King of Cups Tarot Card
King of Cups Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

Throne on the Sea

The King of Cups is depicted sitting on a throne that seems to be floating on the sea, symbolizing the depth of his emotions, intuition, and the unconscious mind. The water around him represents the vastness of his emotional understanding, and his ability to stay composed and wise even in the midst of turbulent emotional waters. This mastery over emotions indicates maturity, control, and balance.

Golden Cup

The King holds a golden cup in one hand, representing the emotional wealth, intuition, and deep understanding he possesses. It’s a sign of his control over feelings and situations. The cup’s golden color signifies the purity and value of his emotional intelligence.


In the distance, a ship sails smoothly, signifying successful navigation through the emotional and subconscious realms. It’s symbolic of his capability to guide and be a beacon of emotional wisdom and understanding for others.


The scepter in his other hand represents authority and leadership. It emphasizes the King’s power, not just over his realm, but over his emotions and feelings. He leads with compassion, understanding, and emotional intelligence.

Fish Amulet

On his necklace, there’s an amulet with a fish emblem. The fish is often a symbol of the unconscious mind and hidden depths. In this context, it suggests that the King has profound insight into the mysteries of the emotional and intuitive world. He’s someone who can dive deep into the emotional waters and emerge with wisdom.

Correspondences & Associations


The King of Cups, like many tarot symbols, draws inspiration from various mythological figures associated with wisdom, emotional depth, and mastery over the unconscious realms. He can be seen as a counterpart to ancient kings and wise men who were also high priests, mystics, or shamans, guiding their people not just through worldly matters but spiritual and emotional ones as well.


The King of Cups is associated with the element of Water. In tarot, the Water element symbolizes emotions, intuition, the unconscious, and the depths of the psyche. As a King, he embodies the mastery of these attributes, representing deep emotional intelligence, empathy, and the ability to navigate complex emotional landscapes with grace and wisdom.


Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces, the water signs, resonate with the King of Cups. However, he is most closely linked with the mature aspects of Scorpio, representing depth, transformation, and emotional understanding. The planet Neptune, associated with intuition, dreams, and psychic abilities, can also be linked to this card.


The King of Cups can be associated with the number 14, as he is the fourteenth card in the suit of Cups. The number 14, in numerology, is often seen as indicating balance, temperance, and prudent management, especially of one’s emotions and subconscious impulses.


In the Tree of Life from the Kabbalistic tradition, the King of Cups can be linked to the sephira Tiphareth, which represents harmony, beauty, and balance. Tiphareth is a point of balance between the spiritual and material realms, and the King’s mastery of emotions aligns with this harmonious energy.

Jungian Archetypes

From a Jungian perspective, the King of Cups can be associated with the “Wise Old Man” archetype. This archetype embodies mature wisdom, especially in understanding human nature, emotions, and the deeper mysteries of life. The Wise Old Man provides guidance, especially in emotional and spiritual matters, and offers a sense of calm in the midst of emotional turbulence.

The King of Cups' Vibe

Navigating emotions with the compass of wisdom
Interpreting the King of Cups Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Emotional mastery, Diplomacy, Calmness, Intuitive leadership, Compassion

General Overview

The King of Cups stands as a beacon of emotional intelligence and mastery. He navigates the deep waters of the subconscious with ease and understanding, always maintaining his composure even amidst turbulent seas. He represents someone who is in full control of their emotions, using them as tools of understanding and empathy rather than being ruled by them.

Unlike the other kings of the tarot, he leads with a gentle hand, relying on his intuitive abilities and deep understanding of human nature. His throne is on the sea, symbolizing the realm of emotions, but he doesn’t sink; he remains stable and calm. This card indicates a situation or a person that embodies emotional balance, compassion, and a mature understanding of oneself and others.

In readings, this card may indicate that you are in a position where emotional intelligence and understanding will be your greatest assets. Alternatively, it might point to a person who embodies these qualities, offering guidance and support from a place of deep wisdom and compassion.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love, the King of Cups is a symbol of a mature, emotionally balanced relationship. It speaks of a partnership based on deep understanding, compassion, and mutual respect. If representing a person, this might be someone who is supportive, emotionally available, and understands the depths of love’s emotions.

For those seeking love, the King of Cups can suggest that they might attract or be attracted to someone who possesses these mature emotional qualities. It’s a reminder that emotional connection, understanding, and open communication are essential pillars for a successful relationship.

If faced with relationship challenges, this card advises taking a balanced, compassionate approach. It calls for understanding and patience, suggesting that issues can be resolved through open-hearted conversations and a genuine desire to understand one another.

Career & Finances

In career readings, the King of Cups indicates a workplace environment that values emotional intelligence, compassion, and understanding. It might suggest a leader or colleague who is supportive and understands the emotional needs of their team. This card can also indicate that approaching work challenges with empathy and understanding will lead to success.

Financially, the King of Cups suggests a balanced approach to financial matters, emphasizing the importance of understanding one’s emotional relationship with money. It’s a reminder to make financial decisions based on a deep understanding of one’s values and emotional well-being rather than impulsive reactions.

This card can also suggest a career in counseling, psychology, or any profession that requires deep emotional understanding and compassion. The arts, especially those that touch the heart and soul, may also be indicated by this card.


When the King of Cups appears in a health context, it underscores the interconnectedness of emotional and physical well-being. It’s a reminder that our emotional health can significantly impact our physical state and vice versa. Emotional balance and calmness can aid in physical healing and well-being.

This card can also suggest seeking therapies or treatments that address both the emotional and physical aspects of health. It’s a nudge to listen to one’s intuition regarding health matters and to seek treatments that resonate on a deeper emotional level.

For those dealing with emotional challenges, the King of Cups speaks to the potential for healing and the importance of seeking support, whether through counseling, therapy, or other means of emotional exploration and healing.

Spiritual Interpretation

The King of Cups on a spiritual level represents the ultimate balance between the conscious and the subconscious, the known and the unknown. He navigates the waters of intuition and the unconscious with ease, serving as a bridge between the material and the spiritual realms.

His appearance in a reading might suggest a period of deep spiritual exploration, possibly through meditation, dream work, or other practices that delve into the subconscious. It’s a reminder that our intuition is a powerful spiritual tool, guiding us toward deeper understanding and enlightenment.

Ultimately, this card embodies the spiritually mature individual, one who understands and integrates the lessons of the heart, the soul, and the universe. It calls for a compassionate approach to one’s spiritual journey, always seeking understanding and enlightenment with an open heart.

Reversed Meaning


Emotional manipulation, Moodiness, Disconnection, Lack of control, Untrustworthiness

General Overview

When the King of Cups is reversed, he loses his grip on the emotional mastery he’s known for in his upright position. Instead, the waters around him may become tempestuous, signifying a lack of emotional control. This card in its reversed state can denote someone who is moody, easily swayed by their emotions, or even emotionally manipulative. Rather than the wise and compassionate guide, he can become unpredictable and difficult to approach.

The reversed King of Cups also represents a warning against letting emotions cloud judgment or lead to impulsive decisions. It’s essential to be wary of individuals who might appear emotionally mature or supportive on the surface but have ulterior motives or hidden agendas. This card serves as a reminder of the importance of emotional self-awareness and the dangers of emotional repression or misdirection.

It’s worth noting that everyone has moments where they feel emotionally overwhelmed or out of depth. This card can be a sign to take a step back, reassess, and seek support or guidance if needed, ensuring one’s emotions are not leading them astray.

Love & Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, a reversed King of Cups might indicate an emotionally turbulent relationship or a partner who is not what they seem. There may be issues of trust, emotional manipulation, or simply an inability to connect on a deep emotional level. It’s essential to recognize the difference between genuine emotional support and mere surface-level displays of affection.

For singles, this card’s appearance might warn of potential partners who might not be as emotionally mature or genuine as they appear. It’s a call to trust one’s intuition and to be wary of red flags, particularly concerning emotional authenticity and openness.

For those in established relationships, the reversed King of Cups might suggest a need for open communication about emotional needs and boundaries. It’s essential to ensure that both partners feel emotionally supported and understood, free from manipulation or hidden agendas.

Career & Finances

Within the realm of career, the reversed King of Cups warns of a workplace or colleague that may be emotionally unstable or manipulative. It suggests an environment where emotional intelligence might be used insincerely or for personal gain. This card advises caution in professional dealings and a reminder to ensure one’s emotional boundaries are respected.

Financially, the reversed King of Cups can indicate impulsive spending driven by emotional needs rather than practical considerations. It’s a reminder to be wary of financial decisions made under strong emotional influence and to seek balanced, well-considered advice if unsure.

It’s also worth being cautious about whom one trusts in financial matters, ensuring that advice or guidance comes from a place of genuine expertise and not merely emotional appeal or manipulation.


In terms of health, the reversed King of Cups might suggest that emotional turmoil or repressed feelings are having a tangible impact on physical well-being. It underscores the importance of addressing emotional issues and seeking support if needed, as emotional health and physical health are closely intertwined.

This card can also serve as a warning against overindulgence or seeking emotional solace in unhealthy habits or behaviors. It’s essential to find healthy outlets for emotional expression and to ensure that one’s emotional needs are being met in positive, constructive ways.

Lastly, the reversed King of Cups may indicate the need to seek professional help, whether through counseling or therapy, to address and heal deep-seated emotional wounds or challenges.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the reversed King of Cups can indicate a disconnection from one’s intuition or inner guidance. There might be a reluctance to delve deep into one’s emotions, leading to a surface-level spiritual experience. Genuine spiritual growth often requires confronting and understanding one’s deepest emotions, and this card suggests that this process might be being avoided or repressed.

This card can also warn against being led astray by charismatic but insincere spiritual leaders or teachings. It’s a reminder to trust one’s inner guidance and to seek spiritual paths that resonate on a genuinely deep and personal level.

Ultimately, the reversed King of Cups calls for a reconnection with one’s emotional self as a foundation for spiritual growth. It’s a reminder that genuine spiritual understanding comes from deep within, requiring a balance of emotional insight and intuitive guidance.

King of Cups and Manifesting


The King of Cups, representing emotional maturity, balance, and intuitive guidance, can be a powerful tool for manifestation. Here’s how:

Emotional Clarity: When manifesting, it’s essential to have a clear emotional state. This card can serve as a reminder to connect with your emotions genuinely and understand what you truly desire. Your emotions fuel the manifestation process; the more clear and pure they are, the more potent the energy behind your intentions.

Emotional Visualization: Using the King of Cups as a guide, enter a meditative state where you visualize your desires. Feel the emotions associated with your goals, and let the King’s energy amplify those emotions. For example, if you’re manifesting a new job, feel the contentment, pride, and joy of being in that role.

Emotional Mastery: The King of Cups doesn’t shy away from his feelings; he embraces them. This teaches us the importance of not only recognizing but also controlling our emotions. If any negative emotions or doubts arise during the manifestation process, use the King’s energy to master and redirect those feelings into something constructive.

Intuitive Guidance: The King of Cups is deeply connected to his intuition. When manifesting, tune into your intuitive insights. If you feel guided to take certain actions towards your goal, trust that guidance.

Affirmation with Emotion: Use the King of Cups to help frame affirmations that are emotionally charged. Instead of just stating your desire, feel it deeply. For instance, instead of saying, “I want a loving relationship,” you could affirm, “I feel cherished and adored in my loving relationship.”

Compassion and Generosity: The King of Cups is not just about personal emotions; he also embodies compassion and understanding towards others. As part of your manifestation process, practice acts of kindness and empathy. This not only raises your vibration but also aligns you with the frequency of receiving.

In essence, the King of Cups teaches us that our emotional world is a powerful ally in the manifestation process. By mastering, understanding, and channeling our emotions, we can create and attract our heart’s desires.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I navigate the depths of my emotions with grace and understanding.”
  2. “My heart and mind are in perfect harmony, guiding my actions.”
  3. “I trust my intuition to lead me to the best decisions for my well-being.”
  4. “I am a beacon of emotional strength, compassion, and wisdom.”
  5. “With calm assurance, I embrace the ebb and flow of life’s experiences.”

To harness the serene energy of the King of Cups, begin by selecting a quiet space where you can reflect undisturbed. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, then slowly recite each affirmation. As you do, visualize the King of Cups — envision his poised demeanor amidst the turbulent sea, symbolizing his emotional mastery. Allow his energy to envelop you as you deeply resonate with each affirmation, infusing them with genuine emotion and intent. By consistently practicing this, you cultivate emotional intelligence, maturity, and an unwavering connection to your intuitive senses, embodying the attributes of the King of Cups in your daily life.