Five of Cups Tarot Card
Five of Cups Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

Three Spilled Cups

These represent loss, disappointment, and sorrow. The spilled liquid, which often resembles wine or blood, indicates wasted emotions or missed opportunities. The fallen cups suggest a past event or situation that brought grief or regret.

Two Upright Cups

Behind the figure, two cups remain standing, symbolizing potential and what remains that is still of value, even amidst the loss. These cups suggest hope, new opportunities, and the possibility of redemption. It’s a reminder that all is not lost, and there are still things in life to be grateful for or to look forward to.

Black Cloak

The person depicted in the card wears a black cloak, symbolizing mourning, sadness, and despair. This cloak can also represent being blinded by one’s grief, preventing the person from seeing the remaining cups or other potential joys in life.

Bridge and Castle

In the distance, there is often a bridge that leads to a castle or some form of dwelling. This represents the idea that one must move past their current grief or disappointment to find a more stable or positive environment. The bridge signifies transition, and the castle offers the promise of security and better days ahead.


The river present in the scene is emblematic of the flow of emotions. It can also signify the idea that life continues to move forward despite our personal setbacks. Just as a river’s course can change direction, so too can our emotional journey.

Correspondences & Associations


The Five of Cups draws from universal themes of loss, regret, and the struggle to find hope in disappointment. In various mythologies, there are tales of lost battles, failed romances, and tragic events that lead a hero to reflect on their actions. The motif of the spilled and remaining cups can be likened to the mythological concept of “lost and yet to be found,” reminding one of stories where heroes, despite experiencing loss, find renewed hope or purpose in what remains or what lies ahead.


The card belongs to the suit of Cups, which is associated with the element of Water. Water, in tarot, is representative of emotions, intuition, and the subconscious. As such, the Five of Cups speaks to the depths of human emotion, particularly the challenging aspects of grief, regret, and disappointment. The fluidity of water also suggests the transient nature of feelings; while we may be immersed in sorrow now, emotions, like water, are in a constant state of flux.


The Five of Cups is linked to Mars in Scorpio. Mars, the planet of drive and aggression, combined with the intense and emotional sign of Scorpio, emphasizes the deep feelings of loss and regret, as well as the potential for transformation and healing. The energy of this combination can lead to powerful emotional experiences that push an individual to confront and eventually move past their pain.


The number five in numerology represents change, conflict, and unpredictability. It suggests a deviation from stability (as symbolized by the number four) and indicates challenges or upheavals. In the context of the Five of Cups, it emphasizes the disturbance of emotional equilibrium, prompting reflection and potential growth through adversity.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the Five of Cups corresponds to the sephira of Geburah, which means “Severity.” This sephira is about discipline, judgment, and the necessary challenges that lead to growth. It captures the essence of this card perfectly, underscoring the pain but also the potential for personal development and understanding through hardship.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, the Five of Cups can be associated with the archetype of “The Orphan.” This archetype embodies feelings of being left out, facing adversity, and the deep yearning for belonging or regaining what was lost. The Orphan’s journey is one of confronting pain and disappointment but also finding a renewed sense of hope and a deeper understanding of oneself in the process.

The Five of Cups' Vibe

In the shadow of loss, the light of hope shines
Interpreting the Five of Cups Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Loss, Regret, Disappointment, Grief, Hope, Transition

General Overview

The Five of Cups embodies the profound sorrow of loss and the sometimes challenging journey through the valley of regret. The spilled cups in the foreground represent lost opportunities, past disappointments, or unfulfilled dreams. However, it’s crucial to remember that while three cups have spilled, two remain standing – signifying that not all is lost. Hope persists, and there remains potential for renewal and rejuvenation.

This card urges the querent to acknowledge their feelings of disappointment without dwelling too long in the realm of what could have been. It’s a call to shift one’s focus from what has been lost to what can still be gained or appreciated. Sometimes, in order to see the opportunities ahead, we must first come to terms with our past.

While the card primarily speaks of emotional loss, it is also about transformation. The acknowledgment of pain is often the first step toward healing, and it is through our deepest sorrows that we often find our most profound strengths.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, the Five of Cups may indicate a period of grief or disappointment. This could be the result of a breakup, betrayal, or an unfulfilled desire. The emotions evoked can be raw and challenging, highlighting the importance of allowing oneself to mourn and process these feelings fully.

For those in a relationship, this card might suggest that one is fixating on past grievances or disappointments, preventing the relationship from moving forward. It’s a reminder to address unresolved issues but also to acknowledge the love and connection that remains. By focusing solely on the negatives, one might miss the beauty of the bond that still exists.

For singles, the Five of Cups might indicate lingering feelings about a past relationship or the disappointment of recent romantic endeavors. It serves as a reminder that while it’s essential to recognize and learn from past experiences, it’s equally crucial to remain open to future possibilities in love.

Career & Finances

Professionally, the Five of Cups might signify missed opportunities or regrets about past decisions. It could be a job that didn’t turn out as expected or a venture that failed to take off. The sense of loss and disappointment can be palpable, but it’s also a chance to evaluate what went wrong and adapt for the future.

Financially, this card can point to regrets over past expenditures or investments that didn’t pan out. It’s a lesson in prudence and discernment, reminding one to make future financial choices with both hope and caution.

In both career and finances, it’s key to remember that while one door may have closed, others are waiting to be opened. Opportunities for growth, learning, and advancement are ever-present, even if they don’t immediately seem evident.


Regarding health, the Five of Cups might indicate a period of healing after an illness or injury. The journey to recovery can be challenging, filled with moments of despair or frustration over perceived setbacks. However, the card emphasizes the importance of focusing on progress, no matter how small, rather than dwelling on limitations.

It’s also a reminder of the deep connection between emotional and physical health. Lingering on past traumas or regrets can manifest in physical ailments. It’s essential to address emotional wounds to ensure holistic well-being.

Lastly, this card encourages seeking support when needed, be it from professionals, loved ones, or support groups. Community and connection can be potent healing agents.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the Five of Cups is a journey through the shadows of the soul. It highlights the inevitable moments of darkness we encounter on our spiritual path. These moments, filled with doubt, despair, or loss of faith, are essential for spiritual growth. They push us to question, to seek deeper, and to find renewed purpose in our beliefs.

It’s a testament to the human experience that even in moments of profound spiritual doubt, there remains a glimmer of hope. The two upright cups serve as a reminder of the divine love and light that persist, even when clouded by our mortal sorrows.

In essence, the Five of Cups teaches us that sorrow and joy are two sides of the same coin. To truly appreciate the beauty and depth of our spiritual journey, we must embrace both. It’s in the contrast that we find clarity, purpose, and a deeper connection to the divine.

Reversed Meaning


Acceptance, Moving on, Forgiveness, Hope Renewed, Healing

General Overview

In its reversed position, the Five of Cups signals a shift from mourning to acceptance. The pain of the past is beginning to recede, and the individual is starting to see the value in the lessons learned. The card suggests a period of introspection, where one understands the transient nature of disappointments and starts focusing on the potential for future joys and opportunities.

It’s a moment of transition, a bridge from the depths of despair to the peaks of hope. The emphasis is not on forgetting past sorrows but on using them as stepping stones towards a brighter tomorrow. The reversed Five of Cups teaches us that while pain is an integral part of the human experience, so is resilience and the capacity for renewal.

Embracing this card’s energy means embracing the power of hope, forgiveness, and the potential for new beginnings. It’s about acknowledging the past, both the good and the bad, and choosing to move forward with wisdom and grace.

Love & Relationships

In love and relationships, the reversed Five of Cups suggests a period of healing and renewal. For some, it might indicate the blossoming of a relationship after a challenging period, marked by understanding and deeper emotional connection. For others, it could signify the decision to move on from a past relationship, carrying with them the lessons learned.

This card encourages individuals to approach relationships with a renewed sense of hope and optimism. Past betrayals or disappointments are not forgotten but serve as reference points to ensure healthier future interactions. It reminds us that every relationship, regardless of its outcome, offers valuable insights into our own needs, desires, and boundaries.

For those seeking love, the reversed Five of Cups is a positive omen, suggesting that past heartaches should not deter one from the pursuit of future happiness. The experiences of the past have only enriched one’s understanding of love, making them better equipped for future romantic endeavors.

Career & Finances

In the realm of career and finances, the reversed Five of Cups indicates recovery and resurgence. Perhaps a project that was previously unsuccessful is seeing a revival, or there’s a newfound clarity on how to navigate career challenges. Past disappointments have provided valuable lessons, and there’s a stronger sense of direction and purpose now.

Financially, this card suggests that past financial missteps are being rectified. There might be a sense of relief from previous financial burdens or a newfound wisdom in handling money. It encourages a forward-looking approach, leveraging past experiences for future financial success.

The essence of the reversed Five of Cups in career and finance is the belief in one’s ability to bounce back. It’s a testament to resilience, adaptability, and the innate human desire to strive for better, regardless of past setbacks.


When it comes to health, the reversed Five of Cups denotes healing and recovery. Physical ailments that might have been a cause for concern are starting to improve, and there’s a renewed commitment to holistic well-being. The card suggests a shift from a state of despondency or worry to one of proactive health management.

Emotionally, this card signifies the healing of past traumas or emotional wounds. There’s a stronger sense of emotional equilibrium, and individuals might find themselves more capable of managing stress or emotional upheavals.

Overall, the reversed Five of Cups in a health context is a beacon of hope. It urges individuals to remain diligent in their health practices, to seek support when needed, and to always believe in their capacity for healing and renewal.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the reversed Five of Cups is a card of awakening. It suggests a period of enlightenment where past spiritual doubts or struggles lead to profound insights. There’s a deeper connection to one’s spiritual self, marked by a renewed sense of purpose and a clearer understanding of one’s place in the universe.

This card teaches us the cyclical nature of spiritual growth. Just as night gives way to day, periods of spiritual doubt or darkness are always followed by moments of clarity and illumination. Every challenge faced on the spiritual path is but a catalyst for deeper understanding and growth.

Embracing the energy of the reversed Five of Cups is to embrace the ever-evolving journey of the soul. It’s a reminder that every experience, positive or negative, is a step towards spiritual enlightenment and that the divine always guides and supports us, especially through our most challenging moments.

Five of Cups and Manifesting


The Five of Cups, often depicting a scene of grief and loss with an underlying message of hope, can be a powerful tool for manifestation when approached with the right mindset. Here’s how it can be utilized for this purpose:

Embracing Emotional Release: At the forefront, the Five of Cups speaks to our emotional responses to loss or disappointment. When used in manifestation, this card can serve as a therapeutic tool to release pent-up emotions. Acknowledging and releasing these emotions clears the way for positive intentions to take root.

Focusing on What Remains: The spilled cups in the card, symbolizing lost opportunities or past disappointments, are contrasted by the two standing cups, representing what’s still available and hopeful. This can be used in manifestation as a reminder to focus on the present possibilities rather than dwelling on past mistakes or missed chances.

The Power of Perspective: Using the Five of Cups in manifestation rituals can serve as a reminder of the power of perspective. By shifting one’s focus from what’s lost to what can still be achieved, one can realign their energies towards their goals.

Meditation and Visualization: Meditating with the Five of Cups can facilitate a journey of inner reflection, allowing one to revisit past hurts or regrets, not for the sake of wallowing, but for understanding, healing, and eventually redirecting the energy towards a positive intention.

Affirmations: Aligning with the card’s deeper message, one can use affirmations that emphasize hope, acceptance, and looking forward to new opportunities. Phrases like “I release the past and embrace the possibilities of the present” or “Every experience strengthens and prepares me for my next step” can be powerful when meditating with this card.

Rituals for Letting Go: Given its themes, the Five of Cups can be incorporated into rituals meant for letting go of past traumas, regrets, or disappointments. This could involve writing down past pains and then safely burning the paper as a symbolic gesture of release, with the card present as a focal point.

Manifestation is largely about aligning your energies, intentions, and actions with your desired outcome. The Five of Cups, with its duality of mourning and hope, can help in processing and releasing past blockages, making room for new and positive manifestations.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I embrace the lessons from my past and move forward with hope and resilience.”
  2. “Every challenge and loss brings an opportunity for growth and deeper understanding.”
  3. “I allow myself to grieve, knowing that healing and brighter days lie ahead.”
  4. “I choose to focus on the blessings that remain and the new opportunities on my horizon.”
  5. “By releasing past pains, I open my heart to the joys and possibilities of the present.”

Using these affirmations can be a transformative experience when seeking to align with the energy of the Five of Cups. This card embodies the duality of grief and hope. By reciting these affirmations daily, one can not only acknowledge and release the sorrows and disappointments of the past but also redirect their energy towards a more hopeful and positive outlook. It’s essential to find a quiet space where one can deeply reflect on each affirmation, visualizing the release of past burdens and the welcoming of present blessings. Over time, consistent use of these affirmations can shift one’s perspective from focusing on past losses to embracing current opportunities and future potential.