Three of Swords Tarot Card
Three of Swords Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

Three Swords

The three swords piercing the heart serve as a stark representation of emotional and mental turmoil. Swords are associated with the mind and communication, suggesting that the pain being experienced is not just emotional but also a matter of thought patterns and mental attitudes that exacerbate the suffering.


The heart as a symbol generally signifies love, compassion, and emotional connection. When pierced by swords, these attributes are turned into their opposites: loss, sorrow, and emotional disconnection. The wounded heart on the card speaks to experiences of betrayal, sadness, and emotional suffering.


The clouds usually depicted in the background signify confusion and obscurity. They hint at a lack of clarity, perhaps emotional fog, making it difficult to see situations for what they truly are. The clouds serve as a backdrop that symbolizes the nebulous, unclear nature of emotional states.


Rain is another prominent feature in the background of the Three of Swords. Rain symbolizes the outpouring of emotion or tears. It can also represent cleansing, the process through which emotional and psychological impurities are purged, suggesting a form of release or the need for it.

Grey Sky

The grey sky that often accompanies the other elements serves as a canvas that intensifies the card’s atmosphere of gloom and despair. Unlike a black sky, which might signify a complete absence of hope, or a blue sky, which could suggest optimism, the grey hints at an in-between state. It symbolizes the murky emotional and mental space one is in, where things are neither entirely bleak nor optimistic.

Correspondences & Associations


The Three of Swords symbolizes heartbreak, sorrow, and emotional pain. In mythology and history, the heart has always been seen as the seat of human emotion. Swords piercing the heart could be seen as a vivid representation of emotional anguish, a theme that has been elaborated upon in various myths and stories throughout time.


The element associated with this card is air, which is linked to the mind, communication, and conflict. Air can be both gentle and destructive, much like the emotional and mental states that this card often represents. It can signify thoughts that are piercing through emotional layers, disrupting harmony and causing emotional pain.


Saturn in Libra is often associated with this card. Saturn represents restrictions and lessons, while Libra is the sign of relationships and balance. When these forces combine, they often bring about heartbreak or emotional trials as a means of deeper learning and re-balancing.


The number three is commonly associated with interaction, communication, and emotional exchange. In numerology, the number three can represent the trinity of mind, body, and soul, which could be in disharmony when this card appears.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, this card is associated with the path between Binah and Chokmah, which deals with understanding and wisdom. It is a complex path where emotional wisdom is gained often through pain and sorrow.

Jungian Archetypes

The archetype associated with this card could be the “Wounded Healer,” an individual who has been hurt or broken but uses that experience for deeper understanding and to aid others. This archetype indicates a psychological journey from pain to wisdom, using emotional trials as stepping stones to a more enlightened state.

The Three of Swords' Vibe

The weight of suffering carries seeds of renewal
Interpreting the Three of Swords Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Heartbreak, Emotional Pain, Separation, Loss, Betrayal

General Overview

The Three of Swords bears the weight of emotional sorrow and mental anguish. It often heralds a time of heartbreak or betrayal, piercing through the joy and contentment that once might have existed. The air element, signifying thoughts and communication, is at play here, suggesting that painful truths have come to light.

This card serves as a stark reminder that we must face our emotional and mental discomforts head-on in order to progress and heal. It’s not just a symbol of sorrow, but also a symbol of emotional purification. One must go through the storm to reach the calm that follows.

When the Three of Swords appears, it advises preparing for some form of emotional upheaval. This is not necessarily evil; in many cases, it is a necessary phase for emotional growth. By recognizing and facing our sorrows, we also open the path to overcome them.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, this card often suggests heartbreak or betrayal. A separation or period of emotional distance between you and your partner might be imminent. It could also signify that emotional baggage from past relationships is affecting your current relationship negatively.

If you’re single, the card suggests taking time to heal and grow emotionally before entering a new relationship. Carrying the burdens of past relationships will only sow seeds of discontent in new ones.

Importantly, the Three of Swords also offers an opportunity for healing and growth. Emotional wounds, once recognized, can start the process of healing. This is a time for honest communication and seeking emotional support.

Career & Finances

In the realm of career and finances, the Three of Swords suggests a setback or disappointment. You may face betrayals in the workplace or perhaps the loss of a job or opportunity that you were counting on. Financially, it can signify a period of strain or loss.

Despite its troubling nature, this card also serves as a wake-up call to re-evaluate your path. It’s a moment to learn from your setbacks and build resilience for the future.

Consider this a period of testing and refining. Just as a sword is forged through fire and pressure, so too can your career path be strengthened through challenges, allowing you to cut through future obstacles with greater ease.


On matters of health, this card is a cautionary one, often signifying a need for attention to both emotional and physical well-being. Stress and emotional turmoil can have a tangible impact on your body, and this card advises not to ignore these signs.

If you are dealing with illness or health concerns, the Three of Swords advises that mental attitude and emotional state are as important as physical treatment. A holistic approach to health may be beneficial.

Seek professional advice and social support when health matters are at hand. Sometimes, a heart needs mending in more ways than one.

Spiritual Interpretation

Spiritually, the Three of Swords serves as a poignant reminder that emotional and spiritual growth often comes through trials and tribulations. The pain and suffering signified by this card can be transformative, leading to greater wisdom and spiritual depth.

While the swords may signify pain, they are also tools for cutting away that which is unnecessary. In a spiritual context, this may involve the severing of ties with toxic influences or beliefs that have hindered your spiritual growth.

Contemplate on the lessons that the emotional or spiritual pain is trying to teach you. Every challenge provides an opportunity for spiritual evolution, leading you one step closer to enlightenment and inner peace.

Reversed Meaning


Recovery, Release, Moving On, Healing

General Overview

In its reversed position, the Three of Swords brings forth a promise of relief after hardship. It suggests a movement away from heartbreak or sorrow, hinting at recovery, emotional release, and the commencement of healing. While the pain might not be fully alleviated, its grip is lessening, and the clouds are beginning to part.

This card, when reversed, speaks to resilience and the power of the human spirit to heal from emotional wounds. It suggests that you have learned or are in the process of learning how to manage your pain, to accept past failures or betrayals, and to look forward to new beginnings.

It heralds a time of emotional clarity, where the initial shock and pain have subsided, allowing for a more reasoned perspective. This is a moment to release pent-up feelings, to forgive, and to move on, opening your heart to new possibilities.

Love & Relationships

In the domain of love and relationships, the reversed Three of Swords suggests the end of a period of turmoil or unhappiness. The worst has passed, and it is time for healing and recovery. Whether this means reconciliation or merely coming to terms with the end of a relationship, the emotional climate is improving.

For those who are single, the card suggests that you are moving past the heartbreak and are now more open to exploring new romantic opportunities. Let go of the past, it’s time to write a new chapter.

Recovery isn’t instant, and the emotional wounds may still need tending, but the reversed Three of Swords encourages you to take the necessary emotional and practical steps to heal. Sometimes, parting ways can be a form of self-care, and moving on becomes an act of love towards oneself.

Career & Finances

In matters of career and finances, the reversed Three of Swords suggests that you are recovering from setbacks or disappointments. Perhaps you are gaining a more optimistic outlook on your job situation, or finances are starting to stabilize after a period of difficulty.

Lessons have been learned, and you are now better equipped to deal with challenges. Your experiences have taught you resilience and equipped you with a more realistic and practical outlook towards work and financial planning.

Continue to focus on your goals, apply the lessons learned from past setbacks, and don’t be afraid to seek new opportunities. A time of renewal and perhaps even prosperity is on the horizon.


On the health front, the reversed Three of Swords suggests a period of recovery and healing. You may be finding ways to manage stress effectively, or perhaps you are recuperating from a physical ailment. The outlook is generally more positive than when the card is in its upright position.

It is important to continue to pay attention to both your emotional and physical well-being. Keep up with treatments, engage in self-care, and don’t rush the healing process.

Emotional well-being is interconnected with physical health; a positive outlook can be a strong ally in your healing process. Continue to seek support, whether from healthcare professionals or loved ones, as you move towards complete recovery.

Spiritual Interpretation

Spiritually, the reversed Three of Swords suggests a form of release or enlightenment that often comes after a period of struggle or heartache. The lessons you’ve learned from your trials have contributed to your spiritual growth, making you more resilient and open.

The pain or loss you have experienced could be a catalyst for a deeper spiritual understanding, prompting you to reevaluate what truly matters on your spiritual journey. The experience of overcoming sorrow can bring you closer to the divine, or however you conceive of a higher power.

As you navigate through this period of recovery and release, be open to spiritual insights and growth. Sometimes the most profound spiritual lessons come not from joy but from overcoming adversity.

Three of Swords and Manifesting


The Three of Swords is generally associated with pain, loss, and heartbreak, but its energy can still be harnessed for the purpose of manifestation if approached wisely. When seeking to manifest your desires, it’s important to recognize that negative experiences can serve as potent catalysts for change, growth, and renewed clarity.

Embracing Release: The card can be seen as an opportunity for releasing negative emotions or baggage that hold you back from your goals. By consciously choosing to let go, you clear the path for new, positive experiences to enter your life.

Learning from Past Mistakes: The Three of Swords encourages introspection. Use its energy to understand past mistakes and disappointments to make more informed decisions in the future, thereby manifesting better outcomes.

Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: This card can help you develop emotional intelligence by forcing you to confront your feelings head-on. Greater emotional intelligence can contribute to more effective manifestation, as you’ll be better equipped to navigate challenges and interpret signals from the Universe.

Spiritual Growth: The pain or hardships associated with the Three of Swords can often prompt a deep spiritual inquiry. By aligning yourself with spiritual principles or practices, you may find it easier to manifest your desires.

Rebuilding: After the storm has passed, the energy of rebuilding is strong with the Three of Swords. Use this as a time to manifest new and improved conditions, relationships, or experiences.

So, while the Three of Swords may not initially seem like a card that can aid in manifestation, its energy can indeed be utilized to clear away the old to make room for the new. It’s a card that demands confrontation with the self, thereby offering a rich ground for personal and spiritual growth, which are essential components of successful manifestation.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I embrace my pain as a catalyst for growth.”
  2. “I release past hurts to make room for new joy.”
  3. “I am learning valuable lessons from my experiences.”
  4. “I am growing stronger through my challenges.”
  5. “I am the architect of my future, and I choose to build on love and understanding.”

To align with the energy of the Three of Swords, repeat these affirmations during meditative moments, particularly when you are dealing with emotional pain or upheaval. The Three of Swords serves as a reminder of the inevitable challenges life throws our way, but also of our ability to rise above them. By focusing on these affirmations, you transform the card’s energy from one of pain to one of growth and learning. This shifts your perspective from seeing setbacks as stumbling blocks to viewing them as stepping stones on your path to manifesting a more harmonious life.