Five of Wands Tarot Card
Five of Wands Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

Wands in Clashing Motions

The primary symbol, wands in clashing motions, signifies struggle, competition, or conflict. Each individual is armed with a wand, but rather than harmoniously combining their energies, the wands are in chaotic interaction. This serves to reflect the struggles we face when different interests or goals come into a clash.

Figures in the Card

The figures in the card appear to be young and full of energy, indicative of the youthful enthusiasm or impulsiveness that often leads to conflict. Each seems engaged in the struggle but from different angles and with varying degrees of intensity. This underscores the multifaceted nature of conflict, which can be internal as well as external.

Clothing of the Figures

The clothing of the figures is varied, indicating a diversity of backgrounds, perspectives, or methods involved in the conflict. They remind us that disagreements often arise from differing viewpoints, and that it’s crucial to acknowledge the individuality of each party involved.

Ground and Terrain

The ground upon which the figures stand is flat but not entirely even. The slight undulations suggest the ups and downs inherent in any conflict or competitive endeavor. It subtly hints at the necessity to adapt and maneuver through challenges rather than seeking a one-size-fits-all approach.


The sky in the background is relatively clear, suggesting that the conflict is not insurmountable and perhaps even necessary for personal growth. There is a distinct absence of the elements of water, signifying a lack of emotional depth in the struggles depicted.

Correspondences & Associations


The Five of Wands does not directly correspond to a specific historical or mythological context. However, the scene of conflict and competition depicted can be traced back to various myths and stories where heroes are tested, often through physical or intellectual battles, to prove their worth.


The card is associated with the element of Fire, which stands for passion, action, and initiative. In the context of the Five of Wands, the fire’s unpredictable nature is emphasized, manifesting as conflict, competition, and the clashing of wills.


This card is commonly associated with the planet Saturn in the sign of Leo. Saturn represents limitation and control, while Leo symbolizes self-expression and creativity. The combination leads to a tension between wanting to shine individually and being restricted or challenged by others.


The number five is usually linked to change, challenge, and conflict. In numerology, five is the number of human experience and it is highly adaptable but can also be unstable. In the case of the Five of Wands, it marks a situation where challenge is evident but necessary for growth.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the Five of Wands corresponds to the sephira of Geburah, which is about severity and judgment. Geburah’s energy breaks down existing forms to make way for new ones, emphasizing the transformative nature of conflict.

Jungian Archetypes

The Jungian archetype most closely associated with this card is The Warrior, representing the urge to fight, defend, and compete. The Five of Wands captures the psychological dynamics of competition, testing limits, and the struggle for individuality within group settings.

The Five of Wands' Vibe

Challenges today fuels growth for tomorrow
Interpreting the Five of Wands Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Conflict, Competition, Struggle, Rivalry, Chaos

General Overview

The Five of Wands depicts a scene of open conflict and competition, where individuals are engaged in a struggle, each for his own end. However, it is important to note that the conflict is not malicious; it is a clash of ideas or interests, a necessary tension that precedes resolution or growth.

While the scene may appear chaotic, this card is a harbinger of change and transformation. The conflict is not to be avoided but embraced, for it is through such trials that new paths are forged and greater understanding achieved.

The wands that the figures wield are still budding, symbolizing potential and growth. The strife is a part of the process of creation and innovation. Thus, although the card signals challenge, it also holds the promise of future accomplishment.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, this card may signify conflicts or misunderstandings. Yet, these are typically surface-level issues that can be resolved through open communication and compromise.

The conflicts, whether internal or with a partner, serve as an opportunity for both parties to clarify what is important to them, leading to a more authentic relationship. Tensions are to be expected, but they serve a purpose, acting as catalysts for change and growth.

If you’re single, this card suggests you may find yourself in a competitive situation or that you have multiple options to consider, each with its own set of challenges. Proceed with mindfulness.

Career & Finances

In terms of career and finances, the Five of Wands indicates rivalry or competition at the workplace. This competition is not necessarily detrimental; indeed, it can serve to motivate and refine skills.

There may be struggles over resources or opportunities, but remember, the conflict often precedes innovation. Use this period of tension as an opportunity to stand out and to let your capabilities shine.

Financially, the card advises caution. Be prepared for unexpected expenses or challenges and consider all options carefully before making significant financial decisions.


In the context of health, the Five of Wands could signify internal conflicts manifesting as stress or anxiety. It serves as a reminder to not ignore these signs but to engage with them constructively.

Physical struggles like recurring illnesses or minor accidents could also be indicated. These setbacks are often temporary but prompt you to focus on healing and recovery.

A proactive approach to health, perhaps through exercise or a competitive sport, could serve as a positive outlet for the tension symbolized by this card.

Spiritual Interpretation

The spiritual dimension of the Five of Wands is richly complex. It serves as a symbol of the necessary chaos that often precedes spiritual enlightenment.

The conflicts and struggles that you are undergoing are all part of your spiritual journey. They serve to test and strengthen your spirit, preparing you for the next phase of your spiritual evolution.

The card signifies that your spirit is being forged in the crucible of experience, that through the challenges and conflicts of the material world, a higher level of understanding and peace can be achieved.

Reversed Meaning


Avoidance, Resolution, Harmony, Miscommunication, Stagnation

General Overview

When the Five of Wands appears reversed, it suggests a period in which conflicts are being avoided, or perhaps recently resolved. The tension and struggles depicted in its upright position are lessening or have been actively sidestepped, often leading to a superficial sense of peace.

However, the avoidance of conflict is not necessarily a positive outcome. In fact, it could indicate problems swept under the rug, still lurking. The absence of visible conflict may not denote resolution, but rather stagnation or lack of progress.

This position advises you to examine the true state of affairs carefully. The absence of conflict may be a sign that serious issues are being ignored or neglected, thus inhibiting growth and potential breakthroughs.

Love & Relationships

In matters of love and relationships, the reversed Five of Wands suggests that outward conflicts have subsided, but questions the depth of that resolution. It could indicate a couple avoiding difficult conversations for the sake of keeping peace.

Being conflict-averse may provide a temporary relief but it will not serve the relationship in the long term. Authentic connection requires confronting and resolving issues, not bypassing them.

If single, this position may suggest that the competition or tension you felt previously has subsided, possibly leaving you with a clearer path to pursue your interests. Yet caution is advised, for the absence of conflict does not always mean the path is clear.

Career & Finances

When it comes to your professional life, the reversed Five of Wands suggests a workplace that may seem peaceful on the surface but be wary. The lack of visible conflict may indicate underlying issues that are being ignored.

Financially, the avoidance of conflict can relate to dodging financial responsibilities or ignoring warning signs, offering short-term comfort at the expense of long-term security.

This card suggests the necessity of engaging with the challenges head-on. Sweeping matters under the rug will only defer the issue and possibly aggravate it.


In a health reading, the Five of Wands reversed suggests that previous health issues may be clearing up, or that you’ve decided to sidestep confrontations that cause you stress or anxiety.

However, it is crucial to ensure that the problems have been genuinely resolved, rather than simply avoided. Address your health with the attention it deserves, rather than looking for quick fixes or shortcuts.

Ignoring symptoms or avoiding medical advice may provide temporary relief but could lead to more significant problems in the long run.

Spiritual Interpretation

The spiritual lesson of the reversed Five of Wands is nuanced. While it may indicate a period of peace and quiet, it also serves as a reminder that growth often comes from challenge and confrontation.

Though you may seek to avoid conflict in your spiritual journey, doing so can deny you valuable insights and experiences. True spiritual progress often requires us to engage with our struggles and conflicts, not avoid them.

Lastly, the absence of struggle doesn’t mean the absence of work to be done. Use this peaceful time for introspection, examining the challenges that you might be ignoring or postponing, and prepare to engage with them meaningfully when the time comes.

Five of Wands and Manifesting


The Five of Wands is generally associated with conflict, competition, and struggle. However, even cards that seem challenging on the surface can be powerful tools for manifestation when their energies are channeled properly. Here’s how you might use the Five of Wands for manifestation:

Embrace the Struggle: Understand that growth often comes from challenges. Use the card as a symbol to inspire you to face difficulties head-on, as these are often the experiences that foster the most growth and enable manifestation.

Identify Blockages: Use the card in a meditative state to help you identify what internal conflicts or external circumstances are blocking you from manifesting your goals. Once you identify them, you can take steps to resolve or eliminate these blockages.

Stimulate Action: The dynamic energy of the Five of Wands can spur you to action. Visualize the card to ignite your competitive spirit and motivate you to take the necessary steps to manifest your desires.

Clarify Your Intentions: The Five of Wands can indicate mixed signals or conflicting desires. Use the card to help clarify exactly what it is that you want to manifest, thereby making your intentions crystal clear to the Universe.

Preparation for Reconciliation: If your goal involves mending a relationship or fostering collaboration, the Five of Wands can help prepare you for the potential struggles involved in making amends or working together, so you can manifest a more harmonious interaction.

By focusing on these aspects of the Five of Wands, you can tap into its complex energies to help manifest your goals, even if those goals are peaceful or harmonious in nature.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.”
  2. “I am confident and strong enough to navigate any conflicts that come my way.”
  3. “Every struggle I face strengthens my character and resolve.”
  4. “I am focused on my goals and will not be deterred by temporary setbacks.”
  5. “I welcome healthy competition as a way to refine my skills and focus.”

To align with the energy of the Five of Wands, these affirmations can be used in a daily meditation or mindfulness practice. Begin by grounding yourself and focusing your energy. Visualize the card and its symbolic representation of life’s challenges and conflicts. As you visualize, recite each affirmation either aloud or in your mind. Feel the words resonate with you, empowering you to face any conflicts or challenges that lie ahead. The purpose is to internalize the essence of the Five of Wands: embracing struggle as a pathway to growth, welcoming competition as an opportunity for self-improvement, and viewing any setbacks or conflicts as temporary stages in your journey towards achieving your goals.