Strength Tarot Card
Strength Tarot Card

Imagery and Symbolism

The Woman

In the Strength card, the woman symbolizes gentleness, patience, compassion, and the softer side of human nature. Her act of closing the lion’s mouth not through force, but with a calm demeanor, speaks of inner strength and the ability to overcome obstacles or challenges through understanding and patience, rather than through brute force.

The Lion

The lion is traditionally a symbol of raw power, courage, and ferocity. In this card, it represents our animalistic tendencies and passions. The woman’s act of taming the lion signifies mastery over one’s own wilder instincts, harnessing them in a way that they serve rather than dominate. It’s a card that urges the balance between instinct and reason.

The Lemniscate (Infinity Symbol)

Above the woman’s head is the lemniscate, the same symbol seen in the Magician card, representing infinity and limitless potential. Here, it symbolizes a harmonious interaction between conscious understanding and unconscious instinct. It also speaks to the infinite power and potential that can be harnessed when we are able to bring our instincts into alignment with our higher values and understanding.

The Mountainous Background

The rugged landscape in the background suggests challenges and obstacles. Yet, the sky is clear, indicating that clarity and understanding reign in the situation at hand. The combination of the serene sky and the challenging mountains highlight the essence of the card: facing challenges with inner strength, clarity, and calm determination.

The Garland of Flowers

Wrapped around the woman is a garland of flowers, symbolizing victory, success, and the blossoming of one’s endeavors when they act with compassion and understanding. Flowers, with their gentle beauty, counteract the wild nature of the lion, suggesting that with patience and love, even the most challenging situations or primal instincts can be transformed into something beautiful and harmonious.

Correspondences & Associations


The Strength card has been influenced by various mythological narratives, especially those where humans and beasts come together in harmony. This includes the biblical tale of Daniel in the lion’s den and classical myths such as Hercules and the Nemean Lion. It signifies the inner strength required to tame our primal instincts and the challenges we face.


The Strength card is associated with the element of Fire. Fire symbolizes passion, energy, enthusiasm, and motivation. In the context of this card, Fire represents the drive or inner force that fuels our actions, enabling us to overcome obstacles with grace and courage.


Strength is linked astrologically to the sign of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. Leo is known for its courage, leadership qualities, and the ability to shine brightly. The connection between Leo and the Strength card emphasizes qualities like nobility, courage, and inner resolve.


The Strength card carries the number 8 in most Tarot decks, though in some, it’s numbered 11. The number 8 often signifies strength, power, and balance. It represents the infinite loop, a symbol of eternity and the cyclical nature of power and control.


In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, Strength is associated with the path that connects Chesed (Mercy) to Geburah (Severity). This path signifies the balancing act of compassion and discipline, suggesting that true strength arises when these qualities are in harmony.

Jungian Archetypes

The Strength card embodies the archetype of the Heroine, where the emphasis is on quiet inner strength rather than physical might. Jung would interpret this as confronting and integrating the shadow aspect of oneself, taming internal conflicts, and emerging stronger from that introspective journey.

Says Strength

Mastering oneself is the ultimate power
Interpreting Strength Tarot Card

Upright Meaning


Inner Strength, Courage, Compassion, Balance, Taming the Beast Within

General Overview

The Strength card stands as a beacon of inner power, resilience, and the mastery of self. It goes beyond the realm of physical might, diving deep into the spirit’s core, where raw emotions, desires, and fears reside. It represents the human ability to confront what’s within, achieving a balanced state of mind that ultimately radiates compassion and grace. The gentle taming of the lion is a powerful symbol of the unison of our primal instincts and higher self.

At times, life’s challenges may seem insurmountable, but Strength suggests an innate ability to handle them with grace. This card isn’t about brute force, but rather the strength of will, determination, and spirit. It’s about enduring hardship with a calm demeanor, understanding that true power arises from love and patience, not aggression. The triumph of spirit over matter is echoed in its imagery and its call.

Yhe Strength card serves as a mirror, reflecting our ability to harness our inner beast, channeling its energy constructively. The woman’s peaceful taming of the lion illustrates the profound strength found in gentleness, a reminder that our true power emerges when heart and soul work in harmony.

Love & Relationships

In matters of the heart, the Strength card illuminates the essence of a bond that has stood the test of time and tribulation. It’s a testament to mutual understanding, trust, and an emotional connection that goes beyond surface level. In relationships, it suggests a mature love where partners support each other, understanding and respecting their shared journey, complete with its highs and lows.

Even in times of discord, the essence of the Strength card encourages understanding and patience, reminding one of the deep-seated love that binds two souls. It’s about taming the ego, managing expectations, and nurturing the bond with kindness and respect. For those in the quest for love, it signifies the inner confidence one must possess. It’s a call to recognize that authenticity and vulnerability are magnetic, drawing towards oneself the kind of love that resonates on a soul level.

The bond depicted in the Strength card is not just of romantic nature. It extends to deep friendships, familial ties, and other intimate relationships, emphasizing the importance of compassion, patience, and mutual respect. In every interaction, the card whispers a mantra of love, understanding, and endurance.

Career & Finances

The Strength card’s influence in career matters is profound. It signifies the quiet determination, resilience, and unwavering focus needed to achieve professional goals. Every challenge or roadblock is but a stepping stone towards success, and this card indicates the inner drive to overcome all hurdles. There’s a reminder here that often, diplomacy and tact can achieve what aggression cannot.

Financially, Strength encourages a balanced and patient approach. Rather than quick fixes or shortcuts, it’s the steady, consistent efforts that will pave the way to financial stability and growth. It may also point towards mastering one’s financial desires, keeping impulses in check, and making informed, long-term decisions.

In both career and finances, this card underscores the virtues of consistency, patience, and inner resolve. It’s a beacon for those feeling overwhelmed, a sign that with inner strength and determination, any goal, no matter how lofty, can be achieved.


When Strength emerges in a health reading, it radiates positivity. It signifies resilience, vitality, and the inner willpower to overcome health challenges. Mind and body are intertwined, and this card suggests that a positive mindset can significantly influence physical well-being.

For those embarking on a journey to better health, be it physical or mental, Strength serves as a guiding star. It emphasizes the importance of consistency, patience, and listening to one’s body. Every step taken towards better health, no matter how small, is a victory in itself, and this card celebrates that journey.

Strength is a gentle reminder of the healing power of love and compassion. Self-love, self-care, and kindness towards oneself can work wonders. It encourages one to embrace their vulnerabilities, understanding that true strength comes from acknowledging weaknesses and working on them.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual canvas, the Strength card is deeply evocative. It beckons one towards a journey of self-discovery, diving deep into the recesses of the soul, confronting fears, desires, and the shadow self. It’s about achieving spiritual balance, where passion and serenity coexist, leading to enlightenment.

The card serves as a spiritual guide, emphasizing the importance of inner strength in the face of life’s spiritual trials. Every challenge is an opportunity for growth, and Strength suggests embracing them with grace, compassion, and understanding. The journey may be arduous, but the rewards, profound.

Reversed Meaning


Lack of Courage, Inner Weakness, Insecurity, Overwhelm, Loss of Control

General Overview

When the Strength card is reversed, its benevolent energy of inner fortitude and balance seems to waver, suggesting periods of self-doubt, insecurity, and a sense of powerlessness. Rather than the gentle mastery over one’s inner beast, there might be struggles with emotional control, impulsivity, or even aggressive tendencies. It speaks of moments when we lose sight of our inner strength and allow external circumstances or internal tumult to overshadow our inherent resilience.

This card, in its inverted stance, is not a prediction of perpetual weakness, but rather a nudge to recognize the areas where one may need to regain balance and composure. It’s an invitation to introspect, understand, and harness one’s vulnerabilities and turn them into sources of strength. Confronting one’s fears, anxieties, and insecurities is the first step towards reclaiming one’s inner power.

The reversed Strength card could signify situations where too much strength or assertiveness might have turned into overbearing or domineering behavior. It serves as a gentle reminder that true strength lies not in overpowering others but in understanding and compassion.

Love & Relationships

In the realm of love and relationships, the Strength card reversed may indicate a period of vulnerability, insecurity, or dependence. There could be challenges in maintaining balance within the relationship, leading to power struggles or feelings of being overwhelmed. One partner may feel like they’re giving more than they’re receiving, leading to a sense of imbalance.

For those seeking love, the reversed Strength card might reflect personal insecurities or fears hindering the pursuit of meaningful relationships. It’s a call to understand and heal oneself, recognizing that a strong relationship foundation is built upon mutual respect and self-love. Old wounds, unresolved issues, or past traumas might need healing before one can fully embrace love again.

It’s essential to remember that love, by its very nature, is healing. In times of relationship strife or personal doubt, it’s the mutual understanding, patience, and unconditional love that can restore balance and rekindle the bond, proving that love’s strength surpasses all challenges.

Career & Finances

In professional matters, the reversed Strength card might suggest a period of self-doubt or feeling overburdened by responsibilities. It may indicate a lack of confidence in one’s abilities, leading to missed opportunities or hesitation in taking decisive actions. The workplace might seem like a battleground, with struggles for dominance or recognition.

Financially, this card warns against impulsive decisions or letting emotional turmoil dictate financial choices. It’s a sign to regain control, perhaps seek counsel, and approach monetary matters with a clear head and balanced perspective. Rushed investments, succumbing to financial pressures without proper evaluation, or letting insecurities drive one’s financial decisions are pitfalls to watch out for.

The essence of the Strength card, even in reversal, is resilience. It’s a reminder that setbacks are temporary, and with the right mindset and determination, one can regain balance, control, and direction in both career and finances.


Concerning health, the reversed Strength card might point to a period where one feels drained, both physically and mentally. There might be struggles with low vitality, lack of motivation, or even depressive tendencies. It could also signify denial or avoiding confronting certain health issues.

It’s important to remember that this card, even in its reversed state, encourages tapping into one’s inner reservoir of strength. Seeking support, whether from healthcare professionals or loved ones, can be instrumental in regaining health and vitality. It’s a call to be proactive, listen to one’s body, and prioritize self-care.

Overall, this card emphasizes the importance of mental well-being in influencing physical health. It suggests that emotional healing, stress management, and nurturing one’s mental space can significantly impact overall health and vitality.

Spiritual Interpretation

On a spiritual level, the reversed Strength card might indicate a period of spiritual doubt, disconnection, or feeling lost. The challenges and noise of the material world might be drowning out one’s spiritual voice, leading to feelings of disconnection or being adrift.

However, every spiritual journey has its valleys and peaks. Such periods of doubt and questioning are often precursors to profound spiritual awakenings. The card serves as a reminder to go within, seek solace in silence, and reconnect with one’s higher self. It might also be a nudge to seek spiritual guidance, be it through meditation, scripture, or spiritual mentors.

Strength and Manifesting


The Strength tarot card embodies the raw and gentle power of the human spirit. It speaks of inner resilience, courage, and the mastery of one’s own instincts. Tapping into the energy of the Strength card can be instrumental in manifestation practices. Here’s how you can use the Strength card for manifestation:

Intention Setting: Begin by clarifying what you want to manifest. It could be inner confidence, the courage to face a particular challenge, or the ability to harmonize your emotions and instincts. By honing in on a specific desire, you can channel the energy of the Strength card more effectively.

Visualization: Hold the Strength card in your hands or place it before you where you can see it. Close your eyes and visualize the imagery of the card – the calm woman taming the lion with gentleness and determination. Imagine yourself in her place, emanating that same calm power, channeling it towards your manifestation goal.

Affirmations: Using the Strength card as inspiration, craft a series of affirmations that align with your manifestation goals. For instance, if you’re aiming to foster inner resilience, you might repeat, “I am strong, centered, and unyielding in the face of adversity.” Speak these affirmations aloud with conviction while focusing on the card’s imagery.

Meditation: Engage in a meditative practice with the Strength card as your focal point. As you breathe deeply and center yourself, imagine the energy of the card merging with your own, infusing you with its power. Feel its strength seeping into every fiber of your being.

Journaling: Write down your feelings, desires, and intentions related to what you’re manifesting. Describe how the Strength card resonates with you and how its energy can assist in bringing your manifestation to life. This act of writing can solidify your intentions and make them more tangible.

Rituals: Incorporate the Strength card into any manifestation rituals or ceremonies you might perform. This could involve placing the card on an altar, lighting candles around it, or even carrying it with you throughout the day as a talisman.

Daily Reminders: Keep the Strength card somewhere you’ll see it every day, such as by your bedside, on your work desk, or even as a wallpaper on your phone. Let it serve as a daily reminder of your strength, purpose, and the energy you’re harnessing for your manifestation.

Remember, the key to using tarot cards, like Strength, for manifestation is intention. It’s not the card itself but the energy, focus, and intention behind your actions that catalyze the manifestation process. The Strength card acts as a powerful visual and energetic tool to guide and amplify these intentions.

Affirmations to use

  1. “I am a reservoir of boundless strength and resilience.”
  2. “With calmness and courage, I face every challenge that comes my way.”
  3. “My inner strength guides me, allowing me to master my emotions and instincts.”
  4. “I am in harmony with the universe, drawing power from my inner courage and determination.”
  5. “Every experience only adds to my inner fortitude, empowering me to rise above.”

To harness the potent energy of the Strength tarot card, begin by finding a peaceful space where you can sit comfortably, free from distractions. Hold the Strength card or visualize its imagery. As you breathe deeply, repeat each affirmation aloud or in your mind. Allow each word to resonate within, feeling its power and truth. Visualize yourself as the embodiment of the Strength card, taming challenges and harmonizing your inner energies. The more you use these affirmations, the more you’ll align with the card’s energy, cultivating inner resilience, courage, and mastery over your emotions and instincts. It’s essential to approach these affirmations with genuine belief and intent, allowing their energy to amplify your inner strength and harmony.