasty decisions.

Career & Finances

In the realm of career and finances, the Eight of Wands heralds a period of accelerated progress. Projects that have been stagnant may suddenly take off, or you may receive news that significantly alters your career path for the better.

This card often signifies opportunities that come and go quickly, so be prepared to seize them. Whether it’s a job offer, a new project, or an investment opportunity, time is of the essence.

Given the card’s swift energy, it’s also a good time for business travels or expanding your professional network rapidly. The changes signified by this card are generally positive, provided you act with both decisiveness and due consideration.


When it comes to health, the Eight of Wands is generally a positive sign, often indicating a speedy recovery or quick progression in a health matter. If you’ve been waiting for test results or a medical consultation, expect to hear news soon.

However, the card’s emphasis on speed also warns against rushing through things. While swift action is encouraged, hasty or impulsive behavior should be avoided, especially when it comes to medical treatments or procedures.

It’s an excellent card for those who are working on improving their physical fitness, signaling that you will likely see quick progress if you stay the course.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the Eight of Wands indicates rapid spiritual development. This could manifest as sudden insights, rapid attainment of peace, or the swift ending of a particular phase in your spiritual journey.

This card encourages you to embrace the pace of your spiritual growth, which will likely feel accelerated at this time. However, as with all other aspects, while speed is an attribute, it is also a caution. Spiritual growth is a process, and while leaps are possible, each stage deserves its own time for mastery.

This card could also indicate receiving spiritual messages or guidance in quick succession. If you’ve been waiting for a sign or clarity from the Universe, expect it to come forthwith.

Reversed Meaning


Delays, Obstacles, Miscommunication, Sluggishness, Stagnation

General Overview

When the Eight of Wands is drawn in its reversed position, the energies of rapid movement and swift action are obstructed or delayed. This can manifest as unexpected setbacks, slow progress, or communication breakdowns. It can also imply that you are rushing into things without proper consideration, leading to mistakes or delays.

The card, in this orientation, serves as a warning to slow down and assess the situation carefully. It can be a time for patience rather than action, a period for recalibration rather than pushing forward. If you’ve been awaiting news or expecting quick changes, be prepared for delays.

This card is not necessarily a harbinger of doom but rather an indication that things are not proceeding at the pace you may have hoped. The lesson here is often one of patience and careful planning, so as not to waste the energy that this card still possesses, albeit in a muted form.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, a reversed Eight of Wands suggests that things are not moving as smoothly or as quickly as you’d like. Whether it’s a slow-moving relationship or a lack of communication between partners, patience and understanding are required.

This card can also indicate misunderstandings that need to be cleared up before the relationship can proceed. It could represent external factors delaying a union or causing tension in an existing relationship.

Though it can be a frustrating period, remember that delays aren’t necessarily denials. Use this time to get to know each other better or resolve underlying issues that could be slowing down your relationship’s progress.

Career & Finances

When the Eight of Wands appears reversed in a career or financial reading, it indicates delays, stalled projects, or miscommunications in the workplace. Promotions or job offers that seemed imminent may take longer than anticipated.

It’s advisable to double-check all forms of communication and contracts during this period. Mistakes are more likely to occur, and they can set you back if you’re not careful.

While things may not be advancing at the desired pace, this period can be used for refining existing plans and strategies. The delay can serve as a beneficial period for reassessment and careful planning for when the momentum picks up again.


In terms of health, the reversed Eight of Wands may indicate delays in test results or treatments. Recovery, too, may take longer than anticipated. Be prepared for a slower pace and exercise patience.

It’s important not to rush medical professionals or push for treatments that you’re not fully comfortable with. Take the extra time for a second opinion if needed.

This card encourages you not to lose hope or become disheartened. While progress may be slow, it is still progress. Take this time to focus on gradual improvement and long-term wellness.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the reversed Eight of Wands may signify a plateau or period of stagnation in your spiritual growth. You might be feeling disconnected or less inspired than usual.

This could be a good time for introspection. Delays and obstacles are often the universe’s way of saying that something needs attention, reconsideration, or a change of course. You may need to reassess your spiritual goals or practices.

However, even if you feel you’re not making rapid progress, understand that slow and steady growth is also valuable. These times of apparent stagnation are often the moments right before a major spiritual breakthrough, serving as a time of gathering energy for the next leap forward.

Eight of Wands and Manifesting


The Eight of Wands is a card often associated with swift movement, quick developments, and open channels of communication. When utilized for manifestation, this card can be a powerful symbol of speed, momentum, and the smooth flow of energy needed to bring your intentions into reality. Here are some ways you can use the Eight of Wands tarot card for manifestation:

Swift Action: Use the Eight of Wands to catalyze quick actions that align with your manifestation goals. Meditate on the card while thinking about the steps you can take immediately to move closer to your desires.

Clear Communication: The Eight of Wands excels in matters related to communication. If your manifestation goals involve networking, negotiations, or simply being understood clearly, use this card as a focus point during your visualization or affirmation sessions.

Removing Obstacles: This card symbolizes a clear path for energies to flow. Use it to visualize any obstacles in your way being swiftly cleared, enabling a straight, unobstructed route to achieving what you wish to manifest.

Elevated Energy Levels: The Eight of Wands represents high energy and momentum. Use this card to uplift your own energy levels, aligning them with the swift, positive energies it embodies. The higher your vibrational frequency, the quicker and more efficiently you can manifest your desires.

Rapid Developments: If you’re impatient for results, the Eight of Wands can serve as a reminder that quick developments are possible. Keep the card on your altar or carry it with you as a talisman for speedy outcomes.

By embracing the Eight of Wands’ energy of swift actions, clear communications, and elevated energy levels, you can efficiently channel the necessary momentum to make your desires a reality.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am in alignment with the swift energy of the Universe, propelling me towards my goals.”
  2. “I communicate my desires clearly and effectively, opening channels for manifestation.”
  3. “I release all obstacles in my path, allowing for a free flow of positive energy.”
  4. “My vibrational frequency is high, magnetizing rapid and favorable outcomes.”
  5. “I trust the speed of the Universe, knowing that everything is unfolding in perfect timing for me.”

To use these affirmations to align with the energy of the Eight of Wands card, consider integrating them into your daily meditation or mindfulness practices. The Eight of Wands embodies swift motion, clear communication, and quick outcomes. As you utter these affirmations, visualize your goals materializing at an accelerated pace. Feel the energy of the Universe collaborating with you, speeding up the process of turning your dreams into reality. The affirmations serve to attune your personal vibration to that of the Eight of Wands, thus facilitating more rapid and positive manifestations.